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Old 13-12-2005, 14:42   #1156
Senior Member+
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Re: Joke Of The Day

Two Irishmen walk into a pet shop in Dingle. They head to the bird
section and Gerry says to Paddy, "Dat's dem." The owner comes over and
asks if he can help them.

"Yeah, we'll take four of dem dere little budgies in dat cage up
dere,"says Gerry.

The owner puts the budgies in a paper bag. Paddy and Gerry pay for the
birds, leave the shop and get into Gerry's truck to drive to the top of
the Connor Pass.

At the Connor Pass, Gerry looks down at the 1000' foot drop and says

"Dis looks like a grand place." He takes two birds out of the bag, puts
them on his shoulders and jumps off the cliff.

Paddy watches as Gerry falls all the way to the bottom, killing himself
stone dead. Looking down at the remains of his best pal, Paddy shakes
his head and says "Fook dat. Dis budgie jumping is too dangerous
for me!"


Moment's later, Seamus arrives up at Connor Pass. He's been to the pet
shop too and walks up to the edge of the cliff carrying another paper
bag in one hand and a shotgun in the other. "Hi, Paddy. Watch dis,"
Seamus says. He takes a parrot from the bag and throws himself over the
edge of the cliff. Paddy watches as half way down, Seamus takes the gun
and shoots the parrot. Seamus continues to plummet down and down until
he hits the bottom and breaks every bone in his body. Paddy shakes his
head and says "And I'm never trying dat parrotshooting either!"


Paddy is just getting over the shock of losing two friends when Sean Og
appears. He's also been to the pet shop and is carrying a paper bag out
of which he pulls a chicken. Sean Og then hurls himself off the cliff
and disappears down and down until he hits a rock and breaks his spine.

Once more Paddy shakes his head. "sod dat, lads. First dere was Gerry
with his budgie jumping, den Seamus parrotshooting. and now Sean Og and
his fook'n hengliding!"

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Accrington Web
Old 16-12-2005, 20:43   #1157
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Re: Joke Of The Day

It's nearing the Festive Season again, so just a reminder that a doggy isn't just for Christmas ..........

............. It's a great position all year round!
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Old 24-12-2005, 19:27   #1158
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Re: Joke Of The Day

In acknowledgment of the newly announced gay marriages, IKEA have launched a new product, 'The Lesbian beds' ...........

...... there's no screwing involved, it's just tongue and groove.
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Old 26-12-2005, 09:39   #1159
I am Band

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Talking Re: Joke Of The Day

Right then, chaps, did you forget to buy your loved one a Christmas present? Glad to hear you didn't.
When you have read this seasonal tale, you never will in the future, neither...

A husband rolled in pi$$ed on Christmas Eve, and was in big trouble when he forgot to get a Christmas present for his wife.
His wife told him, "Tomorrow, there better be something in the driveway for me that goes 0 to 200 in 2 seconds flat."
The next day, on Christmas morning, the wife found a small package in the driveway. She opened it and found a brand new set off bathroom scales.

Funeral arrangements for the husband have been set for Saturday.
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!

Any ramblings, meanderings, thoughts or musings are mine and mine alone. Any opinions expressed are Lettie's!
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Old 29-12-2005, 13:15   #1160
I am Band

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Talking Re: Joke Of The Day

Here's another joke to upset Mary Whitehouse.

Three blondes are sitting in a café, talking about what to get their boyfriends for Christmas.
"It's funny," said Samantha. "Peter's balls are always cold as ice when I blow him! I think I should get him some ball warmers for Christmas."
"You know what?" replied Jenny. "It's exactly the same with my Richard!"
They turn to the third blonde, Candi, and asked, "When you blow Chris, are his balls cold, too?"
"Ugh! That's disgusting! I never put Chris's thing in my mouth!" exclaimed Candi.
"You're crazy," Samantha piped up. "A good blowjob is the best way to keep a guy! You should try it! It would make a great Christmas gift for Chris!"
Candi says she'll think about it. The next time they meet at the café it is Boxing Day and Candi is sporting a wicked shiner.
"Whoa!" Jenny exclaimed. "How did you get that black eye?!"
"Chris hit me when I was blowing him," Candi said.
"What on earth for?!" Jenny asked.
"I don't know," Candi replied. "I was giving him his Christmas present like you two suggested. I mentioned how strange it was that his balls were so warm, when Pete and Richard's were so cold, and he punched me!!!"
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!

