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Old 21-06-2008, 22:05   #76
Resident Waffler

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Re: Everyone

Why did you have two threads deleted Rindy? What terrible things have you been getting up to?

I tend to agree with you about thread wandering, it's like normal conversations going off at a tangent. We do eventually seem to wander back to the main topic again.

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Old 21-06-2008, 22:10   #77
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Everyone

Off topic? What is wrong with that? I've been involved in conversations (in real life) that have gone from, for example, Mao Tse Tung to the merits of Chocolate Hob-Nobs quite naturally. Sorry, moderators, but if you delete posts simply because someone complains they are "off topic" you are denying the vagaries of normal conversation.

This is Accyweb not the Oxford Union. People come on this forum to talk to each other, exchange views and "chew the fat". Sometimes they stray from the original theme - that's life. Common sense should prevail.

Incidentally I have never reported a post and I never will. Having said all that - it's only a website, for God's sake, I sometimes think it takes too much precedence in some people's lives.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 21-06-2008, 23:00   #78
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Re: Everyone

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
Why did you have two threads deleted Rindy? What terrible things have you been getting up to?

I tend to agree with you about thread wandering, it's like normal conversations going off at a tangent. We do eventually seem to wander back to the main topic again.
One was the rude banana smilies, the other I can't remember.

Both should have been pm's, not threads though.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 22-06-2008, 00:37   #79
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Re: Everyone

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
Off topic? What is wrong with that? I've been involved in conversations (in real life) that have gone from, for example, Mao Tse Tung to the merits of Chocolate Hob-Nobs quite naturally. Sorry, moderators, but if you delete posts simply because someone complains they are "off topic" you are denying the vagaries of normal conversation.

This is Accyweb not the Oxford Union. People come on this forum to talk to each other, exchange views and "chew the fat". Sometimes they stray from the original theme - that's life. Common sense should prevail.

Incidentally I have never reported a post and I never will. Having said all that - it's only a website, for God's sake, I sometimes think it takes too much precedence in some people's lives.
Well for a start, in the general Chat forums nobody really wants to have to wade through a whole load of off topic chats just to be able to read what somebody else thinks about a particular subject and believe me, we have had many complaints about this in the past and now we are receiving the opposite.
In the anything goes forums, this isn’t really problem, so you can hijack all you like, but if someone complains ‘maybe the thread starter’ then we’ll even clean that up.

It’s all well and good going off topic in real life discussions because fresh air is free and once said, it’s gone but here at accyweb some poor sod is having to pay to have all the off topic chats saved.
If push ever came to shove ‘god forbid’ and Roy couldn’t afford a bigger sever then he has always the option of wiping out the anything goes forums which would in effect give us more server space thus allowing him to keep the decent serious discussion forums for everyone to enjoy. So if you want to have a wily nily chit chat then please use the chatroom, that’s why it’s there.

Out of curiosity, how many posts does everyone thing we should let the off topic chats go on for? 5,10, 50, 100 posts and what happens when we reach that limit? Should we remove all posts above that limit or should we delete the lot 'and then have everyone complain'? Better to nip it in the bud before things get out of hand but to do that, we need everyone’s help.
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Old 22-06-2008, 00:46   #80
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Re: Everyone

I must say that being a Mod sounds like hard work in that you can sort out one problem for 1 person and then someone else will complain that you haven't helped them but at the end of the day this chat about deleting posts is a thread wander within the topic of why Jen has left

I'm not complaning tho as it is something that has lead to someone leaving

I like Jens' in put and will miss her postings and just hope that she will rejoin sooner rather than later
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Old 22-06-2008, 00:53   #81
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Re: Everyone

Originally Posted by Len View Post
If push ever came to shove ‘god forbid’ and Roy couldn’t afford a bigger sever then he has always the option of wiping out the anything goes forums which would in effect give us more server space thus allowing him to keep the decent serious discussion forums for everyone to enjoy. So if you want to have a wily nily chit chat then please use the chatroom, that’s why it’s there.
I must admit I'm confused again now. On the one hand you seem to be saying that the more posts we make the more of an inconvenience it is for Roy because the more expensive it is for him to host them, and yet not long ago we were celebrating the fact that we were in the top forums for activity.

