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Old 25-10-2009, 00:23   #496
Resting in Peace
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Oh, Life, hun, you had me until the bit about the Queen moving to Dunsop Bridge.

If you're reading this your Majesty, there's some fine properties for sale on this website.

Property for sale in Dunsop Bridge, Clitheroe
Maybe she intends to re-open the lead mines and force the government to put it back in petrol and poison us all.

On a more serious note the Forest of Bowland was a royal hunting forest,She has visited on a couple of occasions and you can get a decent cup-a-soup at the mobile cafe.

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Old 25-10-2009, 09:02   #497
Junior Member

Re: Forced Vaccinations

I have just been checking this site for information about what happened on Friday afternoon at Peel Primary School.

I came across these posts, very early in the thread:

Post 5 from Life:
The schools have been turned into fortresses over the last 10 years, using the excuse of terror attack, only now do we see what the true agenda is in this regard, they can shut down all schools under quarantine on the say so of the teachers, social worker helpers, and the school policeman. We the parents will not be able to collect our children.
and Post 8 from Retlaw:
Originally Posted by Life View Post
Hi All.
They are teaching teachers to look for symptoms in our children at school, then without any contact to we the parents, or the child they ring the UN transport system and the child is removed into quarantine.
Pure barnyard confetti, what teachers is daft enough to do that and risk being quarantined themselves on very little evidence, they are not trained in medical procedures.

This is also being set up in all work places, so you had better not be the hate target of the chosen operative.

Another load of tripe, the operative could also be quarantined, if they are that vindictive they will soon be cured, when they get the same treatment.

Where could they quarantine millions of so called suspects cases.
What planet are you from.
We are there now. And only a matter of weeks after these were posted. If the children were at danger, so were the parents. However, the children were held in the school while the parents stood outside, from what I can gather. And it seems the parents weren't asked inside for their own protection.

And the parents were not able to collect their children, on the school's say so.

The teachers also quarantined themselves, it seems, with no evidence, and not trained in medical procedures.

I am not sure why the school released the children at the time they did.

What will happen next time? And at whose discretion? (Not the parents', I take it.)

People in other parts of the country are concerned about this incident.

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Old 25-10-2009, 09:34   #498
God Member


Re: Forced Vaccinations

It would be interesting to read what the parents thought about this, I would have thought that they would be grateful that their childrens safety wasn't compromised whilst checking out what the tanker was carrying.
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Old 25-10-2009, 10:13   #499
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

The driver of the tank would have known the procedure for alerting appropriate authorities as to what had happened and what he was carrying. That's their job when carrying such goods, as I understand it.
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Old 25-10-2009, 10:33   #500

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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Who'd have thought one little prick would cause so much fuss?
I wonder how many times you have heard that before
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Old 25-10-2009, 10:39   #501

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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
Maybe she intends to re-open the lead mines and force the government to put it back in petrol and poison us all.
I drive a diesel so don't care about lead in petrol.

Please can we have lead back in gloss paint? This new fangled stuff is rubbish.
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Old 25-10-2009, 11:36   #502
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

The Fire Station incident report makes no mention of school quarantine whatsoever, although it does mention a 220m exclusion zone and evacuation. So how did the school get to be involved? The Fire Station incident report didn't make reference to holding any children inside schools.


Spillage of chemical from lorry drums

23rd October 2009, 2:30pm
Incident number: 2232
Number of appliances: 3 plus specials
Burnley Road,
Spillage of chemical from 6 small drums on lorry. 200 metre exclusion zone set up, properties within zone evacuated.

2 personnel in chemical protection suits committed to exclusion zone to assess spillage.

Further crews being committed to exclusion zone wearing breathing apparatus. Chemical absorbant pads, clay mats, 4 breathing apparatus in use.

All contaimated equipment and leaking drums now sealed. Triple extension ladder and decontamination pack in use.
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Old 26-10-2009, 11:12   #503
I am Banned

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Here is some more information you can all run away from :

UK Turned into a mass death camp on the say so of any politician calling a state of emergency... Not forgetting Obama has already declared the same :

Blueprint For Global Death : UK Planning For Mass Vaccination »
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Old 26-10-2009, 12:53   #504
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Governments can impose all the rules and regulations they fancy
If enough people say 'No thanks' their scheme is scuppered
....and it increasingly looks like people are doing just that.

I do not approve of your fearmongering rhetoric.
People who fear are controllable = the opposite of the desired outcome.

