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Old 24-05-2013, 22:16   #1
Resting In Peace
susie123's Avatar

Here is the Susie news

Recently several folk have been kind enough to PM me to ask why I haven't been posting. At first my answer was that there was nothing much I wanted to comment on but now I have another reply.

I have just returned to Accyweb after nearly three weeks in hospital. On May Bank Holiday I was take into hospital having spent the previous week getting less and less mobile. Richard had to help me in and out of bed, sit me on the loo, pull my knickers up etc etc. My knees swelled up and were more painful when I moved them than anything I have ever known. Also my wrist and elbow. Turned out to be septic arthritis, probably as a consequence of a lowered immune system. Had to have my joints drained, then they had to locate the source of the infection.

Must have been seen by just about every team in the hosp. At least I know now that my heart is in good nick but my teeth are in terrible condition and I was too scared to do anything about it. Was seen by a lovely maxfax chap who ruled out my mouth for the infection but I may get things sorted out there soon.

Anyway they think the infection is coming from my tumour and I have been on IV antibiotics for a couple of weeks. Now I'm at home and having them orally. My oncologist admits he is baffled by the scenario, no one appears to have come across it before, also I can't have any more chemo until this is all cleared up. The most annoying thing is that we had booked a cruise for the end of this month and of course that had to be cancelled and I now need to get my money back from the insurers.

On the bank holiday I had to ring for an ambulance as Richard literally could not get me downstairs but I was told I wasn't a high priority and to ring 111 or whatever it is now. After a 45minute grilling I then had to talk to the online doctor who arranged a home visit. He turned up quite quickly, a nice retired doctor from Yorkshire who looked like David Hockney and balked at our stairs as he said he couldn't manage them at 76!

Anyway he decided I needed to go into hosp and quickly arranged an ambulance and a bed - but all this could have been avoided if the first ambulance had been forthcoming.

Anyway I'm home now so fingers crossed! And I'm sorry to have bored you with this great long spiel. One funny thing was that they had to get a very senior nurse in the middle of the night to replace a cannula that had fallen out, we got chatting and it turns out she was from Accy originally. Very surreal having such conversations in the semi-darkness in a hospital ward.

Meanwhile, thanks to all for thinking of me, and be sure that those thoughts are coming back to you. I'll stop dribbling now...
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Old 24-05-2013, 22:23   #2
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Re: Here is the Susie news

Look after yourself Sue , I wondered where you were.
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Old 24-05-2013, 23:01   #3
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Re: Here is the Susie news

Hope you are ok Sue.

Best wishes as always,
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Old 25-05-2013, 03:52   #4
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Re: Here is the Susie news

All the best, hope your feeling better soon.
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Old 25-05-2013, 05:27   #5
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Re: Here is the Susie news

I'm sending you my 'get well' vibes. I've told my dad, who died twenty-odd years ago, about you and he came out with his usual - "Hoo'll clog ageean" This is a reference to when a pair of clogs were in a poor state but could be refreshed by a skilful clogger. I ask you to share my vibes with Katex.
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Old 25-05-2013, 05:40   #6
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Re: Here is the Susie news

At least you are now back with us, you had us worried for a while. Take it easy now, and put the roller skates back in the cupboard for a while.
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Old 25-05-2013, 06:33   #7
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Re: Here is the Susie news

I was worried about you Sue.......I hope that the medics soon get you back on the right track. I really missed you(even though I haven't been here much myself).
Welcome back.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 25-05-2013, 07:03   #8
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Re: Here is the Susie news

I noticed your absence but daren't ask.
Hope you feel well soon.
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Old 25-05-2013, 07:18   #9
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Re: Here is the Susie news

Hope you're feeling better soon x
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 25-05-2013, 07:23   #10
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Re: Here is the Susie news

I had hoped yeh were away on hols, Keep batting Susie x
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-05-2013, 07:31   #11
Resting in Peace
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Re: Here is the Susie news

I was wondering why you hadn't been posting Sue, in fact I mentioned it to cashy earlier this week. Glad your home and can get to the bottom of your problem, its bad enough having one serious illness to deal with never mind two. Hope your soon back to your best
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Old 26-05-2013, 09:26   #12
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Re: Here is the Susie news

Hi Sue -glad you're back home and hope the infection is soon conquered. Being home will be a relief no doubt. We "quizzers" thought you'd gone off on the cruise as Steve posted a message saying he knew you'd booked one on the first day you didn't play!
Would have been much better if you had been away on holiday of course...

Anyway -take care and I hope you and Richard do get on that cruise later in the year when you are better

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 26-05-2013, 10:45   #14
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Re: Here is the Susie news

You've really been through the mill...!!!

The quizzers asked where you were and I said you're on a cruise!!! Strange euphemism...!

Glad you're back.
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Old 26-05-2013, 15:46   #15
Resting In Peace
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Re: Here is the Susie news

Once again thanks to all for their kind thoughts and good wishes. There seems to have been a bit of confusion as to my whereabouts...

I mentioned to Steve and one or two others that we had booked a cruise and he naturally assumed when I disappeared that I was on my travels. If only...

I was admitted to hospital on Monday of the May Bank Holiday, the 6th, and came home on Friday 24th. If we had been cruising we would have been off on our hols on the 21st for two weeks.

Now all I have to do is get our money back...
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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