So which is best? Lots of active threads and a popular forum, or keeping it short, tight and to the point and slipping into obscurity?

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Old 22-06-2008, 01:16   #82
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Re: Everyone

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I must admit I'm confused again now. On the one hand you seem to be saying that the more posts we make the more of an inconvenience it is for Roy because the more expensive it is for him to host them, and yet not long ago we were celebrating the fact that we were in the top forums for activity.

So which is best? Lots of active threads and a popular forum, or keeping it short, tight and to the point and slipping into obscurity?
Sorry willow, didn’t mean that to happen. I am probably totally wrong and maybe I shouldn’t have said anything, Roy is probably a multi millionaire and I was presuming that one day that push may come to shove. Best person to ask is Roy.

See this thread.
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Old 22-06-2008, 01:17   #83
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Re: Everyone

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I must admit I'm confused again now. On the one hand you seem to be saying that the more posts we make the more of an inconvenience it is for Roy because the more expensive it is for him to host them, and yet not long ago we were celebrating the fact that we were in the top forums for activity.

So which is best? Lots of active threads and a popular forum, or keeping it short, tight and to the point and slipping into obscurity?
yeh aint kidding its as clear as mud.summats not right here i'm gonna take a break meself.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 22-06-2008, 01:20   #84
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Re: Everyone

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
yeh aint kidding its as clear as mud.summats not right here i'm gonna take a break meself.
2 good members down!!!

any more??

Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 22-06-2008, 01:23   #85
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Re: Everyone

People are entitled to take a break, leave, whatever.

Personally I'm staying, as I think it's a good forum, and by leaving it just means you don't have a voice, yet those who demand attention still retain one.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 22-06-2008, 01:48   #86
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Re: Everyone

It will be a sad loss, if Jen dosent come back ,Its never been the same without Tinks, and now Jens going too...
Not a full brick
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Old 22-06-2008, 02:53   #87

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Re: Everyone

I don't really care if my posts/threads are deleted. I come here for fun and I wont die if a few off thread or iffy posts disappear. To be honest I don't even think I would notice if my posts had been deleted. I have had pm's telling me I have had things removed but I bet a damn site more have gone without me noticing.

I don't for one minute think anything funny is going on with our mods.
If people think there is and feel they need to leave then thats up to them.

I see rule bending all the time and think the mods are very sensible about what they do and do not allow.

(except for one person who needed banning ages ago )
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Old 22-06-2008, 06:43   #88
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Re: Everyone

willow i may have given it you because of the cousins thing, i couldnt for the life in me think which thread you where asking me to remember till slinks mentioned it
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Old 22-06-2008, 07:50   #89
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Re: Everyone

Ah Len told me about the cousins thing because he was merging in bits from the other thread which had been closed. Maybe that was it. You see I never noticed but something else must have bumped my Karma up enough to change my rep power which was when I went looking to see who had given me karma so I could thank them.

Last edited by Len; 22-06-2008 at 10:22. Reason: oops, Pressed the wrong button. pm sent
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Old 22-06-2008, 08:33   #90
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Re: Everyone

I think the Mods do a fine job and it can't be easy. You go away for an hour, come back and some threads have wandered all over the place - I'd hate to have to wade through them all and untangle them so well done chaps.

I have complained in the past about posts - mostly spam but a few that I have thought were overly abusive or agressive (not necessarily directed to me either). I've done this because if i were a mod I would have deleted them so I'm bringing them to the Mods attention - if they choose not to delete them i wouldn't lose sleep.

Sometimes threads do get out of hand with one or more getting abusive or angry to each other and in my opinion, I think some of them should be nipped in the bud much sooner then they won't get completely out of hand and people won't feel the need to leave. Perhaps, we should stop being afraid to use the report button and instead of wading into the thread to help a mate which let's face it, usually makes things worse, just report it and walk away. Some people thrive on arguments and it completely stop them if no one bothered to actually take them on!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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