Any ramblings, meanderings, thoughts or musings are mine and mine alone. Any opinions expressed are Lettie's!
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Old 30-12-2005, 11:23   #1161
I am Band

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Talking Re: Joke Of The Day

Three guys are in a bar discussing how much their wives bitch at them. They decide that when they get home, they'll do everything that the women ask...

The next weekend, they are in the same bar.

The first guy says "Man, I don't think that our idea was so great! I was sitting on the couch watching TV and I dropped my cigarette on the couch. My wife said why don't you burn the whole house down? That place is still smoldering."

The second guy said, "That ain't nothing. I was working on the car, and dropped my wrench and it nicked the fender. She said why don't you tear the whole car apart? It took me all night."

The third guy said, "You guys don't have nothing on me. When I walked in the door, my wife was doing the dishes, and I felt a little romantic. I reached down, and tickled her fancy, she said "Cut that out!"

He held out his hands. "Ever seen one of these real close?"
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!

Any ramblings, meanderings, thoughts or musings are mine and mine alone. Any opinions expressed are Lettie's!
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Old 06-01-2006, 19:27   #1162
Clearly Classy.......

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Re: Joke Of The Day

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Old 12-01-2006, 17:58   #1163
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Re: Joke Of The Day

why shouldn't you wear Ukranian underpants?

Chernobyl fallout

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Old 23-01-2006, 15:21   #1164
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Re: Joke Of The Day

Here are some of the foolish things that various football commentators have uttered, and later wished they hadn't. . .
  • "What will you do when you leave football, Jack - will you stay in football?"
    (STUART HALL, Radio 5 Live)
  • "Unfortunately, we keep kicking ourselves in the foot."
    (RAY WILKINS, speaking on BBC1)
  • "I've got a gut feeling in my stomach. . ."
    (ALAN SUGAR, speaking on BBC1)
  • "The new West Stand casts a giant shadow over the entire pitch, even on a sunny day."
    (CHRIS JONES, Evening Standard)
  • "I would not say he [David Ginola] is the best left winger in the Premiership, but there are none better."
    (RON AKTINSON in a TV interview)
  • "Johnson has revelled in the 'hole' behind Dwight Yorke. . ."
    (Carling FA Premiership WWW Page)
  • "An inch or two either side of the post and that would have been a goal."
    (DAVE BASSETT, speaking on Sky Sports)
  • "Both sides have scored a couple of goals, and both sides have conceded a couple of goals."
    (PETER WITHE, speaking on Radio 5 Live)
  • "What's it like being in Bethlehem, the place where Christmas began? I suppose it's like seeing Ian Wright at Arsenal...."
  • "And I suppose they [Spurs] are nearer to being out of the FA Cup now than at any other time since the first half of this season, when they weren't ever in it anyway."
  • "I never make predictions, and I never will."
  • "And there's Ray Clemence looking as cool as ever out in the cold."
  • "....and the news from Guadalajara where the temperature is 96 degrees, is that Falcao is warming up."
  • "If history is going to repeat itself I should think we can expect the same thing again."
  • "The Uruguayans are losing no time in making a meal around the referee."
  • "I think that was a moment of cool panic there."
  • "Beckenbauer really has gambled all his eggs."
  • "Celtic manager Davie Hay still has a fresh pair of legs up his sleeve."
  • "It's headed away by John Clark, using his head."
  • "Tottenham are trying tonight to become the first London team to win this Cup. The last team to do so was the 1973 Spurs side."
  • "He's very fast and if he gets a yard ahead of himself nobody will catch him."
  • "The game is balanced in Arsenal's favour."
  • "Merseyside derbies usually last 90 minutes and I'm sure today's won't be any different."
  • "You have got to miss them to score sometimes."
  • "Dumbarton player Steve McCahill has limped off with a badly cut forehead."
  • "A contract on a piece of paper, saying you want to leave, is like a piece of paper saying you want to leave."
  • "And I honestly believe we can go all the way to Wembley. . . unless somebody knocks us out."
  • "It was that game that put the Everton ship back on the road."
  • "Bobby Robson must be thinking of throwing some fresh legs on."
  • "What makes this game so delightful is that when both teams get the ball they are attacking their opponents goal."
  • "Celtic were at one time nine points ahead, but somewhere along the road, their ship went off the rails."
  • "That's football, Mike, Northern Ireland have had several chances and haven't scored but England have had no chances and scored twice."
  • "...and so they have not been able to improve their 100% record."
  • "In terms of the Richter Scale this defeat was a force eight gale."
  • "In comparison, there's no comparison."
  • "I would also think that the action replay showed it to be worse than it actually was."
  • "Mirandinha will have more shots this afternoon than both sides put together."
  • "Newcastle, of course, unbeaten in their last five wins."
  • "Football's not like an electric light. You can't just flick the switch and change from quick to slow."
  • "Certain people are for me and certain people are pro me."
  • "I'm going to make a prediction - it could go either way."
  • "And with 4 minutes gone, the score is already 0-0."
    (IAN DARK)
  • "Strangely, in slow motion replay, the ball seemed to hang in the air for even longer."
  • "What I said to them at half time would be unprintable on the radio"
  • "If we played like this every week, we wouldn't be so inconsistant"
  • "If there weren't such a thing as football, we'd all be frustrated footballers."
  • "He's one of those footballers whose brains are in his head."
  • "The crowd think that Todd handled the ball.... they must have seen something that nobody else did."
  • "I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel"
  • "They compare Steve McManaman to Steve Highway and he's nothing like him, but I can see why - it's because he's a bit different."
  • "Glen Hoddle hasn't been the Hoddle we know. Neither has Bryan Robson."
  • "There's no way Ryan Giggs is another George Best. He's another Ryan Giggs."
  • "The only thing I have in common with George Best is that we come from the same place, play for the same club and were discovered by the same man."
  • "I never comment on referees and I'm not going to break the habit of a lifetime for that prat."
  • "I don't think there is anybody bigger or smaller than Maradona."
  • "The minute's silence was immaculate, I have never heard a minute's silence like that."
  • Jimmy Hill: "Don't sit on the fence Terry, what chance do you think Germany has got of getting through?"
    Terry Venables: "I think it's fifty - fifty."
Last two not football related:
  • "And he's got the icepack on his groin there, so possibly not the old shoulder injury."
    (RAY FRENCH, Sky TV Rugby)
  • "Ah! isn't that nice, the wife of the Cambridge president is kissing the cox of the Oxford crew"
    (HARRY CARPENTER - BBC TV Boat Race, 1977)

