It might seem to be along the lines of 'Conspiracy', that's why I've saved the Mod's the bother of moving it to anything goes.
Way back when I was in my 'yoof', through the 60's we had terrible cold weather, if I tried to describe the height of the snow everyone would say, exaggeration.
Then we had the 70's, '76 almost 5 months of drought, '77 absolutely raining profanity.
The 'experts' back then were making their money forecasting a 'mini' Ice-age.
Did it happen? No.
Then we got another set of 'expert's', predicting global warming.
Both set's of 'expert's', have been paid and will continue to be paid a fortune, to predict and make us feel guilty about what is about to or, has already been happening.
We are now in the grip of a 'White Christmas', it's coming and going the usual traffic has stopped flowing, everyone is blaming the 'authorities', for not getting things right.
Well, I'm neither for or against a mini ice-age or a global warming scenario.
I've never studied the climate on an amateur or a professional basis.
Here however is my prediction, take it or leave it, 100% correct, we will have weather, it may be sunny, it may be a touch wet and cold, however we will survive it, or not?
So why worry?
Happy New Year.