11-09-2013, 09:21
Re: Please Help!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
The difference is very subtle Neil........and most of the friends on here I would recognise in the street(apart from Westender who has passed on)...and I don't have that many friends on here. I do not accept friend requests lightly (as many will know)
As for my blog.......well, that has lapsed quite a bit recently and is in no way like what goes on on facebook. As far as I am aware, it is available for members to read, but unavailable for non-members(or that was how it was set up)....to my knowledge, Accyweb has nowhere near the same amount of members....and many of those who profess to be members come her relatively infrequently.
Accyweb is also local, rather than global(even though we have some international members)....I think if you went out and about in the world and stopped someone and asked if they were a member of facebook then you would get many more 'yesses' to that question than if you asked 'are you a member of Accyweb'........and if you have to ask these questions, then, I humbly suggest that, perhaps you do not understand the forum that well.
Without wanting to sound rude Margaret I think that maybe you don't understand the difference between Facebook and AccyWeb. AccyWeb is an open forum and anyone in the world can read what you write. On Facebook you decide who can read what you write by setting your privacy settings the way you want them.
I will write more personal things on Facebook than I will on here because I know who can read what I write.
One thing Facebook is rubbish at is being a forum. Group discussions on facebook can be a pain in the neck, posts get lost and they cannot be searched for. Selling pages are rubbish for the same reason. Historic discussions are useless on facebook as well compared to a forum.
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