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03-02-2005, 17:42
Filthy / Gorgeous
Drunken Quiz
How big a p*** head are you. How many have these have you done while absolutely ratted. Answer honestly please.
Have you ever said "oh come on stay out for one more!!" ?
Have you ever fallen down whilst being a little drunk?
Ever tried inserting a condom/balloon up your nose and getting it out your mouth?
Have you ever made a Punch that was a little too strong?
Have you drunkenly snogged a pals burd/bloke ?
Ever Climbed a statue to place a traffic cone strategically on its head/body?
Ever made a pass at a friends parent when steamin?
Ever purchased a doner kebab?
Have you accidentally set fire to yourself or your flat when pished?
Injured yourself whilst drunkenly showing your 'moves'
Woke up after a party with no idea where you are?
Woke up semi naked after a party beside a complete stranger?
Snogged a good lookin babe/dude who turned out to be a dog
ever had a taxi driver refuse you entry for being too drunk ?
ever 'lost' your mates in a club only to find 'brand new' ones ?
Ever drunkenly told someone you "Really, really, REALLY love them"
Have you ever drunkenly insulted your boss/senior management
Ever split up with burd/bloke when drunk only to grovel the next day?
Have you ever woken up with sick in your hair
Have you ever been sick in a bed (not necessarily your own)
Woken up in a bath? Not necessarilly full
Do you take your cans back from the party that you haven’t drunk?
Have you ever drank on a bus?
Have you ever let slip a little wee in the bed when semi conscious or asleep?
Do you measure your wages in beer shillings?
Worn a pair of pants (don’t have to be yours) on your head for a "laff"
Created a big scene on a nite out to which you have no memory of the next day?
Ever "followed thru" (wet fart or worse) when particularly goosed?
spent your taxi/bus fare home on drinks and had to walk home?
Have you ever lusted after any type of animal when honking drunk (eg badger)?
Ever drank from a can or bottle at a party that has been used as an ashtray?
Have you ever shaved any of your hair off when tiddly?
Snogged a same sex friend "as a joke/for a laff" on a night out?
Came home minus a shoe from a party or night out?
Have you fell asleep "on the job"?
Mooned the police (posh folk that means baring your chuff at the filth)
Taken your top clothing off in a pub/club and paraded about bare chested?
Attempted to get your friend to unwittingly drink your urine?
Turned up to work absolutely incapable of speech/rational thought and mingin of drink?
Have you ever peed somewhere you assumed to be the toilet but wasn’t.
Hehehe, I know how many I've done and it's not pretty.... 
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
03-02-2005, 18:24
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Re: Drunken Quiz
Just two for me lettie.
03-02-2005, 18:30
Resident Waffler
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Re: Drunken Quiz
I've done one but I wasn't drunk.
03-02-2005, 18:38
I am Band
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Re: Drunken Quiz
Oh dear, Dear. There are some things that are a little too much information. What you don't know won't spoil the illusion.
I must admit that some of the questions I can honestly answer yes to, without involving drink. 
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!
Any ramblings, meanderings, thoughts or musings are mine and mine alone. Any opinions expressed are Lettie's!
03-02-2005, 19:17
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Drunken Quiz
AT LAST, a test that I've managed to get 100% at!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
03-02-2005, 19:30
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Drunken Quiz
Ladies please will you stop sending me P.M.'s I'm just not available!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
03-02-2005, 20:58
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Re: Drunken Quiz
Daren't say how many i've answered yes to, but it's less then 50%.
03-02-2005, 21:00
Beacon of light
Re: Drunken Quiz
Just one of those......was sick in my hair after drinking lethal Sangria that my dad made.......had one bottle of Brandy, Two bottles of Champagne and two bottles of red wine in it along with strawberries, peaches, cherries(fresh) and oranges......it tasted delicious and I thought it was fruit punch. Was very sick in the early hours of the morning......I remember trying to push a bit of peach down the shower plug hole......with no success. I was on holiday in Palafrugell at the time.
03-02-2005, 21:01
Beacon of light
Re: Drunken Quiz
I should have sussed really......it was made in a bucket and served with a soup ladle!
03-02-2005, 21:13
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Re: Drunken Quiz
LOL definately not going to put my total on ...quite embarrassing but I definately knew how to party
The most wasted day of all is that on which we have not laughed .......Sebastine Chamford
03-02-2005, 21:57
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Re: Drunken Quiz
03-02-2005, 22:11
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Re: Drunken Quiz
counted 22 but the beer is to blame
04-02-2005, 10:56
Resting in peace
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Re: Drunken Quiz
Will have to consider these carefully ...... HOWEVER, when first in London, I worked for an airline. We had a Christmas Party, with "fruit punch" (made by the Vice-President Yurrup). Apparently I danced on the table, but didn't knock anything over, made a pass at the elderly gay accountant, and remembered very little. The following day, someone who could speak asked our V-P what was in the punch. His answer? "You take 10 bottles of white wine, and four bottles of brandy an' mix 'em". But it was supposed to be fruit punch? He said "Oh yeah, you add a bottle of Cointreau".
04-02-2005, 11:06
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Re: Drunken Quiz
sounds like a good nite out.done nearlly all of them with very few exceptions.
04-02-2005, 12:29
God Member
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Re: Drunken Quiz
HA ha ha done quite a few of them and could probably add a few more lol!!!
Originally Posted by slinky
1 tequila, 2 tequila, 3 tequila FLOOR!!
And slinky showing us HER great moves and ends up sat in my Christmas tree
believe me this girl needs no encouragement! Here's to the next one slinky 
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