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Post By Margaret Pilkington
Post By Gremlin
Post By Margaret Pilkington
Post By Margaret Pilkington
Post By dotti34
Post By taddy
Post By Margaret Pilkington
Post By Margaret Pilkington
Post By DaveinGermany
Post By Margaret Pilkington
Post By dotti34
24-10-2021, 06:12
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Have you ever had a scary moment?
This thread could be very entertaining or it might go down like a lead balloon. Hope it’s the former and so here goes. A bit of light entertainment. Have any of you had a frightening experience, whether truly scary or in the end not? Let’s hear some stories that will make us shiver – or on the other hand make us laugh. I’ll start off with an experience my sister had.
My sister was in the Land Army and for a while lived on a farm in Ipswich. One night she went to the local movie theatre and watched a very scary movie called The Red Barn. Although the film had scared her a bit and she was on her own on that fairly dark night, she was a down-to-earth person and decided to take a short cut through some fields back to the farm. Walking alongside a hedgerow of trees and bushes she thought she heard something, so she stopped – nothing. Then she started to walk again and there was definitely someone or something on the other side of the hedge, so she stopped again – and again silence. This happened a few times and by then to say she was getting scared is an understatement. She was terrified. .
She knew there was a gap in the hedge further along and her mind was playing havoc as to what she was going to encounter. On reaching the space she could just make out two big eyes staring at her through the darkness – but as a gentle ‘moo’ came out of the mouth of the ‘creature’ she realised that the only thing that had been following her was a cow.
Now over to you…..
24-10-2021, 14:41
Beacon of light
Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
Yes…I have had a couple of scary moments.
One was when on an early duty ant Blackburn Royal Infirmary…on a Sunday there were no buses to get to work…except some company ran a bus from Church Commercial to Blackburn town centre.
You needed to get to Church Commercial for 6.45.
For me this meant hoofing it along Dill Hall Lane and down to the traffic lights at Church.
This was a good walk as I lived by the Dunkenhalgh.
It was a windy wintry morning and the wind was howling a gale.
I got almost to the cemetery and a gust of wind blew a TV aerial of a roof and it missed me by a midges widgee.
I was only walking the long way round because on a previous week I had taken a short cut across Jackson’s field and had been startled by a sleeping tramp who jumped up out of the ditch and shouted abuse at me for wakening him up(I was only walking past him…I wasn’t singing or talking to myself).I ran like the wind and was breathless and panting by the time I got to Jackson’s farm yard.
Getting to work on a Sunday was always a trial….and always involved a long walk.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
24-10-2021, 14:43
Beacon of light
Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
Oh and for those who might ask why I did not get a taxi…the answer is I did not get paid enough to afford taxi fares…I was only a humble student nurse.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
28-10-2021, 20:42
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Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
Six months after the death of my lovely wife June I had a friend and his wife call to see me.
They were sat at my kitchen table while I made them a coffee and then I was stood in the centre of the room waiting for the kettle to boil.
The lady asked me if I believed in the afterlife and if I would like to have contact with my late wife. I know for a fact she is a non believer in the afterlife. I also am a non believer in contact after death but said I would love to have a message from June just to prove me wrong.
At that very moment, as I finished speaking I was stood directly under the kitchen light bulb which suddenly dropped out and landed between my feet. The brass bayonet fitting was still in its holder and only the glass fell down, not broken or cracked.
The bungalow was about 3 years old then and all fitting were in good order.
Call that coincidence? I do.
Gremlin R.T.
29-10-2021, 11:53
Beacon of light
Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
Not really a scary moment, but just a bit spooky…..and you cab believe me or not…..it matters not to me.
A number of years ago we went over to Ma’s to take her shopping and a cooked dinner.
It just so happened that it was the 11th of January…my dads birthday(though he has been dead for quite a long time).
When we were unpacking the grub fo Ma, David realised he had left the bacon she’d asked for in the car….so he set off down the hill.
Within ten minutes both Ma and I heard footsteps coming up the back stone steps.
Because David had gone for the bacon we assumed these were his footsteps…..when the top of the steps were reached, there was a huge sigh.
We waited for David’s appearance, but it did not happen…..but the footsteps went across the back of the living room in the direction of the stairs.
Both Ma and I heard this….and both of us said ‘happy birthday Jimmy’…..then David came in.
There were many times that Ma and I felt and heard things and they fitted the things that Dad used to to.
