O.K. I doubt that I will ever be tempted to join one of these sites, I'll wait until I'm forced kicking and screaming into an old folks home before I ever play again, (I believe in such places bingo and singing 'roll out the barrel' are compulsory).
One of the sites though tries to tempt me with their advert by offering £30 play for a deposit of £10, no, that isn't enough to make me part with my cash.
So what else do they do?
They offer a free lip gloss or lipstick if I do finally give in to the temptation and join them.
That I almost find is enough to clinch the deal, after all, in this modern society blokes do wear make-up, so I don't suppose they are being sexist...
However, if I'm sat at home 24/7 glued to their site, when would I need to drag myself off the settee change out of my housecoat, fluffy slippers and jim jams and get tarted up with my sensational free gift?
Must admit, it always makes me feel that little bit better when I've put in the effort though.