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Old 20-06-2008, 01:32   #31

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Re: No Benefits for parents

Originally Posted by cherokee View Post
Now before anyone starts im not against the poles or anyone else for that matter , but what I am mad at is when the majority of jobs on the fylde coast are taken up by them and there is nothing left for our own.
So you are not againsy Poles as long as they are not working. Would you prefer they just claimed our benefits instead?

I am against them being over here. I am not being nasty or racist, I just don't think this Country can support anyone else at the moment.
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Old 20-06-2008, 03:43   #32
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Re: No Benefits for parents

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
So you are not againsy Poles as long as they are not working. Would you prefer they just claimed our benefits instead?

I am against them being over here. I am not being nasty or racist, I just don't think this Country can support anyone else at the moment.
from what I read in the international press it seems the Poles and other EU citizens in the UK are supporting themselves in minimum wage jobs without any Govt. handouts ( even contribute to the economy), seems its some the natives who dont want to work and are happy living on either handouts or demanding "top-up subsidies" before even considering getting out of bed in the mornings , if a Pole can live on what they pay at Hollands Pies why cant a native ? a loaf of bread costs the same for both , and in most cases the cost of living for a native in any country is lower than that of a foriegner........

and before anyone starts bitching and moaning .......I don't remember a British birth certificate saying "I am special, I am entitled" ........get over it , you are born , you live , you die ........make the most of it , end of story
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Old 20-06-2008, 03:54   #33

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Re: No Benefits for parents

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
from what I read in the international press it seems the Poles and other EU citizens in the UK are supporting themselves in minimum wage jobs without any Govt. handouts ( even contribute to the economy),
That is only part of the story.

After talking to several Poles most of them are only here short term to make a set amount of money. One I spoke to was here to make say £10k. He would then take that money home to use to but a house for his family.

They tend to live together in shared houses to reduce the cost. They try to spend as little money as possible so are not really adding to the local economy. The whole idea is to take money out of the UK back home.
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Old 20-06-2008, 04:17   #34
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Re: No Benefits for parents

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
That is only part of the story.

After talking to several Poles most of them are only here short term to make a set amount of money. One I spoke to was here to make say £10k. He would then take that money home to use to but a house for his family.

They tend to live together in shared houses to reduce the cost. They try to spend as little money as possible so are not really adding to the local economy. The whole idea is to take money out of the UK back home.
yep, your correct, but they are only doing the same as thousands of Brits who are working in the Gulf/Saudi/Nigeria etc. and no one complains about them (in fact the UK Govt. gives them a tax break), they are doing the jobs that the locals don't want (think Saudi) or the jobs the locals as yet cant do ( think pipe welding in Nigeria) ,
simarly with a lot of young Brits who do a 'gap' year in Australia and live in similar situations
What I do find intriging is the fact that the 'eastern europans' seem to have a different physiology than the Brits , they seem to be able to bend their backs and thus get jobs in the agricultural industry which the british seem unfit for
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Old 20-06-2008, 04:43   #35

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Re: No Benefits for parents

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
What I do find intriging is the fact that the 'eastern europans' seem to have a different physiology than the Brits , they seem to be able to bend their backs and thus get jobs in the agricultural industry which the british seem unfit for
Maybe they have shorter legs than us
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Old 20-06-2008, 06:05   #36
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Re: No Benefits for parents

[quote=steeljack;595409]from what I read in the international press it seems the Poles and other EU citizens in the UK are supporting themselves in minimum wage jobs without any Govt. handouts ( even contribute to the economy)/quote]

Maybe the international press needs to check it's facts. The poles get any top up benefits we get if they are entitled to them. It wasn't so long ago there was uproar because they were claiming child benefit in both countries, even though the children concerned were still in Poland.
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Old 20-06-2008, 07:04   #37
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Re: No Benefits for parents

I am willing to bet that immigrants are privy to a lot more information about what benefits and tax breaks are available than most brits, they may be working minimum wage, but they get plenty of handouts, to get back on thread though, there are not enough jobs about, and primarily because foreigners are doing many of them, the jobs about dont pay enough for childcare and if the tax credits stop when a child is over 11, people are going to be leaving jobs not finding them, and going back on benefits.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 20-06-2008, 07:05   #38
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Re: No Benefits for parents

Start an after school club flashy, see if you get any help from the people who are changing the rules, but dont hold your breath!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 20-06-2008, 07:22   #39
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Re: No Benefits for parents

On the one hand the government complains about 'latch key kids' and on the other hand they expect single parents to work. The words 'cake', 'have' and 'eat it' come to mind.

