07-03-2008, 13:16
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
promotional gifts can be confusing
I had forgotten all about a letter I had sent to a software company some years ago (back then emails were still around the corner for all but a few), but came across a copy just now so, unluckily for you, I thought I would share it with you.
I was working at a company that used plenty of computers and lots of software using the good old Dos system.
Three and a half inch floppies had been out for only a short while and were only fitted on the higher and more expensive end of the companies computers.
I received through the post a letter from this particular software house and a free gift, it was one of those children's puzzle games with sliding blocks and it was just about the size of a floppy disk but about twice as thick and a very bright yellow a similar game to the ones in the picture below.

Here is the letter I sent to some poor innocent Salesrep:-
Dear Sir,
I wonder if you can help me? I received your yellow disk with what I can only assume is a demo copy of your software, unfortunately it does not seem compatible with my three and a half inch floppy drive, as, when I tried to insert it, it got stuck half way in. I had quite a job trying to extract it as well.
The disappointing news is that when I did finally get the disk out, (with the help of a flat bladed screwdriver & a small hammer), all the little plastic chips fell out. I wonder if you could send me a replacement disk or else a diagram of the correct order that the chips should be fitted to the disk.
By the way, do you know where I can get a replacement fascia for my disk drive as mine is now cracked & the button has dropped off, also can you recommend a decent oil as my floppy drive makes a horrible squeaking noise and I need to quieten it down before the I.T. Manager finds out what happened.
I hope you can send me a prompt reply,
Thanking you in advance,
etc. etc.
Needless to say, I didn't get a reply but the next time a rep' called from that company, he was a new kid on the block and said it was company policy not to send out gimmicky toys with anymore of their promotions.
Looking back on it now, I never did find out what happened to the Rep that had sent me the toy, my kids had hours of fun solving it, but I never got chance to thank him for it.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting