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Old 29-09-2014, 11:30   #1
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"It's ok, he's friendly"

While out walking my hound I often see other owners with their dogs off the lead,some people have the opinion that dogs should be kept on leads at all times in public places something i'm in two minds about however,I always have my dog under control and on the lead in public as it has a tendency to snap at other dogs.

Anyway,while i was out today i came across a fella who's dog (Labrador type) was off the lead and when it seen mine it came shooting over and proceeded to lift mine off its feet trying to sniff its backside.I (politely) shouted over to ask if he wouldn't mind putting his mutt on the lead while i passed " It's ok, he's friendly" was his reply.... words that may seem benign to some, but they constitute one of most rage-inducing phrases that i can hear after being respectful and polite and knowing my dog like i do.

I said "he might be but, mine can be a bit snappy with other dogs" with this the fella came bowling over and shouted "put a muzzle on it then" (i honestly thought it was going to come to fisticuffs) I refuse to muzzle my dog as i feel i can control it and have had a similar encounter to this were my dog got ragged about by two bull terriers while muzzled leaving me feeling helpless, in tears an with a hefty vets bill.
Anyhow,as he was coming over to me and saying "put a muzzle on it" my dog must of got sick of his dogs shenanigans and snapped at it (not a attack more go away and leave me alone).

As he got to me this fella was shouting abuse (that's when the red mist formed).
"listen" i said "it’s not just your dog that needs a lesson in manners, you do". "WHAT" he said "That’s right" i said "your dog isn't being friendly, he’s being an pain in the a..".
He put his mutt on the lead and said "whats wrong with my dog being off the lead if its friendly?" I told him It’s not just other people with dogs that might not want your mutt bowling upto them, there are people out there who fear other dogs and If they see your mutt off the lead, then it could cause them anxiety etc and folk who don’t want to be approached by dogs for whatever reason should not have to worry about your mutt running upto them.with this he called me a 'Richard' and walked off.

Surely i have the right to walk my dog without other dogs harassing me or my dog,or is he right and i was just being a "Richard"?
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Old 29-09-2014, 11:39   #2
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"It's ok, he's friendly"

Happens to me a lot as well, and I'd say it was him being the "Richard".
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Old 29-09-2014, 12:14   #3
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
Happens to me a lot as well, and I'd say it was him being the "Richard".
I thought that too ,Now that my dogs getting old it's patience is a little thinner and I don’t want risk her (or any other dog) getting injured.
When she was younger I have, when needed, told folk “my dog’s aggressive and bites,” which I know she isn't and won’t, but some people just can’t comprehend being responsible.The looks I got after saying that and the things folk said were horrible. I’m just looking out for the safety and well being of mine and other dogs, its called being responsible not being a "Richard"
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Old 29-09-2014, 12:46   #4
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

It just shows that this was not a responsible dog owner.
Most dog owners would have their animal on a lead.......or if it had been running free would put the lead on when coming up to another person or another animal.
There are dog owners and then there are people who have a dog...there is a subtle difference between the two.
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Old 29-09-2014, 13:18   #5
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
It just shows that this was not a responsible dog owner.
Most dog owners would have their animal on a lead.......or if it had been running free would put the lead on when coming up to another person or another animal.
There are dog owners and then there are people who have a dog...there is a subtle difference between the two.
Yes, your right there M, I've calmed down now and had a herbal ciggie

Perhaps with me knowing my dog can snap (when provoked) I should muzzle it,however after witnessing a two English bull terriers playing tug of war with her while she was muzzled, I refuse to do so.
With mine also being of a bull breed I know which would of been labelled the "devil dog" if it had turned into a dog fight.
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Old 29-09-2014, 13:35   #6
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

You'll always come across idiots, you just can't win with some people. You definitely did the right thing by informing him that your dog is a bit snappy, he was the total Richard, its becoming more of a pain than a pleasure taking your dog out sometimes these days.
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Old 29-09-2014, 14:15   #7
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

I know exactly what you mean. If we see another dog coming towards us on a lead, we put Max on. He will only tolerate so much of another dog sniffind around his back end when he is on his lead.When we tell the other owners all we get off some is "it's ok he's friendly" Then when Max tells it off , it goes for him.
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Old 29-09-2014, 15:56   #8
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who feels folk should have control over their dogs (friendly or otherwise).
From now on, i will use whatever force I can ('legally') muster to protect myself and my dog from harassment an if an out of control dog or its owner gets hurt as a consequence of my (defensive) actions so be it, I'm not sure if this is (socially) acceptable behaviour, but I'll cross that bridge if and when.
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Old 29-09-2014, 17:33   #9
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

Well done fer not chinning the knob, summat i fear i may well have done.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 30-09-2014, 08:17   #10
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
It's comforting to know I'm not the only one who feels folk should have control over their dogs (friendly or otherwise).
From now on, i will use whatever force I can ('legally') muster to protect myself and my dog from harassment an if an out of control dog or its owner gets hurt as a consequence of my (defensive) actions so be it, I'm not sure if this is (socially) acceptable behaviour, but I'll cross that bridge if and when.
Get one of them "stout" sticks I mentioned in the Manchester Dogs Home thread to bolster up your robust defence AcctX
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Old 30-09-2014, 14:13   #11
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Anyway,while i was out today i came across a fella who's dog (Labrador type) was off the lead and when it seen mine it came shooting over and proceeded to lift mine off its feet trying to sniff its backside.I (politely) shouted over to ask if he wouldn't mind putting his mutt on the lead while i passed " It's ok, he's friendly" was his reply.... words that may seem benign to some, but they constitute one of most rage-inducing phrases that i can hear after being respectful and polite and knowing my dog like i do.
Let me just paraphrase what you're saying here. Someone has a friendly, good natured dog out for exercise, and you expect them to reign in their dog in because yours is the one with the attitude problem?

Just so you know - having a dog on a lead is not having it "under control". If your dog were to bite another dog then any claim would come under the Animals Act 1971 which allows for civil reparation when animals cause injuries or property damage. If your dog is classed as a banned breed then it's covered by criminal law, the Dangerous Dogs Act.

The Animals Act does not make any distinction whether the dog is restrained. It does (rather messily) accommodate temporary aberrations vs aggression that is in the animal's nature. You've already indicated on a public forum that your dog is aggressive towards others. If your dog bites someone else's dog, and they sue you for the vet's bill, you'll lose, even if your dog was on a lead and theirs wasn't. Reckon it's time for you to invest in that muzzle...

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Old 30-09-2014, 14:17   #12
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

Originally Posted by Studio25 View Post
Reckon it's time for you to invest in that muzzle...
Or put a bit of lead in it's ear. That'll work.
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Old 30-09-2014, 14:35   #13
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

Originally Posted by DtheP47 View Post
Or put a bit of lead in it's ear. That'll work.
The lead should be fastened to it`s collar then wrapped around your wrist, how will putting some of it in it`s ear help?.
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Last edited by gpick24; 30-09-2014 at 14:37.
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Old 30-09-2014, 14:54   #14
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

Originally Posted by gpick24 View Post
The lead should be fastened to it`s collar then wrapped around your wrist, how will putting some of it in it`s ear help?.
It has to be put there using a Colt45 gpick
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Old 30-09-2014, 15:06   #15
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Re: "It's ok, he's friendly"

That must be where I went wrong then D, leashed I tried.
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