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24-10-2009, 08:35
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Originally Posted by Neil
We did a lot of research into MMR a few years ago and did not give it when they wanted us to.
And that is fine and your perogative as parents but are you agreeing with the statement that Life made or not? If we as parents without the hindsight of tinternet had our children vaccinated and they then go on to develop cancer that is our fault??? And how would things have panned out if every parent had refused( their right of course) the MMR vaccination?
24-10-2009, 09:04
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
If you feel like an idiot that comes from within, it has no bearing on my information.
20 years ago all parents took full responsibility for their children, in every facet of the child's wellbeing, today many parents have given up that responsibility to the TV, which is the mouthpiece for the banking elite.
The vaccinations are proven to be unfit for health on all counts, parents who do not go out of their way to verify or not , are lacking in parental responsibility.
Three deaths in Sweden, one in Hungary, thousands of terrible side effects by those who have taken the vaccine. if this is not enough to create a response in parents then they are not acting responsibly.
Doctors are exempt from administering the vaccination I think in Sweden, due to the fact they would be legally responsible for any side effects, so they get the nurses to administer the vaccine, that speaks volumes.
Many people are alert to the dangers and as already stated by one member, they did not MMR vaccinate their children, but many are not alert, they are my target group, they need to waken to the reality.
If parents are the natural protectors of their children, then it is their duty to know exactly what the consequences are to vaccinating your child, just as it is your duty to know what is going on in the schools...but many do not, that is not acceptable human behaviour it is the bahaviour of a slave.
I am not telling you what you are, I am presenting the facts, if you feel uncomfortable that is a personal feeling, I did not put it there, it came from within you.
The page has been updated again :
UK : Elite Drill In Preventing Schools From Releasing Children From School ? » Lifeinthemixtalk.com
24-10-2009, 09:39
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Amd once again I will ask you that if ALL parents opted out of these vaccinations would you feel so secure that your childrens lifes would be safe??? If MMR were as rife as they have been in the past would your childrens health have been secure without these vaccines? The answer I suspect is a resounding "NO", maybe your childrens life is protected because other parents opted for the vaccination!!!
24-10-2009, 10:15
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
The Sports Centre is a designated evacuation centre. There are others around the borough, the purpose being that should homes need to be evacuated i.e. flood, fire, chemical leak, there is a pre arranged procedure and somewhere to take them.
Presumably the Sports Centre is the nearest to the area that needed to be evacuated. I really don't think there is anything of suspicion in that - it makes sense to have some sort of procedure to follow.
The Civic Theatre is the designated evacuation point in Oswaldtwistle should something like this have happened in this area. I know this because we are having to discuss other alternative arrangements for evacuation of the area during the refurbishment of the theatre next year. (And by this I do not mean that they are planning a full scale evacuation of Oswaldtwistle some time next year - I mean that should their be a need to evacuate i.e. flood, fire etc, that alternative arrangements are in place).
Imagine the alternative, the river bursts its banks during a flood and thirty homes are waterlogged. Where would you expect those families to go to? Not everyone would have friends and family in neighbouring towns to turn to. There is a predesignated point to take families to where they can be checked by medics and ensured that everyone is safe and accounted for - what if a child from one of those houses was missing?
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
Last edited by Gayle; 24-10-2009 at 10:22.
24-10-2009, 10:37
I am Banned
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Gayle you are almost there....
The next and profound question you need to contemplate is :
"why all of a sudden do we need designated evacuation areas"
Once pondered with seriousness, the next question is :
"What are they preparing for"
Red Cross on hand immediately???
Fire brigade did not think to ask the driver what he was carrying???
Third world scenarios come to mind, war is on its way, yet they seem to have no interest in preventing the war...WHY?
In London all traffic wardens, RSPCA, RAC, private security, pcso's, have all received special cards which give them the powers of the police, forced entry into your home or business, and the power to remove you and any goods deemed necessary.
Why All This Change To Our Society?
What has happened to British people that they allow this to continue, and worse protect it??
It is called existing under the energy of fear, which makes people very easy to control.
All terrorist groups such as Al Qeada, Hamas, Taliban and all others are paid up mercenary forces of the CIA-MI6.
That means all terrorism thus far carried out has been so by our own intelligence agencies, 911, 77, Madrid etc.
This being the case then the fight we have on our hands is not with some phantom Muslim group, because any Muslim group killing are doing it on the orders of CIA-MI6, the real enemy is the state and its corporate divisions better known as SS divisions.
Everything going on today in the western world is a carbon copy of the politic played out under Hitler. yes todays representations of the Nazi do not wear arm bands, or have mass rallies, why would they they have the TV to mass communicate the story... but it is the same force in todays attire, with the very same agenda.
last April as Gordon Brown announced he wanted a new global world order, the government website also had the proposed logo for this new body, can you guess what it was??
I and others immediately jumped on the thing and spread it across the media....the logo disappeared, but we had already done the damage.
here is the logo :
Just scroll down the page until you see a very familiar symbol on your left...
24-10-2009, 10:38
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Forced Vaccinations
Originally Posted by MargaretR
PS.....after PM consultation with Less
Margaret that is a lie, I may talk to other members on the P.M. system, (as any member can), but you are now accusing me and others of something that has not or will not happen, I think your paranoia is now going too far in my direction!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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24-10-2009, 10:50
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Gayle in answer to :
Imagine the alternative, the river bursts its banks during a flood and thirty homes are waterlogged. Where would you expect those families to go to? Not everyone would have friends and family in neighbouring towns to turn to. There is a predesignated point to take families to where they can be checked by medics and ensured that everyone is safe and accounted for - what if a child from one of those houses was missing?
