23-12-2006, 19:16
Yank in King Art's Court!
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Culpeper, Virginia, USA
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Re: Just a quick bye bye....
Originally Posted by tadah
hey im up for that if your buying.
All said most in gest tadah! Sure I'd buy you a pint (that silvermain bloke would have to stay outside. Don't know if I could both of you together )
You should head yourself over to the Meet. If you're a bit shy or rightfully weary, wait till they've had a few and all will probably forgive your antics eh?
Then again, feel free to stay for the NMA (non-meet attenders) party. It's gonna be wild, dancing on tables, having a few pints, shooting off guns, watching sports, etc. And that's only here in Virginia. LOL