Being a hardened old cynic I am tempted to wonder if Less has a planning application that is coming up for consideration, or perhaps it is just that the "daddy's medicine" is finally kicking in. Whatever, I too would like to send a seasonal message to The Scaitcliffe Residential Home for the Terminally Bewildered.
To all our lovely councillors,
Thank you for another year of political back-biting and infant school squabbling. The borough which I care deeply about, has, under your lack-lustre and unimaginative stewardship failed yet again to drag itself out of the mire to which your misguided, damaging and costly policies have condemned it.
You can take pride in the knowledge that your pathetically inadequate efforts on behalf of the people of this borough have turned even more people away from engaging in the political process - who wants to have a meaningful conversation with a bunch of grasping fools who cannot agree on what day of the week it is?
You have, by your scandalous increase in allowances, demonstrated that a life in public service is motivated more by personal greed than altruism and civic pride.
In every service which you have a duty to operate, without exception, there are failings, delays and incompetence. There is also a monstrous lack of public accountability and transparency. Councillors prattle on and on about the high level of professionalism to be found among the officers of the Council. I have to say that anyone presiding over the constant stream of cock-ups in the commercial sphere would not remain a professional for very long.
When are you all going to get it into your thick heads, the long suffering people of this borough want a council that does what it says on the tin, as opposed to what is politically expedient.
Hyndburn Borough Council and it's officers, are, in my very humble opinion, not worth the breath spent criticising them.
I hope that your weasel words and feasibility studies choke you, and may they choke you sooner in the New Year rather than later.