Injured by a centipede...
Two people were injured last year by centipedes, while a further 22 suffered mishaps involving nightwear, according to a list of weird accidents.
Department of Health data also reveals that six people were treated in hospital after being stung by scorpions, 451 were stung by hornets and a further 24 were treated for rat bites. Other animal related injuries included 46 people bitten by venomous snakes and lizards, 3,508 people bitten by dogs and one person attacked by an alligator.
More than 50 people were admitted to hospital after being struck by lightning in the past 12 months, 37 were victims of "volcanic eruption" and nine needed treatment for accidents involving their beds. Four people suffered exposure to noise, four to vibration and 40 came into contact with a high-pressure jet.
There were nearly a million people seen by emergency hospital staff in the 12 months to April 2004.
Among less unusual accidents, those involving tools such as hammers affected 4,115 people, while around 2,000 more fell out of trees.
Last year, 138 people who had foreign objects left in their bodies following surgery were treated in UK hospitals.
The list also includes people requiring hospital treatment in the United Kingdom for accidents that occurred overseas.