Originally Posted by panther
they'll be banning that next... 
Yep.........Sex......dirty habit........makes your eyes water.
What is the future?
We will allow the people of Britain to indulge...once a month.
This will ensure the sustainability and keep the economy of the UK on an even keel.
We have banned smoking in pubs and managed to close a lot of establishments where the dirty habits were prevelent.
We have introduced the 20p tax to ensure that the working man no longer enjoys his pint and a fag.
We will continue to give thousands of pounds in Foreign Aid to support the likes of Robert Magabi........Because we like him?
We dont take Law and Order seriously....Policemen cost money.
We need more money to squander....We want to know 'how many children brush their teeth every day'?
Criminals....yeh we know who they are but if we arrest them some 'Mamby Pamby Magistrate will free them on bail......so what's the point?
Muggers, Burglers.......no problem....allow them to commit 100 offences and then send them to the 'Pokey'
Where the hell are we going wrong?