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Anything Goes Anything goes.....well, you'll get away with more here than anywhere else on Accyweb! But remember, we are a child friendly forum!

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Old 23-05-2008, 01:09   #1
God Member

No Justice!

I would like to explain the gross miscarriage of justice I have recently experienced if you will bear with me.
A few months ago myself and two friends were in a landrover, driving to visit another friends home, (we were planning a skiing holiday and we were messing about putting our ski masks on).
It was around 2 am when we noticed a dixons shop had the large front window completly smashed in, we drove to investigate.. when we saw DVD players,LCD televisions and all sorts of produce strewn around the place (obviously a theft had taken place)
I immediately backed up my vehicle to block the massive hole in the window.

My friends and I decided the best course of action would be to load the strewn boxes of DVD's etc into our vehicle and take them to the nearest police station.
As we were loading up the vehicle, to our joy, several police cars arrived on the scene, I tried to explain the circumstances to the officers but was shocked to be told I was under arrest!!

My Brief re-told the situation later in court but I was given 6 months jail !!!
I really don't know what this country is coming to!!
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Accrington Web
Old 23-05-2008, 01:16   #2
Senior Member+
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Re: No Justice!

*LOL* u shudnt joke about this one!!

when hatton lost to mayweather someone smashed a window of a bike shop and i seen it. so i parked my car outside and from first looks it looked like there was a bike missing *it was merely fallen off the shelf but as it was dark u cudnt see*

so i called the cops and he was like rite whats ur name etc then started questioning me about the bike i was like i dont ****in know i just got here
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 23-05-2008, 08:29   #3
Resident Waffler

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Re: No Justice!

Stupid police. Like you are really going to phone them if you've done the robbery! ................ or............... could be a superb double bluff couldn't it?

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