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Old 26-10-2009, 16:11   #505
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Im supprised someone hasnt come on yet saying they have had the vaccination.

On the Peel Park Issue, Im still a bit on the fence, If it was that bad, why where the parents (With younger children) left outside and why did No teachers come and talk to the parents in person just via tannoy system.
Everything is OK
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Old 26-10-2009, 16:42   #506
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** View Post
Im supprised someone hasnt come on yet saying they have had the vaccination.

On the Peel Park Issue, Im still a bit on the fence, If it was that bad, why where the parents (With younger children) left outside and why did No teachers come and talk to the parents in person just via tannoy system.
I was talking to someone today, over a nice calming pint, the person mentioned in a matter of fact way, "I'm having the jab tomorrow, I hope I survive long enough to post on accyweb that I feel fine"!

Good luck however my friend, (by the way I know your email and password so even if you don't survive, I'll post for you, just to keep the conspiracy going).

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Winnie the Pooh
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Old 26-10-2009, 22:46   #507
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

On the Peel Park Issue, Im still a bit on the fence, If it was that bad, why where the parents (With younger children) left outside and why did No teachers come and talk to the parents in person just via tannoy system.

Can't believe you could ask that question.But would you, not knowing the consequences to the children inside.

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Old 26-10-2009, 23:00   #508
I am Banned

Re: Forced Vaccinations


Benipete you are not on your own in that regard, I know of no one who has taken the vaccine, many have taken the normal flu vaccine but not the swine flu.

The nasal spray once administered, incubates for 9 to 12 days, this is when the recipient may then develop the virus, they are however sneezing the incubated virus everywhere, meantime.

I think the similar incubation time is correct for the flu shot.

The Peel Park issue on paper could be cast off as an accident, but the nitty gritty tells a different tale altogether.

The parents were left in the yard, with small babies, while the children and teachers remained inside, the school communicated with the parents by Text message.

It is when one looks at the pandemic planning it becomes blatantly clear this pandemic has been in the pipeline for a long time, hence the 1990's rush for all secret societies to own funeral establishments, and of course Hollywood produce a soap opera guessed it funeral business.

In the planning document it makes it very clear all heads of schools are high in the administrative levels of the command chain, but not necessarily all the teachers and staff. The document also presents a lot of rulings to give the state access always to our children during a pandemic. Peel Park is of the masonic grid, this alone would be the reason for the school to be the chosen establishment to participate in the drill, should it be seen as such.

Driver as ADR trained, would have reported his load either in the initial call to emergency services, or at least told the firefighter, ambulance or police as they arrived on scene, so for Gary Hargreaves not to know of the chemicals involved is stretching the imagination of all who know our emergency services are as good as you can get, period.

The school is over half a mile away, well outside the 200 metre exclusion zone, and to have me believe a threat was indeed regarded as real at Peel Park, yet allow babies to stand in the to be frank bollocks of the highest order.

In old Blighty, the school would have taken every parent and child inside, but this was not about safety, it was about seeing the reaction from parents as a UK school practiced what is in the planning document...a shutdown quarantine drill.

Supported yet more in the fact, it was carried out on the last day of term, the parents have a full week before they can contact the head, while the intel agency involved gathers data.

As for the friend of Less, they have plenty of vaccinations on the shelf looking for willing victims of fear, (Margaret if you want fear mongering look at the swine flu saga), they are looking to see what uptake they get to judge reaction.

In exposing the flu and the companies involved, it is looking like the alternative media has had the desired effect, they are not as yet going to force the vaccinations, but they will not give up that is for sure.

There are deaths in Europe, be careful people, all I have hoped to do is to make sure you all have the chance to see what we in the alternative media have found to be going on globally, before you decide on the vaccination for you and your children, lives will depend on it. The planning document also makes it very clear the vaccination can only be given with your written consent, use this freedom or loose this freedom, that is the choice.

As individuals we are all responsible for the future and what it will bring, morality is the key, are there enough moral people left in Great Britain to realize their choices now, will determine the future for all, or is the balance tipped in favour of self serving fear satisfying survival of the fittest?

I think pretty soon we will find out exactly who we are and exactly what we stand for.

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Old 26-10-2009, 23:13   #509
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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Excuse me if I seem thick..... but there was no problem about the spillage until Bolton Avenue, where the police were stationed, so why should there be a problem at Peel Park school?.........all cars were diverted down Bolton Avenue.
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Old 26-10-2009, 23:25   #510

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Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by LYNX1 View Post
Excuse me if I seem thick....
You are excused
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