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Old 05-10-2009, 09:15   #226
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
we are a dying breed.
Is this because of age or some type of fatal disease? If it's the latter there may be a vaccination that can help.

(Sorry couldn't resist).
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Accrington Web
Old 05-10-2009, 10:22   #227
Resting in Peace

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Re: Forced Vaccinations

I do agree that we should encourage our children to hold themselves back on sexual activity, (not just your personal thoughts Margaret) just feel quite an almost impossible task in this day and age. Can't see that many men either would be virgins on their wedding day can you ?

Agree cervical cancer is lower in Jewish women, does still happen though ... and no concrete proof as yet due to circumcision .. other theories being worked on due to genes, etc. Otherwise ... mandatory circumcision should be demanded. Wonder what take Life has on that ?
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Old 05-10-2009, 10:31   #228
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Otherwise ... mandatory circumcision should be demanded. Wonder what take Life has on that ?
Don't worry, he will be on with a theory about it that will save his skin!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 05-10-2009, 10:48   #229
Beacon of light

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Re: Forced Vaccinations

The incidence in Jewish women is very low........and it IS considered to be due to the effect of circumcision.......sorry if anyone considers this rude, but there is no foreskin for the virus to lurk under, and also Jewish hygiene is rigorous after sexual activity.

Less, we are a dying breed due to age......though I reckon there might be a good few years in me yet.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 05-10-2009, 20:59   #230
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

I don't really give one about what he has to say, my daughter, my choice, I asked healthcare professionals and I made my mind up. Same as I would for any other vaccines, I do what I think is best. Beyond the pale anyway as I now work for Capita, and am enjoying it immensely!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 06-10-2009, 03:37   #231
Resting in Peace
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

I've actually had a look at some of the links get-a-life has posted, what a bunch of total fruit cakes
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:27   #232
I am Banned

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Hi All.


Margaret as I remember, it was you who sent me a message claiming to be my Allie, allies not required when the truth speaks for itself, and by the way it is not my truth this comes from medical experts and all those medical books I am not supposed to have but a concerned doctor gave them to me many years ago as I began my journey of exposure. Trouble is 99% of all medical staff are terrified to speak out, it is in the main doctors who have retired or have a private practice that speak the truth....Money Money Money.

Sorry to disappoint you all but the fact remains that more women in Israel get cancer than in Europe :

More women diagnosed with cancer in Israel than in Europe

By Dan Even
Source : HAARETZ

Israel's health ranking is dropping compared to those of developed European nations, the Israel Medical Association said yesterday.

Israel lags behind the European average in disease prevention, and has a noticeable lack of hospital beds and staff, it said.

The IMA used a new scale to rate several aspects of healthcare. Advertisement

In preventative medicine Israel scored 62 points out of 100 in 2007, down from 72 in 2005.

In 2007, 37 out of every 100,000 people caught whooping cough in Israel, far beyond the European average of 9 per 100,000. The measles infection rate in Israel was 7.5 out of 100,000.

Israel ranks comparatively high in childhood vaccinations, except for whooping cough, with 73 out of 100 points.

In medical infrastructure, measured by numbers of staff and beds, Israel ranked only 29 out of 100, in the bottom third of the 15 European states examined. The new data indicates the ratio of physicians and nurses compared to the population at large is continuing to decline, as the ratio of hospital beds and pharmacists increases.

Israel ranks well beyond Europe in terms of the number of new female cancer patients per year, with 290 diagnoses for every 100,000 people, compared to 179 on average in Europe. The cancer diagnosis rate for men is on par with the European average, but it has been rising steadily since 2005. Infant mortality rates and smoking rates are both lower than European rates.

The new analysis indicates considerable gaps between Israel's rich and poor, with the lack of hospital beds felt particularly in the periphery. The same gaps were noticeable in the ratio of operating rooms, with 3.4 rooms per 100,000 people in the south of the country and 3.7 in the north, but 8.7 per 100,000 people in Jerusalem. The study also found a connection between economic status and infant mortality rates, asthma and diabetes.

Overall, Israel received a rating of 50 out of 100, placing in the middle of the European scale. However, the IMA said that if the decline continues at this rate, Israel may find itself in the bottom third of the European scale by 2015.

The new information was released ahead of the IMA's general convention this week and its leadership elections, set for tomorrow. It was based on information collected by several medical organizations and institutions, which was then compared to information received from 15 developed European states, including Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Finland.

IMA chairman Dr. Yoram Balshar said he hopes the findings will "sound the alarm for the decision makers. Every decision made on treating such problems takes years to carry out, and the sooner they begin, the better."