Foreign workers not interested in top-up benefits? You must be joking. There was a program on TV about how they are taught before they come here about all the benefits they can claim and they even get help filling in the forms if they can't speak English. The Eastern European workers don't have the same overheads as your average British family as has already been said. Their families are still living 'back home' but they claim allowances for them and sent the money back there (which gives them a higher standard of living as the money is worth more over there.) Meanwhile over here they are sharing flats and even beds at times with people on different shifts working and sleeping at different times. The cost of accommodation for them here, shared out between them, is nowhere near what it costs for a British family in rent/mortgage, gas, electricity etc.

Now look at it from the employers point of view. Who are they going to employ? A single foreign worker with no dependants here who is available whatever hours they are needed, or a single parent who may end up having time off if their child(ren) is/are ill? The employer will pick the person who in their eyes is likely to be more reliable. That's before you start talking about trying to find work to fit in round school hours and school holidays.

What is a single parent supposed to do with a 7 year old child during the school holidays whilst they are at work? I'm not even sure it's legal to leave a 7 year old child at home alone. If they burned the house down the parents would be accused of negligence.

And then as previously said, where are these extra jobs going to come from? People are being laid off, factories are gone. More and more people are out of work. Yet we allow more and more people into the country to fight for what few jobs there are. It's insane.

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Old 20-06-2008, 07:59   #40
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Re: No Benefits for parents

well you've all give me a lot to ask them on Tuesday, i'm going to attempt to write all this down, whats your betting that they cant come up with all the answers?

i am definately going towards the school work thing, i think that would be the best for both Reece and myself where holidays are concerned, i leave Reece in the house on his own now if he doesnt want to come somewhere with me but it isnt usually for very long PLUS my dad lives next door anyway (not that he's ever looked after Reece for me )
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Old 20-06-2008, 08:16   #41
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Re: No Benefits for parents

Steeljack from what I read in the international press it seems the Poles and other EU citizens in the UK are supporting themselves in minimum wage jobs without any Govt. handouts ( even contribute to the economy),
Perhaps they are only reporting selected facts because in the local paper we have a priest remonstrating with the Job Centre for not having an interperter available for the Poles to speak to.
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Old 20-06-2008, 08:40   #42
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Re: No Benefits for parents

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Perhaps they are only reporting selected facts because in the local paper we have a priest remonstrating with the Job Centre for not having an interperter available for the Poles to speak to.
I read that - what surprised me was they said 2000 polish people in Accrington area.

That is why that new bureau de change has opened - they will be sending money orders in polish currency back home.

I see no good reason why the poles can't use some of their OWN money to have an interpreter visit the job centre with them.

PS did you see that news item recently - 3 polish families were living in the loft of someone elses house.(had broken through the dividing loft wall)

Last edited by MargaretR; 20-06-2008 at 08:42.
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Old 20-06-2008, 08:52   #43
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Re: No Benefits for parents

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post

PS did you see that news item recently - 3 polish families were living in the loft of someone elses house.(had broken through the dividing loft wall)
Well that would explain how they can live on low wages.

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Old 20-06-2008, 13:33   #44
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Re: No Benefits for parents

this is what i have to explain to everybody that moans at me about not working.
i would love a job but it has to be enough for me to pay all the bills
yummy mummy !!!!!!
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Old 20-06-2008, 13:48   #45
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Re: No Benefits for parents

Originally Posted by kathleen_firth View Post
this is what i have to explain to everybody that moans at me about not working.
i would love a job but it has to be enough for me to pay all the bills
Im with you on that one (although do love seeing every new thing that my boys do for the first time) I know if i was to go back to work at this stage I would miss so much of their "growing up" and also not have enough money to live off by the time I have paid for child care for them both
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