Neither of us was worried or upset by these incidences…they felt comforting.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
29-10-2021, 11:58
Beacon of light
Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
Gremlin, whether you believe or not…..sometimes strange things happen….things that have no explanation in science.
I could not say whether this was June making her opinions known, but it was certainly a strange thing to happen.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
30-10-2021, 07:15
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Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
Yes. some things are scary and some spooky, often unexplainable. Here’s one little story that fits in the latter category, the unexplainable. Years ago my husband’s work sometimes took him into the outback. Much of the work was on Aboriginal missions and he would often buy small carved wooden animals to bring home.
On the day he was due home from one such trip I was walking through the loungeroom when suddenly one of these animals ‘flew’ off the shelf just as I walked past, and landed on the floor. I kid you not. I had not knocked the shelf or the animal – and even if I had have done this would not have caused the carving to move at all, it was a solid object.
I looked at the time and it was 1 pm. It made me feel a bit jumpy and I started to worry about Keith and his offsider driving back home along some very rough roads. This was before mobile phones so I could do nothing more than wait.
Hours later he arrived home. He was driving a Utility, a very strong vehicle, with a bull-bar attached, a very badly damaged bull-bar. I pointed to it and he said that a huge kangaroo had come bounding out from the side of the road and smashed into the ute, the impact (even with the bull bar there) was shocking and he didn’t know how they had managed to keep upright or even stay on the road. He was still feeling a bit shook up about it. The poor kangaroo had been killed instantly.
I said ‘I bet that was at 1 o’clock’ and he looked at me dumbfounded and asked how had I known. It had been exactly at the time that little animal had flown off the shelf…..
Last edited by dotti34; 30-10-2021 at 07:18.
30-10-2021, 07:24
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Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
Here's a couple of other stories that are unexplainable. I was walking through the machine shop of the place where I worked in England when suddenly I ducked down. Don't ask me why. As I did a large fan belt came whizzing over me at great speed and past over just where my head had been a second before. Apparently the belt had come loose somehow from the machine I was walking past and if I had not crouched down it would have hit my head with such a force that I might not be here today to tell the tale. A very white-faced machine operator rushed to me expecting the worst. Why had I ducked at that moment – I have no idea.....
...and just for good measure here's another one. Many years ago I was outside a shop with my baby in his pusher just chatting to a friend. For some completely unknown reason I suddenly moved forward, pushing the pram away and as I did a big electric sign came crashing down exactly where the pusher had been. Why did I move the pram – again I have no idea.
31-10-2021, 10:38
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Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
I am not and have never been a "God Botherer" but I am convinced that there is something in the Ancester, after life thing for one reason; when our son was about three years old, (he is now 52), we usedto hear him talking to someone after we had put him to bed, Evertime Hazel went to see what was the matter he used to point to a corner of his bedroom, (always the same one) and say "that lady keeps stroking my head", he was never frightened or upset, thinking it was just a dream,Hazel or I would tuck him up and tell him everting was alright.
After he joined the army Hazels mother had asked me to have a photograph of her mother enlarged which I had done and placed it on the mantlepiece, when he came home on leave aged eighteen, as soon as he walked into the living room he stopped and stared at the photo and said "where has that picture come from" when I mentioned that it was his Great Grandmother who he had never seen or heard of, his reply of "that is the lady that used to stroke my head when I was a baby, left me cold. This is absolutely 100% true.
31-10-2021, 12:34
Beacon of light
Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
I believe it.
When I was about four or five years old I used to see an older man in my bedroom…he always wore a suit with a gold watch chasing with a stone seal on it….he wore glasses and although he never spoke to me I felt that he regarded me kindly.
I told my mum and she said I was dreaming.
One day I was looking at photographs that were in an album at my paternal Grandma’s.
There was a picture of this man with a very regal looking lady sitting in a chair in front of him…(they had portraits done like that back then)he looked like the man I had seen in my bedroom….it turned out that he was my grandfathers grandad.
Shortly after I found this out….my mum also saw this man too….so she knew I had not been dreaming.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
31-10-2021, 12:45
Beacon of light
Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
During my time nursing I also had some spooky experiences.
I was working on Ward 18 at the Royal….I was just a third year student.
We had a lady who was really poorly and I was sent down to the blood fridge to get her a unit of blood.
