27-11-2005, 13:55
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Be The Envy of Your Friends
As we all know Christmas time and the party season is fast approaching and we have all had those awkward moments at the beginning of the evening when everyone wants to break the ice but none can make a move until the first drunk/rabblerouser has been thrown out.
Well now you won't have to waste half the evening in suspense as to who it will be!!!!!
Not with 'rent a fool'!
Yes with rent a fool we can supply you with just the type of idiot to help YOUR party get off to an early and succesful start
Yes with 'rent a fool' we can supply you with an idiot of your choice,
Your fool can be of any sex, size or colour, just choose one from our extensive range. Each one comes in their own easily recognised curry stained t-shirt with an obligatory roll-up to burn a hole in your new Suite/curtains/carpet.
'Rent a fool', are proud to offer you this service even if you don't actually want it. At sometime our highly trained representative will make a sudden appearance, all we ask is that you give him/her unrestricted access to the twiglets, You will scream with delight (well you'll scream anyway!), as he/she shows you how many peanuts he/she can throw into the air without one of them landing in his/her mouth.
This year however, DO NOT put tomatos on the ham sandwiches because they are guaranteed to be the first thing to stain your bathroom carpet when he/she goes looking for hughey.
Special Announcement!!!
'Rent a fool', is always willing to recruit new members to our vast and growing work force if you would like to be considered to join our elite band please post below, telling us a little about yourself and let us know how long it took for you to be the 'first drunk thrown out from the party'
Below are some of our examples:-
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
Last edited by Less; 27-11-2005 at 17:53.