First of all lets consider the plot. This needs to be a heart wrenching over sweet story about believing, not ordinary believing, but insanely optimistic believing, it must never start off believing it must always start off disbelieving until the final 5 minutes when even the villain of the piece ( a mean business man, a hard-hearted judge, a rich and callous maiden aunt that is bitter because she was left at the alter on Christmas Eve 50 odd years ago and hasn't ever done a kind thing since)
I know it's about Christmas but, whatever you do, you must keep religion out of it, no-one wants to upset minorities at a time like this so best to stick to does Father Christmas exist or not?
Main Characters:-
If a married couple they need to be middle class so that they can waste plenty of money whilst in competition with their neighbours over the decorations in the gardens.
If single they really, really, must be a widow or widower, no unmarried parents allowed. Their deceased partner will have died early of Cancer, road accident delivering presents to the needy or have burnt to death trying to rescue a young child's hamster from a towering inferno so severe the firemen's helmets were melting at a distance of 100 yards.
If single female she is lower class, not that she was born lower class she has become lower class because her ner do well, adulterous, drunken husband hasn't paid her a penny towards the upkeep of their three children since before the painful divorce, (this is the only scenario which can involve divorce, no man can be divorced and looking after the kids because the male is always the anti-hero in these circumstances).
If single male, he has built a shrine where his heart used to be dedicated to his dear departed spouse, if you wish to be daring you can have him rejecting his child as well though that isn't recommended better that he is seen to pile lots of love and kisses onto the child. He was a successful and kind hearted small business owner but is about to become unemployed due to neglecting his store and a rival is planning an underhand take over bid.
The child:-
Here we have two choices, a boy or a girl best age well the best age seems to be just after they have lost the two front milk teeth, this makes them cutesy when they try to pronounce their 'R's'.
Male or female the adult actors must be tolerant of the fact that whenever they appear these kids are going to steal the scene so don't employ anyone that has appeared in an adventure movie and been shown how to use firearms.
Again no sexual preference really all that is needed is for the child to be so sickeningly good even with the bully from school, that no court in the land would put forward a guilty verdict if a parent from the real world was to grab them by the neck and wish them a happy Christmas, (because their kids are nothing like that).
Extra Characters:-
You will need at least one of the following.
A man in a red suit and white beard that is too happy for his own good, a natural talent of being able to tempt children away from their parents just so he can share a special secret with the child should be avoided, (this isn't that type of movie).
A retired Black man or woman (if female she must be 4' 3" tall and 5' 7" wide) he calls to care for the garden every week even though it's covered in 3 foot of snow, she calls to make Christmas dinner for al d'em white folks even though her multi-millionaire son Barak Obama invites her to the white house to have lunch with the family every year.
The Goofy best friend of the mother, she doesn't actually do anything for the plot she just makes the actress playing the mother seem a little more attractive than any amount of make up could do.
Most important, the background music, no happy medium here I have to go with the more recent Christmas films and have someone practising on a piano in the background only reaching a crescendo at the most dramatic moments to drown out whatever is being said on-screen.
Of course a film like this won't ever win an Oscar, but it will keep a large number of unemployed actors off the street with their begging bowls so that the rest of us can enjoy the Holiday season.
If this gets a like, without a sarcastic comment from anyone, I will have had my own personal Christmas Miracle.
![Big Grin](