A bit like buses we wait for ages then two come along at once.
I was on a fag break grateful that because it's summer the rain falling was almost warm, when from the depths of the pub came a Scot, not one of the stereotypical Och eigh the noo type scots but the full blown four letter word self opinionated type of Scot.
Expletive, expletive, expletive, look at that car that
Gentleman is driving for expletives sake.
I looked, the guy was driving a top of the range Jag.
It looks fantastic says I,
Expletive, expletive, expletive, no says he, what the expletive, is he doing in such an expletive car? I can't even afford the wheel on that expletive!
Well, says I perhaps he's earned it not all of 'em are criminals he could be a well educated proffesional that deserves to drive around in such a vehicle?
Expletive, expletive, expletive, I'm expletive educated, the people inside this pub are expletive well educated none of them can afford such a expletive car!
This so called conversation went on no doubt longer than it took the guy in the car to get his Jag outa town.
I finished it by saying, well I think you must be jealous.
There are not enough expletives to copy and paste as his reply suffice it to say, he asked me why I thought he was jealous.
Well said I, I know I am.
At this point he expleted off.
Then, before I could take another draw on my fag along comes the next one,
shouting into his mobile with his cigarette hanging from his mouth.
Obviously an important call or else he was using some new expletives he'd just learnt from a scotsman.
He stopped, made a signal with his fingers at me that he needed a light for his fag and continued swearing into his 'phone.
I remained motionless, he repeated the gesture I remained motionless, he moved his mouth away from his 'phone and shouted, I need an expletive light.
No, I replied You want an expletive light
He looked shocked but slowly repeated the above sentence.
I gave him a light and said, you see, all we have to do is use some expletive manners and we can get what we want.
His parting words showed he had paid attention to the lessons being taught by the Scotsman.