More women diagnosed with cancer in Israel than in Europe - Haaretz - Israel News

More :


Pilot Study of Prevalence of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Genotypes in Israeli Jewish Women Referred for Colposcopic Examination

__________________________________________________ ______________

Vaccinations H1N1 :

Management in Practice - Swine flu prompts changes to Mental Health Act

Evidence of Thimerosal, H1N1 Virus in Seasonal Vaccination

Daycare Worker Told She’ll Be Fired For Refusing Mandatory Flu Shot

UK Children Brainwashed into MMR Vaccine Support Through Manipulation of Academic Exams

Health | State lifts limit on mercury preservative in swine-flu shots | Seattle Times Newspaper

former vaccine development scientist speaks out on the dangers and ineffectuality of vaccination

Welcome To Vaccine Awareness Network

Supermarket Bloody Vax Campaign Pushes ObamaCare

Most parents won't have kids get H1N1 flu shots, study finds --

A Glimpse into the Scary World o

BBC NEWS | Health | Schoolgirl dies after cancer jab

VIDEO: Vaccine Nation

Still Not Convinced HIV Is Bogus? by James Foye

Cervical cancer vaccine continues killing young girls like Natalie Morton; is pathology report a pharma cover-up? (opinion) by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Canada will protect swine flu vaccine maker from lawsuits -

Poll: Nearly 2/3 of U.S. parents won't vaccinate their children against H1N1

I know full well the truth relating to a womans weakness would upset a few, but facts are facts and the very reason the family has been demolished over the last 40 years was to remove the protection of the male from the family unit so the elite can tax the other half, vaccinate, thrust children into child centers for state indoctrination, ensure children have TV in their bedroom to watch all the sex on tv so the same elites can blame the parent (single mothers) for the rise in teenage pregnancies.

Watch the following video to understand who funded womens lib and why, it is in the last section of the video :

O yes I do mean weakness.

If one wishes to have children they had better make sure they choose the correct partner, or responsible you are not, a good parent never!

If one cannot understand that children grow to become the product of their upbringing, then one is below parr, especially so if one feels removing the father ...because you can... is beneficial to the soul of the child.

you live in a give up mindset, if the tv says it is ok then you follow like little sheep, if it is on corrie then it is the new gospel of god...

Yes I can see Accrington is overwhelmingly peopled by thinking minds, not.

Interesting that one said my children are not ill because yours are vaccinated...... My children are not ill because i allowed their immune system to build by allowing all normal illness to play its course thus building the immune system to fight all other illness.

I have just had the flu over the weekend, no fuss, no bother, and no vaccination, just plenty of lemon tea. I am fine today which is the usual thing with the flu, you seem to have very short memories and a addiction to everything that pours out from the medical operatives mouths. So take responsibility for your actions, and if your children get cancer or any other fatal disease face the fact it is a long term effect of the vaccinations you gave when they were children, i think it is called infanticide.

As a parent I take full responsibility fore my children's health and well being, i will not hand over that god given right to the state, especially one controlled by Nazis.

What you all need to understand today is that what happened in Germany in the 1930's, was an attack, one which the German people could not see coming until it was too are falling for the very same, so you should realise you are no better than the Germans of their time, they did not see it you do not see it, but the terrible thing today is the fact you do not want to see it, that is unforgivable, that is weakness....and you are that weakness.
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:33   #233
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Forced Vaccinations

Life I have never sent you a message of that sort.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:42   #234
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Life, I have checked through all of my sent PM's right up to June, and No message was sent to you...please do not misrepresent me in this manner......I do not appreciate it.
I have my own views which are in no way similar to yours.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:45   #235
I am Banned

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Hi All.

Cancer is so rife today because they have learned how to create it in the lab, then spread it across the globe, Depleted Uranium is one of the main causes of genetic disorders. All weapons fired in Iraq _ Afghanistan have depleted uranium in them and it takes only a few hours for all that uranium to reach England :

I was never a religious man, but the Bible does indeed speak of what the demon will carry forth should man not heed the warnings....we have not headed the warnings...we are at the mercy of technology which has been weaponised, right down to your light bulbs which if you use the energy saving ones have masses of mercury within them, HAARP uses this mercury.

The smoke detectors give off radiation, and of course the fire service pushes you all to put them close to your children's bedroom. Radiation kills living cells, it changes DNA.

Full study here :


Time to awaken to the 666 grid or die.
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:46   #236
I am Banned

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Hi All.
sorry wrong margaret....
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:51   #237
I am Banned

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Hi All.

Jay, just looking at your piccy leaves me rather perplexed that you feel I am the fruitcake....overweight, full of medication.....would you like to re-think!

If you cannot comprehend the information within the links then perhaps the medication is responsible, for i am sure you did receive an education long ago...
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:58   #238
Beacon of light

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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Thank you for the apology.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 06-10-2009, 11:05   #239
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

This is what I said early in this thread.
Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
It is all part of the anger phase.
He feels threatened by unfolding events and wants to retaliate, and needs to 'recruit' more people to his way of thinking in order to succeed.

Many people think as he does - some just lack finesse in explaining themselves. That does not mean he is to be ridiculed or derided for it.

In some ways he thinks he is doing mankind a favour in broadcasting it.
That is his ego showing - and we all have one of those if we would only admit it
I sent a PM advising him to tone it down.

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Old 06-10-2009, 14:24   #240
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Life Interesting that one said my children are not ill because yours are vaccinated...... My children are not ill because i allowed their immune system to build by allowing all normal illness to play its course thus building the immune system to fight all other illness.
An interesting theory if I may say but none the less a flawed one. The diseases you say your children are immune to are virtually non-exsistent these days due to other parents having their children vaccinated against them. If for example we had an epidemic of say measles or whooping cough then your theory could perhaps be put to the test but until then you can't claim to know for sure that your children are immune to childhood diseases.
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