07-07-2013, 18:16
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DVLA releasing private information.
Recently when I was looking through the Governments online e.petitions I came across a petition (44858) concerning the DVLA selling vehicle owners private details to car parking companies. I personally feel that by releasing this information it could expose vulnerable individuals to potential predators.
It read as follows:- "The government should stop the DVLA selling our vehicle information to private parking companies (PC’s) like Civil Enforcement Ltd who fine motorists with extortionate fee's (£75 fee within 14 days or £150 after) and threaten you with debt collectors and further fee’s. Further to this, DVLA could be encouraging theft by selling the location of some rare and desirable vehicles". Considering that many, if not all these car parking companies are self regulated, what guarantee have the public got that some unscrupulous individual is not going abuse the system? In my opinion it needs to be stopped.