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Old 02-11-2007, 14:08   #1
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Emily Booted Off The X Factor

Emily has been booted off the X Factor for this:

X Factor finalist | Emily Nakanda | Shock video beating | The Sun |HomePage|Showbiz|TV|X Factor

And rightly so IMO!
ITV are expected to announce it this afternoon.

What does everyone else think? Does she deserve to loose her place in the comp??
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Old 02-11-2007, 14:14   #2
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

I can't even watch that all the way through, I hate violence. She most certainly should lose her place IMO. What sort of message will the kids be getting if she isn't booted off the show after this? I think her behaviour is disgusting.
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Old 02-11-2007, 14:25   #3
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

Quite awful however i dont think she should be booted. Everyone should get another chnace even if it is the second time shes done this. I think she should sing on Saturday and she will deffinatly go if the public dont like her and if she doesnt its because shes a good singer. However thats my opinion

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Old 02-11-2007, 14:26   #4
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

Looks like she is just a violent little thug. I do think the timing of the release of this story is wrong though. I think it would have been more fitting to say nothing to the public, contact the authorities contact the TV company and publicly humiliate her on Saturday night live on the show.
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Old 02-11-2007, 14:36   #5
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

Sorry FC Stanley got to disagree with you on this lots of young kids tune into the show and this clip will be well circulated among morons who get a kick out of watching this sort of thing. What sort of message will they get if she is allowed to stay? They are being told that it is okay to act like that if nothing is done about it IMO.
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Old 02-11-2007, 14:47   #6
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

Well its official now heres the ITV Statement:

In light of the stories in the press this week regarding Emily Nakanda please find below our statement:

Show spokeswoman said:
"In response to the stories in the papers this week regarding Emily Nakanda we have conducted our own investigations into the matter and we can confirm that she has chosen to withdraw herself from the competition with immediate effect." Speaking on behalf of Emily, Louis Friberg, Emily's Mother said, "As a family we are heartbroken and are very disappointed with Emily's behaviour, we feel that there is no choice but to withdraw Emily from the competition. Emily and all the family sincerely apologise to both Anna, her school and all the fans that have supported Emily. Emily regrets her actions but there is no way, as a family, we can excuse her behaviour. Emily is very sorry to have let the show, Sharon and the viewers down."
Sharon Osbourne, Emily's mentor on the show said today: "I am deeply saddened by this whole situation."

Please note that this will not effect the voting on the show this Saturday and one act will still leave the competition.

Its only right, could you imagined if they'd let her get away with it and kept her on what sort of message would that be sending out. Oh don't worry if your a thug and bully you can still be rich and famous. I don't think so!! I'm totally with Bernie on this one!
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Old 02-11-2007, 15:19   #7
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Sorry FC Stanley got to disagree with you on this lots of young kids tune into the show and this clip will be well circulated among morons who get a kick out of watching this sort of thing. What sort of message will they get if she is allowed to stay? They are being told that it is okay to act like that if nothing is done about it IMO.
Thinking about it that way i agree with you on that! I apolgise about not even thinking of that! It would be really bad if what you said happened. I just thought that a bad talent is going to waste really and she could have another chance. Could she actually do anything about this to say sorry to the British public?

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Old 02-11-2007, 15:31   #8
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

Originally Posted by fc:stanley View Post
Thinking about it that way i agree with you on that! I apolgise about not even thinking of that! It would be really bad if what you said happened. I just thought that a bad talent is going to waste really and she could have another chance. Could she actually do anything about this to say sorry to the British public?
No. .
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Old 02-11-2007, 15:35   #9
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

Originally Posted by fc:stanley View Post
Could she actually do anything about this to say sorry to the British public?

Not only should she apologise anyway but the police should also do their job. The evidence is under their noses
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Old 02-11-2007, 15:38   #10
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

Yes have to agree with Jae there isnt really. To be honest after what bernadette said ive changed my mind she should be booted of really. Real shame i thought she was quite good.

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Old 02-11-2007, 15:51   #11
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

Just don't think we can be seen to condone this sort of behaviour. I don't watch the show but really think the message has to be sent out loud and clear this sort of thing will not be tolerated.
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Old 02-11-2007, 17:14   #12
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

Think the shows producers have done the right thing. And as lancsdave says the police should prosacute. But even with all the evidence the CPS will probably say they haven't got enough evidence. Don't know how much they need but surely the video is more than enough.

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Old 02-11-2007, 17:46   #13
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

I know it's a bit of a thread wander (sorry) but did anybody see Amy Whinhouse (or whatever she is called) getting that award from MTV? She was as high as the proverbial kite. Don't think these people are setting a very good example to the young people who listen to their music!!!
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Old 02-11-2007, 18:11   #14
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

I think its right that shes gone. If they said ok its in the past are you going to do it again - she will of course say no she would want to stay on xfactor but what will it say to all the kids and teenagers out there - its ok to beat someone up and go on xfactor. Also think this is something to do with you tube - all the kids want to be on there and something like this will get everyone talking about them. So theyre 'famous' for 5 mins.
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 02-11-2007, 19:17   #15
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Re: Emily Booted Off The X Factor

Originally Posted by Lolly View Post

What does everyone else think? Does she deserve to loose her place in the comp??
This is what I think: we should get this show, Celebrity Come Dancing, Big Brother and all other similar rubbish off our television screens as soon as possible.

Many years ago, British TV was the envy of the world. We did not have much of it, but the quality was the best. I can't put an exact date on it, but for a long time it has been going steeply downhill - probably coinciding with the increasing role of women at places like the BBC. Remember when BBC news had an international reputation? All we needed was one impartial newscaster and that was it.Not now. What we get on all the news programmes is a bloke to read one half of the news and then some overpaid bimbo to read alternative lines. For what purpose? But it's worse. Is the news impartial anymore? Is it hell...they may as well be reading the editorial from that morning's Guardian or Independant or any other similar liberal do-gooding thrash.

Outside the news programmes, what do we get? Yet more celebrity nonsense, involving house making, antiques, stupid soap, idiotic reality shows, shopping and ahatever other garbage you care to name, 24 hours a day. Quite honestly, we should shut the lot down between the hours of 11pm and 6PM and bring back the test card; at least that is interesting to look at.
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