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Chemtrails went ballistic from August this year overhead, which were then blown onto Manchester, they target the cities, and I have noticed a lot of night spraying also.
Chemtrails went ballistic from August this year overhead, which were then blown onto Manchester, they target the cities, and I have noticed a lot of night spraying also.
1/ I do not believe you are in the Ukraine therefore you aren't writing from there.
2/ If you weren't so fixated by your own point of view, you would have lowered yourself to have looked at the rest of accyweb and discovered the topic of chemtrails along with many more interesting and diverse subjects have been covered by other people.
3/ You started this thread about forced vaccinations if you want to discuss anything else why not start a new thread about it, on your own website.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
I actually don't understand why Life and his friend Caz choose to come on this particular site - whats wrong with your own? I look forward to an answer..
I actually don't understand why Life and his friend Caz choose to come on this particular site - whats wrong with your own? I look forward to an answer..
Traffic problems?
The problem being there isn't any.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
Just a little note to LIFE, I have recently been in hospital and was advised to take up the swine flue jab and Pneumonia jab, (notice I used the word advised) as I have said to the same request since 1994, thank you but no thanks. Can't remember being tied to a bed being vaccinated by force, strange that in your scheme of things
I was forced to have the TB jab at school. That hurt like a bastard. I have a fear of needles and i legged it across the field and my mate had to come and get me hehe
I dont know who's worse. the conspiracy theorists on this site or the religious sickos
I was forced to have the TB jab at school. That hurt like a bastard. I have a fear of needles and i legged it across the field and my mate had to come and get me hehe
I dont know who's worse. the conspiracy theorists on this site or the religious sickos
Toss a coin Retless heads you lose, tails you lose
They are not presenting the forcing of vaccinations because the alternative media has exposed the fact. The real problem we face in this country is the fact that since 2004, we have moved from a democracy into a contingency.
Once the contingency Act is made live then they can do what the hell they want with every single person in this nation, and that is not my opinion it is contingency fact. Glad you declined the vaccine anyhow I will take you off my nice but dim list :
You know so much about little pricks I have to conclude the fact you have such a small one is the reason for your inability to communicate with adults...