25-04-2014, 02:44
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Hip, hip, hurrah
Here’s another of those (to my way of thinking) waste of time studies – and why it was carried out I have no idea, but it should give you something to think about. Apparently scientists now say that hips might provide clues to a woman’s sexual appetite.
They found curvaceous women tend to have more sexual partners and more one-night stands. They suggest that women with larger hips may be less restrained because their anatomy makes it safer for them to have a baby. (Can’t think why this would affect their sexual appetite though). The women in the study were chosen because they were a variety of shapes.
So, men, if you’re out for a good time (or possibly a ‘bad’ time) forget looking for pretty faces and perky boobs – just check out the hips. In this age of obesity you shouldn’t have much trouble finding plenty of hippy ones.
Maybe I should have called this a ‘waist’ of time – oops! sorry.