So, wending my way home I did what I often do, cut across McDees carpark.
Unusually it was almost empty, just a small scattering of cars leaving it open to park almost anywhere.
A large 4x4 came onto the car park, travelling very fast.
Hello, I thought, could this be interesting?
So being a people watcher I awaited developments.
The driver shot across the car park and headed for a very small space between two cars, slowing down at the last moment to try fitting into the space.
He manouvered carefully and just about fitted into the gap. Then he tried to open his door, he couldn't do it, too close to the car on his rhs.
So he backed out and moved nearer to the car on his lhs.
Now he could just about squeeze out, unfortunately when his passenger (she was at least two to three times wider than him tried to get out, she was stuck.
Lots of impatient conversation went on between the two, until he got back into the car, backed it out to allow her the freedom required, then he delicatley moved back into the space, only to find he'd moved towards the right again and so couldn't open his door.
It was at this point, ribs aching from laughter, I walked on.
Less than 20 feet in any direction he could have parked and both of them could have got out of the car easily, was it the herd instinct that drew him to parking with the other McDee customers?