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Old 09-10-2014, 18:05   #61
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
Some dog owners with little dogs pick them up when approached by other dogs, that will never socialise them.
I can understand that our late pooch had his shoulder ripped by one on owd bobs a few years ago. n he was very sociable wouldn't even go fer cats, just wanted to play wi everything.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-10-2014, 18:16   #62
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"It's ok, he's friendly"

I know someone whos mum used to foster stray dogs, she had a little chihuahua type and was walking it when a Staffie grabbed it, shook it till it broke it's back then ripped its stomach out.
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Old 09-10-2014, 18:27   #63
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"It's ok, he's friendly"

Found observer report

Last edited by gpick24; 09-10-2014 at 18:30.
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Old 09-10-2014, 18:44   #64
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

That get shoulda been jailed.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-10-2014, 18:52   #65
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"It's ok, he's friendly"

Absolutely, I've heard the story a few times, this is first time I've seen newspaper report (didn't know them at the time it happened)
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Old 09-10-2014, 20:15   #66
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

Looks can deceive ... She's not friendly ... as Yoda said, "Size matters not."
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Old 10-10-2014, 11:27   #67
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
Some dog owners with little dogs pick them up when approached by other dogs, that will never socialise them.
One of mine (the one in the avatar) will ask to be picked up if he feels the need, but I don't always do it. If he's been growled at or trodden on, it's all part of being a little dog so he can just suck it in.

There's a bloke at my end of Great Harwood who takes three staffies for a "walk" (he uses a mobility scooter) along the old railway. The dogs are rough but not aggressive, and my two seem to accept that. It's the scooter that scares them.

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Old 11-10-2014, 09:53   #68
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

We went for a walk with friends yesterday around Tockholes reservoirs. We had 2 Border Collies, 1 lurcher, 1 Golden Lab and 3 Springers. The dogs hadn't all met each other before and they all got on well together doing their own things. Two people walking the opposite way round had small dogs ( Yorkshire Terrier size) and their dogs didn't want to carry on with them they wanted to stop with the "gang" and play.
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Old 11-10-2014, 12:48   #69
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

In the 90's we ended up with a rather messed up Bearded Collie. My sister had this RichardHEAD living with her and they left, and left behind Buster.

We would visit my sister and this dirty, matted looking dog would be under or behind anything it could squash its body into/under. I swear hed squash into a gap that was 5 CM high(slight exaggeration but damn).. somehow. You would go near him and he would physically start shaking and if you touched him he might urinate. Really don't know what these gits did to him but they hurt him both physically and mentally. Vet told us that he had broken ribs at some point and they hadn't been seen to. Just left to fix themselves.

My dad who seen how bad he was brought him home and told the gits when they came to the house that they would have a fight on their hands if they want to take this dog away! At this point you would only have to say the word bath to make Buster urinate where he stood. Brushing his wonderful fur was an impossibility and mostly looked like he was a rasta dog.

I do have a picture somewhere, Il try and find it. On the picture you can see how on his fur, on the back of his legs is yellow. That was because he either was in too much pain in the past to lift his leg up to urinate and it just got to be habbit, or was tortured from such a young age that he never learned that cocking his leg was something that he needed to do.

My dads place in the living room, The chair near the window, next to the gas cupboard, always you would find buster there. You would hardly ever see him anywhere else in the house whilst my dad was home. When mum and dad went on holiday and I stayed home Buster would houl like crazy and I had to carry him into my room and close the door for him to stop. Eventually he got the idea and I left the door open for him. I would wake up with fur in my face, him sat on the pillows above my head.

Going back to subject a little. We could never let Buster off the lead. He would go after any dog and go straight for its neck. We knew this was totally out of character for the type of dog he was and left us wondering if he was made to fight other dogs(or was being trained that way) Few years down the line, he snapped out of it a little and was safe to let off the lead but always, ALWAYS had to keep a diligent eye.

So. Buster is long since passed. I don't recall the year. But the vet said he outlasted his sell by date by a few years. We like to think that after giving him the life he deserved he just didn't want to go on his way. He had a couple of strokes and then passed a few months down the line.

Damn. That was a long story. Oops, and I just been to work typing constantly for four hours!

Last edited by Restless; 11-10-2014 at 12:51.
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Old 11-10-2014, 14:18   #70
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

A sad tale with a happy ending, it was nice to know Buster got the life he deserved in the end !
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Old 13-10-2014, 13:34   #71
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

I'm a sucker for a happy ending, at least when buster passed he took memories of love,warmth and fun with him.
Memories of you and your family who loved him and made him a member of their family, which is what every dog wants more than owt.Hopefully the time spent with Richardhead and before wouldn't of counted at all
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Old 13-10-2014, 14:23   #72
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

Restless that is a very enlightening story......and it just goes to show that it isn't dogs that are the problem, it is people.
People who do unspeakable things to animals to gratify their own needs to have power over something.
I am glad that in the end he had somewhere comfortable and humans who loved him......that is all any dog wants...warmth, food and a human to love and be loved back.
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Old 13-10-2014, 18:47   #73
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

I think now that weve taken them outside of their natural habitat it is we (humans) that are responsible for their actions. You see these stories of dangerous dogs and the harm they have caused, but then when you look at the owners you can reflect on why the dogs may have done these things. Some of these dogs(cross) should never have been created naturally and is a product of human intervention. Possibly why they have such mood swings, perhaps a mimicking of their human masters.
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Old 16-10-2014, 02:27   #74
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

There is a huge house near my mates in London. The extended family there is run by a grumpy old woman with a pack of irritable dogs that get left to run wild without a lead.

Her car isn't taxed or insured and doesn't even have a number plate, but the police do nothing....To the best of my knowledge, she has never worked a day in her whole life. Her bad-tempered husband is notorious for his racist comments....A shopkeeper blamed him for arranging the murder of his son's ex-wife and her boyfriend, but nothing has ever been proved. All their kids have broken marriages except the youngest, who most folk think is homosexual.
She has two grandsons who are meant to be in the Army but are always out partying in nightclubs. One of them just got married and I pray to God he settles down. The second is out of control,folk call them brothers but I'm not sure they have the same father.......

........ I hate him living near Buckingham Palace!
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