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Old 06-01-2009, 15:27   #1
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'erindoors's Avatar

Officially 'cacking it'

It's Mine and churchmanPhil's wedding day in 12 weeks this Sat, . It's comeing around so flippin' quick!

So, any advise or words of wisdom from you friendly lot, something to calm me down a little maybe!!

Gail xxxx
"Love is just an abbreviation for everything we have ever wanted to say about that one person who truly means something to us, all wrapped up in a tiny four-letter box"
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Old 06-01-2009, 15:33   #2
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Re: Officially 'cacking it'

It's easier and cheaper to change your mind before rather than after
I speak from experience here - your experience may be totally different

I made it policy never to nag - that is where I slipped up - they thought they could get away with anything and did - for a while

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Old 06-01-2009, 16:43   #3
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Re: Officially 'cacking it'

Originally Posted by 'erindoors View Post
It's Mine and churchmanPhil's wedding day in 12 weeks this Sat, . It's comeing around so flippin' quick!

So, any advise or words of wisdom from you friendly lot, something to calm me down a little maybe!!

Gail xxxx
Try to savour the day. It tends to fly by and everyone wants a piece of you. Make time for each other.

If you're not careful you and your hubby can end up hardly seeing each other after the ceremony.
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
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Old 06-01-2009, 17:32   #4
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Re: Officially 'cacking it'

Originally Posted by 'erindoors View Post
It's Mine and churchmanPhil's wedding day in 12 weeks this Sat, . It's comeing around so flippin' quick!

So, any advise or words of wisdom from you friendly lot, something to calm me down a little maybe!!

Gail xxxx
A couple of large gins each night should do the trick
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Old 06-01-2009, 17:48   #5
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: Officially 'cacking it'

Live together as man & wife for 80 maybe 90 years, if you still feel the same then, take the step towards engagement, marriage? I'd leave that for your children to decide if you are compatible.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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Old 06-01-2009, 22:04   #6
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Re: Officially 'cacking it'

Enjoy your day and try to savour the moment, as Lilly says, everyone wants a piece of you.

By the time you have both spoken to all the quests and mingled a bit, it's the end of the day and you have hardly seen each other.

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Old 06-01-2009, 22:17   #7
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Re: Officially 'cacking it'

Originally Posted by buttonsmum View Post
Enjoy your day and try to savour the moment, as Lilly says, everyone wants a piece of you.

By the time you have both spoken to all the quests and mingled a bit, it's the end of the day and you have hardly seen each other.
If your photographer or videographer suggest a 10min walk away from everyone to get some arty pics, take it- for exactly the reason Buttonsmum suggested.

Depending who you've got driving between ceremony and reception (if anyone), you might even get them to take the scenic route...

As to advice about a long and happy marriage - never go to bed cross with each other. Make him sleep downstairs.

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Old 07-01-2009, 00:48   #8
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Re: Officially 'cacking it'

I agree with Lily.

Enjoy the wedding, and the build up to it.

The day is for the two of you primarily.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 07-01-2009, 09:49   #9
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Re: Officially 'cacking it'

Awww, thanks guys, so sweet, and good advise!! I've just got so much to do in so little time now!

Originally Posted by Studio25 View Post
If your photographer or videographer suggest a 10min walk away from everyone to get some arty pics, take it- for exactly the reason Buttonsmum suggested.

Depending who you've got driving between ceremony and reception (if anyone), you might even get them to take the scenic route...

As to advice about a long and happy marriage - never go to bed cross with each other. Make him sleep downstairs.
Yes, our photographer will be taking us away for a bit.

We are having the full day at Sparth House, so no driving between anything. Luckily though we will have our own room, so may get the chance to escape there for a while!

Thanks hun.

Gail xxxx
"Love is just an abbreviation for everything we have ever wanted to say about that one person who truly means something to us, all wrapped up in a tiny four-letter box"
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Old 07-01-2009, 12:24   #10
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Re: Officially 'cacking it'

Just enjoy it!!

It'll all be fine am sure, you just need to relax and enjoy yourself. Its your special day, make the most of it, as someone said it is all over too soon and the day passes by so quickly.
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Old 07-01-2009, 12:30   #11
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Re: Officially 'cacking it'

Most responses have been about the wedding day - there is a lifetime after that - was I wrong to assume that she wanted marriage comment and not just wedding day comment?

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Old 07-01-2009, 12:57   #12
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Re: Officially 'cacking it'

I have to admit, I haven't got the jitters about 'the marriage' itself, it's mainly the run up to it. Having enough money, having enough time left to do the things that need to be done! It's all that that scareing me if I'm honest!! I just want the day to be perfect!

Gail xxxx
"Love is just an abbreviation for everything we have ever wanted to say about that one person who truly means something to us, all wrapped up in a tiny four-letter box"
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Old 07-01-2009, 13:00   #13
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Re: Officially 'cacking it'

Stop worrying things will pan out they always do. Just relax things will be fine, Berniexxx
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Old 07-01-2009, 22:19   #14
I am Banned

Re: Officially 'cacking it'

[quote='erindoors;666806]I have to admit, I haven't got the jitters about 'the marriage' itself, it's mainly the run up to it. Having enough money, having enough time left to do the things that need to be done! It's all that that scareing me if I'm honest!! I just want the day to be perfect!

Give or moitherin, if worrying did any good,, you would be able to get a bottle of worry pills from the chemist.
Once you've heard angel feathers rustling, you never worry again, I heard them more than once, on hairy jobs in the fire brigade.

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