So, within two minutes of leaving the warm security of my own home, feeling good, weather fine, got around the corner near the primary school onto Hyndburn rd.
A young man of perhaps 13 at a stretch perhaps a very small 14 comes across the Pelican crossing and greets me with,
"awright mayte do me a favour get us some fags from the shop".
Now I smoke, but I don't encourage midgets to smoke even midgets that have the slightest grasp of good manners.
Therefore even if I had been prepared to break the law I wasn't going to do it for him, (well, he had produced a tenner but didn't say keep the change).
I knelt down and looked him in the eye, "tell me young man, which shop? There are no shops around here".
"Well, you old, expletive deleted", came the reply, "if your going to be awkward, I'll ask someone else".
Walk to the pub? No, I laughed all the way.