I didn't ask for it but it seems I've been given a troll for Christmas, well no given is perhaps the wrong phrase, it sort of came onto one of my threads in 'Anything Goes' and has been following me ever since.
Now the thread had appeared very popular with most members that cared to read it but since my troll made itself known folk seem to be giving it a wide birth.
I think this is to allow me time to get used to it and deal with it in my own fashion. Thank you all for such consideration however I think it will be more enjoyable if we all took part in house-training the little varmint!
Allow me to give you a description of it.
It looks a little like this:-
I think it's an older troll so I might not have it for too long.
It has managed 24 posts so far, (25 if we include the rather rude one it did in the 'Accrington Forum News' thread, fortunately the mods were around and cleaned up after him, did I mention he's not house-trained?).
He seems to have been around since Feb 2008 so as you can see from the number of posts, is a little backward in coming forward. However he seemed to attach himself to me without hesitation.
I have had a few trolls before but they have all been a little excitable and resisted training, unfortunately they all had to be put down, (banned is such a cruel word, I try not to use it).
Perhaps the 'don't be cruel to newbies crowd' would like to come forward now and show me how I can make it's training that little bit easier, after all, until it attached itself to me I hadn't had any contact with it at all, so please don't do your usual and blame it all on me.
It has a name, well more like a serial number than a name so let's get our heads together and give it a proper name.
I will give a 'likey' & some Karma to the best name for this creature, looking forward to your input, you never know even my troll might overcome his shyness and say hello to everyone on this thread, (it is after all in 'anything goes', better he makes a mess in here than out there with all the normal people).