Go on ! Bring it on !

I've heard most of them I think, but you're missing a few
"What do you call a Scouser in a suit ?" the Accused
"What do you call a Scouser in a detatched House ?" A Robber
"Scousers only got into the Gene pool by sneaking in when the Life guard was away !"
A Scouser, An Aussie & an Irish Fella sitting at the bar, looking over into the corner they see a fella with long hair a beard & flowing robes sitting by himself nursing a Pint & a bag of Wotsits.
They get into a discussion over the stranger & decide it's definitely Jesus, so they each send him a Pint over. The Barman takes the Drinks & explains to Jesus, who looks up & nods his appreciation to the Guys at the Bar.
When he finishes all his Beers Jesus walks over to the 3 of them, he takes the hand of the Aussie & shakes it, then says " My thanks for the Fosters & your ills are healed !" The Aussie stands up & says "Strewth mate I've had a gimpy back for years & now it's just great mate, good on yer Jesus !"
He then takes Paddys hand shakes it, then says "My thanks for the Guinness & your ills are also healed !" Paddy jumps off his stool & starts jigging about "Yer a Grand man so yer are Jesus, oi've not been able to move loik dis in many a yer, ar me sweet colleen ul be singin yer praises so she will !"
He reaches for the hand of the Scouser who rapidly shoves his hands deep into his Donkey Jacket pockets, Looks up at Jesus and says " Ar ey mate, P*** off will yer, I'm on benefits !"
So anymore for anymore ???