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Old 23-01-2006, 15:59   #1165
Senior Member+

Re: Joke Of The Day

So like one bloke said to the other ' i am going to have to stop this telephone sex'
Why? he asks.
Well now i have got hearing aids!!!!
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 28-01-2006, 00:49   #1166
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Re: Joke Of The Day

A man doing his shopping one day realises that a blonde is looking at
him and he waves....he says " I'm sorry but do I know you?" she replies "I think you're
the dad of one of my kids" the man casts his mind back to the only time he has ever
been unfaithful. he says " are you the stripper that i sha""ed at the stag, the one over
the pool table where her sister pushed that cucumbber up my a""e??" the blonde says "
no i'm your sons teacher"
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 28-01-2006, 01:05   #1167
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Re: Joke Of The Day

One day a man goes to the doctors and explains that everything he does, he keeps farting. The man is obviously very embarrassed.

Doctor says " sit down please" so the man does, but he farts very loud and very red in the face says to the doctor " I'm very sorry but I warned you".

After a while the doctor lookss up and says " right stand up" so the man does. As he stands up he lets off a rip roarer.......he is soooo embarrassed.
Then the doctor says " right reach up as high as you can please!" so the man reaches up high, but he lets a massive fart off!!!! " omg sorry doctor" the doctor says " don't worry, now bend over and touch your toe's" so the man bends over and lets another huge fart off!!! " omg I'm sorry doctor....please help me". The doctor takes a look at the man and leaves the room.
The man is sat there for what seemed like ages, then the doctor re-appeared. In his hand he held a long stick with a hook on the end.
The man began to fret and said " bloody hell doctor what you gonna do with that thing??" the doctor said " I'm gonna open the window it bloody stinks in here"
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 28-01-2006, 01:09   #1168
white rabbits

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Re: Joke Of The Day

they were 2 crackers slinky.....
Not a full brick
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Old 28-01-2006, 01:11   #1169
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Re: Joke Of The Day

A woman was in a coma for several months, one day the nurses noticed a slight response while washing her f""ny. They rushed to her husband and explained. They suggested a little oral S"x might bring her round to which he agreed.
A few moments later her monitor flat lined, no pulse rate or heart rate. The nurses rushed into the room and said " what happened"?? the husband said " I'm not sure, she may have choked"
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 28-01-2006, 01:14   #1170
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Re: Joke Of The Day

Asylum seeker at the side of road eating grass. Car stops, driver says "don't eat that mate come with home with me" Asylum seeker says " I have 4 wives and 12 kids, can they come too??" driver says " f""k off!! I only have a small lawn"
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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