I was listening to
Alex Lester on Radio 2 earlier today & one of his many topics was creating new names for phobias. Heres some that I sent in to him, maybe we can put our thinking hats on and create some more.
TINTENAUSIA- A sickening feeling that begins in the
ears and spreads to the stomach whenever some-ones
mobile goes off and it's that frog.
Mammatricophobia-the obsession with watching a pole
dancers upper torso as she gets them to swing in
opposite directions.
Autoparanoia- the fear that all those little voices in
your head will stop talking to you because they will
be plotting against you!
Automessamania- the impulsive rage suffered by
receivers of robotic e-mails.
disc-orderosis-the fear of picking your c.d. collection
off the bedroom floor & putting it in it's correct
gratisfaction- the pleasant feeling that comes over
you when some-one else buys you a pint.
alecrystalvacantism- the fear of empty beer glasses
ignoraphobia- suffered by minor celebs it's the fear
of not being recognised.
electro-missive-runnyitis-E-mail diarrhoea
(saturday)),narco- sleepdisorder, caused by century
isis (always good at the end of a phobia)
It means fear of losing sleep caused by watching too
many top 100 programs on a Saturday night.