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Anything Goes Anything goes.....well, you'll get away with more here than anywhere else on Accyweb! But remember, we are a child friendly forum!

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Old 13-08-2004, 16:49   #31
God Member
yerself's Avatar

Re: postman pat

Apparently that was all a myth:

Evening Standard correspondent Victor Lewis-Smith wrote several years later:

'It'll never stand up in court,' I hear you cry, but stranger cases have flourished. I remember voicing much the same opinion a decade ago when John Ryan's solicitor threatened legal action against the newspaper I was then working for, after I had erroneously (and I stress erroneously) suggested that the characters he'd created for his Captain Pugwash series weren't quite as innocent as they'd first seemed back in the 1950s.
Unwittingly repeating a folk myth that had been passed down through generations of schoolboys, I'd stated that the dramatis personae included such nautical naughties as Master Bates, Seaman Stains and Roger the Cabin Boy, and that 'Pugwash' was Australian slang for a form of oral sex. The matter seemed trivial, but an apology was made, Mr Ryan's honour was satisfied and two sets of parasitical, low-life libel lawyers thus pocketed yet more easy (and thoroughly ill-deserved) dosh.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
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Accrington Web
Old 13-08-2004, 16:54   #32
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Tealeaf's Avatar

Re: postman pat

Originally Posted by yerself
Apparently that was all a myth:

Evening Standard correspondent Victor Lewis-Smith wrote several years later:

'It'll never stand up in court,' I hear you cry, but stranger cases have flourished. I remember voicing much the same opinion a decade ago when John Ryan's solicitor threatened legal action against the newspaper I was then working for, after I had erroneously (and I stress erroneously) suggested that the characters he'd created for his Captain Pugwash series weren't quite as innocent as they'd first seemed back in the 1950s.
Unwittingly repeating a folk myth that had been passed down through generations of schoolboys, I'd stated that the dramatis personae included such nautical naughties as Master Bates, Seaman Stains and Roger the Cabin Boy, and that 'Pugwash' was Australian slang for a form of oral sex. The matter seemed trivial, but an apology was made, Mr Ryan's honour was satisfied and two sets of parasitical, low-life libel lawyers thus pocketed yet more easy (and thoroughly ill-deserved) dosh.
I would'nt take Victor Lewis Smith to seriously...he makes thinhs up in his colume every day (He's the TV critic)....Pugwash is the Australian slang term for masturbate.
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Old 13-08-2004, 17:04   #33
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Re: postman pat

Moving more up to date all is not what it seems with the Teletubbies:
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
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Old 16-08-2004, 07:01   #34
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Acrylic-bob's Avatar

Re: postman pat

Where did you find that, Yerself? It explains a lot. That's it, no more Teletubbies! Acrylic-Biff, the terrier with attitude, will just have to find something more wholesome with which to occupy his time. It also goes some way to explaining Mrs Acrylic-Bob's erratic and eccentric behaviour of late, and to think that I put it down to a combination of E-numbers and the Atkins Diet. How could I be so blind?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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