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Old 09-03-2005, 16:49   #16
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Re: Easter Present

Originally Posted by garinda
That's so sick!

l'll take two.
[Perhaps they'll show you on Blue Peter how to make a hill out of papier mache.]
Tut tut tut...... you are such a bad influence
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Old 09-03-2005, 17:35   #17
God Member

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Re: Easter Present

Never mind.....looks like they are teaching something similar in schools now:

From Tonights Telegraph:
'God-racing' classes alert for teachers

AN education boss has advised schools not to run religious workshops which encourage children to make their own gods and race them in remote-controlled cars.

The warning comes after St John's with St Augustine's C of E Primary School, Accrington, was caught up in controversy surrounding the man behind the courses -- Nelson artist Anthony Padgett.

Thirty-five children at the school took part in activities that included creating their own gods, racing them on remote controlled cars which were rigged not to allow a winner, dressing as religious leaders and taking part in a quiz.

They also looked at idols from different religions in a theatre setting called Divinityland, which Mr Padgett said formed part of the artistic content of the work he does.

But the Rev Peter Ballard, director of education for the Diocese of Blackburn, said he would advise schools not to run the workshops which combine art and religious studies.

He said: "The school, like all schools, was trying to do something innovative with the curriculum. Perhaps some of the issues didn't quite come off.

"He took a particular line which led to some unfortunate expressions of beliefs in God.

"He was trying to inspire them to look at God in different ways.

"But it was not necessarily completely in keeping with the way we would teach RE in a church school.

"I don't have any powers to stop it happening but I don't think I would be happy if it were done in other Church of England schools."

Mr Ballard admitted that there had been no complaints from parents about the workshop.

Anthony, 36, who taught religious education in the 1990s, said: "The work encourages children to look at the split between different religions and to look for positive ways forward instead of treating God as exclusive and separate.

"It was about the energy and enthusiasm children can bring to looking at religion and making it relevant to their lives."

He urged Mr Ballard to see the work before making a judgement about whether it should be allowed in other church schools.

Anthony, who describes his own religious beliefs as being a mixture between Quaker, Unitarian and Jewish, added: "If you teach Islam you are contradicting Christian teachings, but this was done in the context of a liberal educational tradition."

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Old 09-03-2005, 17:42   #18
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Re: Easter Present

My God lets me do what I want and never critises me and she let me write this as well. and she made me put a smiley in just in case some one thought it offensive..........

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Old 09-03-2005, 18:19   #19
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Re: Easter Present

I put this on as a joke, i thought it was pretty tasteless but at the same time funny.
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Old 09-03-2005, 18:32   #20


Re: Easter Present

And that how it was taken Janet, but having the right to disagree or take a different perspective on the issue shouldn’t attract ill comment or undue disapproval. It is tasteless and for some it would be very amusing. For me and, I’m “not” a Christian it wasn’t. I just wish that people would either sign their name when deducting one’s karma so that one can at least know who one as upset or better still make their comments clear in the post. We all see things differently, I haven’t retaliated because someone disagrees and I haven’t attack you or anyone else for finding it funny. I have great respect you Janet, I always will.

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Old 09-03-2005, 19:29   #21
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Re: Easter Present

I just wish that people would either sign their name when deducting one’s karma so that one can at least know who one as upset or better still make their comments clear in the post.

Couldnt agree more im banned off aol at the moment as someone kept complainign about my message board posts . All they need to do was email me yet through being the miserable cowards they are im now banned and dont know who theya re
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Old 09-03-2005, 20:13   #22

fireman's Avatar

Re: Easter Present

Offensive and sick.
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Old 09-03-2005, 21:28   #23
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Re: Easter Present

i actually find them disgusting, & in very poor taste.
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 09-03-2005, 21:40   #24
Full Member

Re: Easter Present


Originally Posted by janet
Who is going to be the first to buy one of these.

click here
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Old 09-03-2005, 23:52   #25
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Re: Easter Present

This is on the same site quite funny, starts off a bit annoying but picks up towards the end
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Old 10-03-2005, 00:37   #26
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Re: Easter Present

That last one is just a bit foolish and pointless to me but I do find the first one offensive probably because it makes a mockery of the crucifixion whereas the latter merely makes the performer look stupid.
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Old 11-03-2005, 13:50   #27
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Easter Present

09-03-2005 14:49 - What are you on about, that was a ****take advert posted for fun!!

Originally Posted by Doug
Well, well look what happed again. Opinion and free speech abound on this web site. It doesn’t matter if people take the **** or offend those who hold their beliefs dear to them. No Asehole number one as got express him/herself and take way Karma points for a post that give an view not consistent with there own. Get a grip of yourself and in future read the bloody post properly before you act. I have acknowledged the post was in fun. Idiot.
09-03-2005 16:51 humour is good, what happened to dougs

Well Doug, I don't know if it was the same person that took your karma then gave me some, but they do say that the Lord giveth & the Lord taketh away, MAYBE who-ever did it doesn't need to be named, his/her/it's ways have always been a mystery.
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Old 11-03-2005, 14:02   #28


Re: Easter Present

I was having a bad day alright. "I’m well aware who took it, both of them. But that doesn’t matter". My point was, that I found it offensive and I’m not what you would call a Christian. Not only that a number of others found it tasteless and offensive also, so in that respect I rest my case. I may have gone on about a bit more than the others, but thats the way I am and I won’t apologise for that. What would impress me less is, if people used the post to register their displeasure instead of hiding behind the karma system.

On - Stanley – On
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Last edited by Doug; 11-03-2005 at 14:04.
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