Do you know something, Brad brought me a lovely card home from School on friday ( as kids do, couldn't wait, so gave it to me straight away )
I thought " haaaa zack is gonna surprise me on sunday with his ".
Sunday morning came, he came down stairs and said " happy mothers day " gave me and kiss and a love, and that was that.
Later on, I asked him had he not made me a card at school??
He said
" No, I asked my teacher if we could make our mums one, he said, no we have proper work to do. So i asked him if I could stay in at play time to make you one, the teacher told him, NO you will go and play out "
I'm really saddened by this. OK Ginger took him to Asda to buy me one and a pressie, BUT I always like to receive the MADE ones, to the bought ones.
And he goes to High school in September, so it will be the last MADE one I Would get off my baby (( cos its just not cool to make them at high school))
OH well, thats me feeling sorry for myself
But, the kids and ginger made me a lovely tea..... I wasn't allowed to help, or clean up after, I was allowed to sit on the settee all day and chill out!! Now thats what I call a MOTHERS DAY