There's an advert on the box about a rotating rim block, it claims to be a wonderful new product promising cleaner toilets and all because it rotates with the flush.
Well ladies do not be fooled or tempted into parting with your hard earned to purchase this item.
Why? The reason is simple, they don't care about your lavatory being cleaner they only care about selling toilet blocks. What will make sure they sell more toilet blocks? Make it rotate, it won't keep the toilet cleaner longer it will just result in every male in your household aiming for it when he's peeing just to see how fast he can get it to spin!
The faster it spins the more spray going everywhere and the faster the block will wear out requiring you to get down on your knees to wipe up the mess and replace the block more often than an ordinary one, more work for you not less.
So do not be fooled, not all that is new in technology is useful or better, use the money saved to buy a new LCD T.V. because without that rim block you will have more time to sit down and enjoy the footie with that wonderful man in your life!
P.S. No need to thank me, I only have your best interests at heart.