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Old 22-10-2008, 01:11   #61
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Re: New Social Group

Originally Posted by K-P View Post
Butter pies where invented for catholics...

Catholics dont eat meat on a friday (supposedly) So butter pies where invented (In Preston) for those catholics that didnt like or want fish.

Now why you calling me a nut ? Haa KP I gerrit
You mean Roman Catholics, now I understand.Silly me
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Old 22-10-2008, 07:02   #62
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Re: New Social Group

Do we have a 3 strikes and you're out policy on asterisk use with swearing? Anyone mind if I use a strike and direct chappy on where to go on his path of enlightenment?
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Old 22-10-2008, 08:02   #63
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Re: New Social Group

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
Do we have a 3 strikes and you're out policy on asterisk use with swearing? Anyone mind if I use a strike and direct chappy on where to go on his path of enlightenment?
You're just not seeing the light are you ?
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Old 22-10-2008, 08:28   #64

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Re: New Social Group

Originally Posted by enigmaman View Post
Thankyou for your input . Yes i do attend hope metro church . It was based on rhyddings st and called the Hope Centre . Now called Global.
Maybe you would like to explain to everyone else on here why the Hope centre split up into 2 parts, Hope Metro and the Global Centre. Are you the half that brought ex-cons into the town?

Originally Posted by enigmaman View Post
The word of God and the love of Jesus Christ saves millions of people on this planet.
Unless you lived in Ireland within the last few hundred years.

Shall I carry on and list all the Countries where people have been slaughter in the name of God?
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Old 22-10-2008, 09:59   #65
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Re: New Social Group

Well I've always thought that a persons religion was his or her own business, I'm am always suspect of anybody that feel the need to peddle religion in places like this or come knocking on doors annoying other people, by trying to ram their beliefs down your throat. The place for religion is in church or in your own special space and thoughts, not borring others with it
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Old 22-10-2008, 10:05   #66
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Re: New Social Group

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Well I've always thought that a persons religion was his or her own business, I'm am always suspect of anybody that feel the need to peddle religion in places like this or come knocking on doors annoying other people, by trying to ram their beliefs down your throat. The place for religion is in church or in your own special space and thoughts, not borring others with it
I know we have members with strong religious beliefs on Accy Web. Hopefully they get respect, they certainly respect the wishes of others who don't have their faith.

Personally I don't want to be saved, mainly because there's nothing I've done, or doing, that means I need Jesus, Mohammed, Krishna, or whoever's salvation.
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Old 22-10-2008, 10:35   #67
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Re: New Social Group

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I know we have members with strong religious beliefs on Accy Web. Hopefully they get respect, they certainly respect the wishes of others who don't have their faith.

Personally I don't want to be saved, mainly because there's nothing I've done, or doing, that means I need Jesus, Mohammed, Krishna, or whoever's salvation.
Quite agree Rindi, and as you say people with strong religious beliefs get respect, because they don't try and ram those beliefs down other users thoats, but the instigater of this thread has only been a member two minutes. Every one is different and have different views on religion, but I was always told two things not to discuss in the pub are politics and religion, I think we should definately keep to the second one in here, but there ain't much chance for the first
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Old 22-10-2008, 11:35   #68
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Re: New Social Group

Originally Posted by K-P View Post
Butter pies where invented for catholics...

Catholics dont eat meat on a friday (supposedly) So butter pies where invented (In Preston) for those catholics that didnt like or want fish.

What on earth is a butter pie? It can't be full of butter (can it? Please say it isn't. ) As an ex-R C I've never heard of them.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
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Old 22-10-2008, 11:35   #69
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Re: New Social Group

The thread was started to invite people that follow christ into a social group .Accy web is a great site for people to connect . It was never my intention to have a debate about religion or to ram it down peoples throats that is why i started a separate group . Should i be suprised that i have been persecuted personally for my beliefs .No . Though your comments on the face of it are harmless to me , christians are suffering and even killed today for following Christ . Look at our community why are you attacking a group that gives hope to so many people and saves them from a mixed up , greedy . selfish world . To the people that do not know christ i love you as a brother or sister, i pray that one day you will find christ . I wish you well with your journey in this life . The Group is about love , careing , forgiveness , truth . It is sad that these words are scorned these days .
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Old 22-10-2008, 11:37   #70
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Re: New Social Group

Originally Posted by West Ender View Post
What on earth is a butter pie? It can't be full of butter (can it? Please say it isn't. ) As an ex-R C I've never heard of them.

Is it not that sloppy looking potato pie?

Butter pie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, thought so
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Old 22-10-2008, 11:39   #71
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Re: New Social Group

oooh, used to get those from the college bakery when i went to blackburn college, they were ace, not had one for ages!!
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 22-10-2008, 12:12   #72

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Re: New Social Group

Originally Posted by enigmaman View Post
The Group is about love , careing , forgiveness , truth . It is sad that these words are scorned these days .
They are not, its just that as we become a more intelligent race we start to question the old fire and brimstone stories of old.
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Old 22-10-2008, 12:13   #73
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Re: New Social Group

The Hope Center was a great church . Brian Jackson was the pastor . The church was involved with an orphanage in Tanzania , prison work , food parcels and much more . Due to internal politics Brian was replaced by a new pastor Dave Shore . Daves preaching is more of the prosperity kind . A lot of people left because most of the change in church direction . It is now called Global which sounds more like a travel agency . .....The Hope Center .........was what the name implies ...... ex cons are coming into this town every week . The ones that are with us are looked after and are encouraged to live a good life within a family group . Most ex cons cannot cope on release and quickley reoffend . At least we try to help , not always successful I admit , but at least we try and a lot of guys are now working and leading a friutful life .
Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Maybe you would like to explain to everyone else on here why the Hope centre split up into 2 parts, Hope Metro and the Global Centre. Are you the half that brought ex-cons into the town?

Unless you lived in Ireland within the last few hundred years.

Shall I carry on and list all the Countries where people have been slaughter in the name of God?
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Old 22-10-2008, 13:27   #74
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Re: New Social Group

So here we have it , suppose it had to happen . You people now have a choice of social group . Will be interesting to see the outcome of members . Jesus was spat at , beaten , tortured and crucified . His crime was healing the sick and teaching about love and forgiveness . He was the Son of God . Is this antichrist social group any different than the crowds of people that cried out ....CRUCIFY HIM . I think not . Freedom is a great gift from God . He never forces you to worship him .I am saddened but not shocked by the response and ridicule of the name of jesus so far . More saddened by the lack of my brothers and sisters in Christ not coming forward to defend his name . The attacks on me personally have no power to hurt me . So it is the thoughts and teachings of Garinda that started the antichrist group . Or the word of God not Enigmaman on the Hope in Christ group . The choice is yours ....may God bless you all Amen .
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Old 22-10-2008, 13:37   #75
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Re: New Social Group

the choice is indeed ours, i think thats the main part of the posts in this thread..... you have threatened us all with damnation and shrugged off our religions and beliefs..that is not what God wants, God wants us to love and accept each other for our similarities and our differences..... Worshiping God can be in many ways, not only going to church/temple but the way we live our lives and i dont think you have shown very much tolerance towards you fellow man..........

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. (Matthew 7:120).
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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