There was a set of stone steps that was a shortcut and I took these….they led up to a place called Kelly’s attic….and it was said that a doctor had committed suicide up ther because he made a mistake and someone died.
Night staff would tell you tales like this to put the wind up you.
On my way down to the next level I passed a doctor on the stairs….a young blonde man, tall with an old fashioned looking stethoscope round his neck.
I just thought the staff nurse on the ward had sent for the doctor to assess this poorly lady….but when I got back with the pint of blood and asked where the doctor was….there had been no doctor on the ward….they were still waiting for him.
So I mentioned that I had seen someone coming up to the ward…..the staff nurse and the auxiliary both looked at each other and told me I had seen Dr Kelly.
Again, you can believe it or not, but the man I saw was as real as I am…..and I truly thought it was the doctor who had been summoned to look at our lady..
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
31-10-2021, 13:47
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
Not my tale, but my Father said when he was working the Dogs at Walton nick one of his Shepherds would ocassionally come to a grinding halt, start to become agitated, whine & refuse to move on, but always at the same point.
Now this was a working dog that would face a gun, had broom handles bust across his back & all while doing his job or on display work. A few months later some workers were doing the ground work for some new buildings & they found some female boots & clothing articles from about the 1800's. Apparently, it was near to the same spot were Rex would stop & create, checking up in the prison records this was the area were woman prisoners had been locked up.
Furthermore being in Germany, many Barracks used by the British Army were old Wehrmacht or SS Barracks, some with many sightings or occurences reported by troops who were accommodated in these blocks or within the camps themselves. Although I never "saw" anything, there was the odd occassions were I didn't feel comfortable in a particular place or as though I felt, I was not alone but could never actually see anyone, the inate human 6th sense would be sending out a "feeling".
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
31-10-2021, 15:10
Beacon of light
Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
I have many more spooky tales that relate to the new wing at Blackburn Royal….but also to the old part of the hospital.
My first set of nights was during the summer of 1974.
I was on the ENT unit……it was a very warm night and although the windows were open, there was not a breath of air.
Around 4 am we would set up the tea trolley with cups, saucers and side plates….this was to save time when the breakfasts came up….just before we went off duty at 7.30.
We would go round and put the cups, saucers and plates out on the tables for each patient.
So this trolley was no light weight…..and it was in the kitchen which was just off the long Nightingale ward.
It was just coming light and we(another student nurse) heard the trolley rattling…..we were halfway down the ward at the desk writing reports.
The trolley came out of the kitchen and was shoved by some unseen presence and ended up about a yard from the desk.
Whatever…or whoever had moved it had had to negotiate the trolley out of the kitchen and meant going round a corner.
We were both shaken and I called the night Superintendent….leaving the trolley where it had come to a stop….she made us both cups of tea and sort of implied that someone was having a nice joke at our expense….but also telling us that we were two intelligent girls and that it could not be anything sinister…..I felt vaguely foolish, but yet you cannot argue with what you have seen.
So months later I heard a couple of nurses at roll call talking about a very similar happening….and one of the auxiliary nurses said that it was notorious on there for things to move about on their own.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
02-11-2021, 00:42
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Re: Have you ever had a scary moment?
I actually had a strange experience fairly recently. My husband loved the game of golf, so much so that he played three or four times a week right up until his final illness, and he was good at it. He played at a club not far from here and where he had been a member for a number of years. This club belongs to the Council and some time ago they tried to close it down. Although I don’t play golf I knew how much it meant to a lot of people so I helped fight to save it alongside my husband and a number of others. We were successful. Not that long ago the Council again tried to close the golf club but by now my husband had passed away. However, I joined in the fight again as I knew that was what he would have wanted me to do.
One morning when I woke up I felt there was someone lying on the bed next to me. Sure enough there was my husband lying there on top of the bedclothes as clear as if he was still with me, fully clothed and ready to go to golf. He looked as fit as he had been when he played the game. He put his finger to his lips as if to tell me not to say anything, got off the bed, walked towards the end of it and simply disappeared.
Was I dreaming, was I only half awake, I don’t know. What I do know is that his presence felt very real. I had actually felt him there.
In spite of the odds being stacked against us, within a couple of days of this experience we were told that once again we had beaten the Council and the golf club was safe. I had known what the outcome would be before we were told, otherwise Keith would not have looked so calm. I felt he was letting me know not to worry. Read into this what you will.
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