Yes I've spent part of the weekend playing this game only, it wasn't a thimble, I really thought it was a sweaty sock!
It started around Friday night, I just got in and there was a definite whiff to the air that shouldn't be there.
It was too late for me to do anything at the time I really needed to get some sleep (hic).
The following day I had forgotten about it until sitting at my desk the smell of rancid sock crept up on me once more, I made a determined effort to find the source.
I checked all the washing that was drying on my radiator, all seemed well, so I moved on to my litter bin no problem there, perhaps it was creeping up on me from the kitchen so I checked through all the likely sources there, the rubbish bin prime suspect, no, but I'll empty it anyway just in case, Laundry basket? no, but I'll wash these clothes just to be sure, it couldn't be dirty dishes for once everything washed and put away.
Back into the living room play a game ignore, seemed to be a good plan.
The smell persisted, so, I re-washed the clothes on the radiator, they had smelt o.k. but, I had a cold a few days ago maybe my nose isn't working to peek performance?
I even ended up suspecting my curtains but they where innocent.
Giving up I decided to do what everyone else was doing and watched the Harry Potter marathon.
Sat there on the settee the smell was even worse, could it be ME? Well, no, it wasn't, but the smell was much worse around where I was sitting.
Then I spotted something, would you like to know what it was?
If so then