You May recognise that slogan, It's on the box umpteen times during the adverts.
Happy to help who?
Third time this week I nipped into ASDA, Third time the only tills open have been those silly serve yourself ones.
Third time I've come close to losing my rag, today more than any other time.
The staff instead of sitting at their desks had to stand putting folks goods through the 'self service' tills, why? because those damned things don't do the customers or staff any good, that's why!
We want service, they want a day free of frustrated customers.
What do we all get?
Frustrated customers and staff unable to get on with other tasks that have been allotted to them, on top of trying to get the goods through.
I'm no Luddite, I love technology, I welcome it with open arms, but only when it works.
What use is a self service cash register if when I put some alcohol through some poor soul gets a beep from a machine just to check I'm old enough to purchase it?
I remember the old check outs many a year has gone by since I had to produce any I.D. the person putting my goods through can see I'm an ugly old sod!
I'm delayed, the person that comes to check is delayed, the people behind me are delayed, and know that they either do the sensible thing, get rid of the booze in their shopping, or go through the same check point Charlie as I have, delaying even more people.
Happy to Help?
Yes, the staff are, why isn't the Company?