This is NLP at work, a constant projection of fear into the future, the police do it, everyone does it.
The last time the police came into my world the Sargent was forever presenting possible future scenarios, I stopped him in his tracks and said I would continue conversation with him only when he stopped dealing in fantasy and we discussed the topic at hand,
he did not like this and tried to continue, I again chastised him for fantasy projection and insisted he cease and deal in the facts as they have happened.
Programming like this has gone on for a long time, but taking a big leap from 1997 and the entrance of the Fascist Communist New Labour ideology, this is not a political point because we have always existed under a one party state, the Crown controls all political parties which is why no matter which party is in power, the same agenda continues.
The people are programmed for division right down to the footy team you support, even to the brand of burger you take your children too.
Big Mac or Burger king, it only presents the idea of competition, both are controlled by the same corporate entities, the same with all brands and including the supermarkets.
It is the idea of division we need to address, thus the deception falls apart, you can see the real players in all this.
So it is never my point to present the idea any of you are idiots, I am pointing out how Neural Linguistic Programming has worked itself into everything we do, without us becoming aware of the fact, I have and I am doing all I can to help others see it. Political Correctness is a Communist weapon set up to destroy the western European countries from within, it stifles debate which leaves only the Media and officialdom to present facts and official stories.
But that is where my input ends, you are all individuals with your own minds, I only offer the info what you do with it is yours and yours alone.
24-10-2009, 10:51
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Originally Posted by Less
Margaret that is a lie, I may talk to other members on the P.M. system, (as any member can), but you are now accusing me and others of something that has not or will not happen, I think your paranoia is now going too far in my direction!

I can only show what you said in the UFO thread at post#101
"Only if you wish it to be, I know I was inclusive in the 'we', and so are many others on this site, we, (notice that word again), do talk to each other using the P.M. system so I know he's not being arrogant he is stating what a few people have agreed with.
I suppose now the conspirators will be getting together, on the same P.M. system and will then claim the old chestnut that the 'clique' of accyweb is against them.
But do WE care? Not really"
24-10-2009, 11:08
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Forced Vaccinations
Originally Posted by MargaretR
I know what I said in that thread and you are attempting to manipulate it out of context, Just because we talk does not mean we,
While I leave you to 'get a life', I hope your really proud of your mate Lifes contribution, he should be ashamed of himself.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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24-10-2009, 11:12
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Originally Posted by Less
I know what I said in that thread and you are attempting to manipulate it out of context, Just because we talk does not mean we,
While I leave you to 'get a life', I hope your really proud of your mate Lifes contribution, he should be ashamed of himself.
You presume that 'Life' is my 'mate' 
I have openly criticised his methods.
...and in one post you said that you were hoping he would return 
Hypocricy doesn't suit you
24-10-2009, 11:56
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
With a fully functioning conscience I have no need for shame, guilt or fear.
Naughty I may be but proud of the fact.
Less you are naughty....
24-10-2009, 12:10
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
It is only common sense to look ahead and try to predict possible scenarios - I look in my cupboard, I have no bread, I have options do I; choose not to buy any bread and hope that someone will bring some round for me; choose not to buy any bread and starve; choose to buy a loaf and have something for my tea or choose to buy two loaves of bread and put one in the freezer in case I run out again.
There have been evacuation policies in place for years! I repeat, these are not sinister, they are simply the need to look ahead. If there was a flood and everyone was stood in the street (or river as it had just become) the first thing as a group that they would say is 'where shall we go for safety?'
Evacuation centres are in place so that there is a procedure should the worst come to the worst and homes in the area need evacuating. What would you do in case of a flood in your street, or do you not deal in speculation like that?
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
24-10-2009, 14:05
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Forced Vaccinations
Originally Posted by MargaretR
You presume that 'Life' is my 'mate' 
I have openly criticised his methods.
...and in one post you said that you were hoping he would return 
Hypocricy doesn't suit you
I am fully aware that you criticised him towards what hopefully will be the end, however, surely even you should know the difference between Humour and Hypocrisy? I just answered another members post, and yes I find him grotesquely amusing.
If we are going to spend all our time just looking through post's to use a very weak example as you have put forward, then perhaps you should check your own post's before criticising mine?
I think it would take you longer to sort your rubbish out than me mine.
So please desist in your ramblings that involve me, I know what and where I have said thing's, you dare to come on the WWW and speculate about something I haven't said, That is very, very, naughty.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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24-10-2009, 14:34
I am Banned
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Re: Forced Vaccinations
Administrators, perhaps a future title for this forum could be on the lines of....
"The Accrington Fallout"

24-10-2009, 14:36
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Forced Vaccinations
Originally Posted by Life
Less you are naughty....
Naughty am I? I'm not the one who claims with a, 'clear conscience', to have been spreading this great big bag of Doo-Doo, it is you!
I really hope your mind, comes together one day and you will be brave enough to admit that you have done nothing but scaremongering since you came on the site, Oh, and you haven't been doing it very well. Even our own accyweb cranks are finding you to be nonsensical and good grief they have come out with their own ridiculous fairy tales!
So do us all a favour, get back to your own site and stop putting links to your world of depravity on here.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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