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06-10-2007, 11:01
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Proud but sad :(
Well the inevitable is happening....within the last 2 weeks or so Jack (now 2 years and 4 months old) has progressed from being very babyish(-needing a dummy,asking me to do things eg open bottles,also making noises and pointing instead of talking) has suddenly gone without his dummy since monday (alot easier than i thought it would be-i was dreading weaning it off him but one night i just put him to bed without it and he hasnt had it since!) and is saying lots of words-even sentences(!!!!) and doing things for himself.....im quite relieved but when i see younger children i think 'awww why cant Jack go back to being like that,and needing me all the time) but i know i wouldnt really like it-VERY hard work.
Strange to see him now-like a different person altogether.
His fave thing in the world? SHREK  has been for about a year-although his not keen on the sequels.
Next step will be potty training-his already progressing that way-such as telling the neighbours his done a poo 
Soon he wont need his buggy either (as a pram fan im not keen on this idea).
Im taking him to Kent to see all his relatives in November (most of whom have never met him)  his nan,great nan and great grandad saw him 16 months ago-when he couldnt talk,walk and was still on bottles etc.
Is going to be very strange for him and them.
Wish me luck with the 6 hour train journey....on my own with our luggage,pram and (i bet) a very tired,whiny Jack.........hmmm what possessed me to book those tickets???
I bet Neil and Romps can sympathise seeing as their daughter is exactly the same age 
06-10-2007, 12:50
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Re: Proud but sad :(
It is hard when they stop being babies, but embrace each stage you'll enjoy them all, when Ellie was two the things she used to say were so funny that I wrote them down, its easy to forget what they are like at each stage.
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06-10-2007, 14:47
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Re: Proud but sad :(
6 hours to kent? since when? its only 2 hours 10 minutes to london from preston and thats on the train
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
06-10-2007, 15:29
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Re: Proud but sad :(
Originally Posted by flashytart
6 hours to kent? since when? its only 2 hours 10 minutes to london from preston and thats on the train
It'll probably take that length of time again to get from Euston to either Charing Cross or Victoria station, depending on where in Kent you're going, using the Tube.
On the journey planner timetable Accy to Margate is between a five and a half and six and a half hour journey time.
Good luck. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
06-10-2007, 15:40
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Re: Proud but sad :(
Treasure every moment before you know it he will be going to school. It is nice seeing them develop their own personallity. Good luck on your journey you will have your hands full.
06-10-2007, 15:46
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Re: Proud but sad :(
Originally Posted by garinda
It'll probably take that length of time again to get from Euston to either Charing Cross or Victoria station, depending on where in Kent you're going, using the Tube.
On the journey planner timetable Accy to Margate is between a five and a half and six and a half hour journey time.
Good luck. 
i know what your saying Gary but my mate lives in Beckenham, Kent and it only takes him 3 1/2 hours at the most to get there from preston....and if she has any sense she wont get on the tube...well not with a baby, pram and luggage, its far easier using the bus
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
06-10-2007, 15:57
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Re: Proud but sad :(
Originally Posted by garinda
Good luck. 
I will need it 
Im getting a taxi from Euston to Victoria....wouldnt even consider tube or bus.
Be worth it in the end though 
06-10-2007, 15:59
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Re: Proud but sad :(
I came across a picture of my daughter the other day when she was about 18 months old. She's only 11 now and it seems like a very long time ago
Just make sure you have plenty of photos/videos. I have a couple of scratty photos from my childhood, making sure my daughter has a bit more than that to look back on. 
06-10-2007, 18:09
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Re: Proud but sad :(
The years do go by far too quickly. My eldest is 16 and it doesn't seem 5 minutes since she was learning all those things. Treasure every moment. Enjoy your trip to Kent. Maybe he'll sleep on the journey.
06-10-2007, 19:21
Resting in Peace
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Re: Proud but sad :(
Originally Posted by grego
It is hard when they stop being babies, but embrace each stage you'll enjoy them all, when Ellie was two the things she used to say were so funny that I wrote them down, its easy to forget what they are like at each stage.
You spot on there grego ... I was sorry didn't do this at the time; they are talking well, but talking literally, and comes out hilarious. Sarah Kennedy did a book, didn't she ? on this subject.. sorry, can't remember the title, but she had a slot in her early morning programme at 'What kids say' .. very funny.
Best of luck on your journey Miss Kitty .. hard work when they are so young, and you doing it on your own .. have to take everything but the kitchen sink with you, and take no notice of other passengers who may get annoyed with Jack's boredom .. probably forget they have had children of their own.
06-10-2007, 20:36
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Re: Proud but sad :(
Originally Posted by misskitty
Well the inevitable is happening....within the last 2 weeks or so Jack (now 2 years and 4 months old) has progressed from being very babyish(-needing a dummy,asking me to do things eg open bottles,also making noises and pointing instead of talking) has suddenly gone without his dummy since monday (alot easier than i thought it would be-i was dreading weaning it off him but one night i just put him to bed without it and he hasnt had it since!) and is saying lots of words-even sentences(!!!!) and doing things for himself.....im quite relieved but when i see younger children i think 'awww why cant Jack go back to being like that,and needing me all the time) but i know i wouldnt really like it-VERY hard work.
Strange to see him now-like a different person altogether.
His fave thing in the world? SHREK  has been for about a year-although his not keen on the sequels.
Next step will be potty training-his already progressing that way-such as telling the neighbours his done a poo 
Soon he wont need his buggy either (as a pram fan im not keen on this idea).
Im taking him to Kent to see all his relatives in November (most of whom have never met him)  his nan,great nan and great grandad saw him 16 months ago-when he couldnt talk,walk and was still on bottles etc.
Is going to be very strange for him and them.
Wish me luck with the 6 hour train journey....on my own with our luggage,pram and (i bet) a very tired,whiny Jack.........hmmm what possessed me to book those tickets???
I bet Neil and Romps can sympathise seeing as their daughter is exactly the same age 
A lot of people start getting all nostalgic at this stage, when their son/daughter starts changing from a baby into a small child. This is why the most common gap between siblings is 2 to 3 years. 
Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs, cackling and telling me
'You'll be next.' They stopped when I started doing the same to them at funerals.
06-10-2007, 21:01
Resting in Peace
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Re: Proud but sad :(
Originally Posted by Lilly
A lot of people start getting all nostalgic at this stage, when their son/daughter starts changing from a baby into a small child. This is why the most common gap between siblings is 2 to 3 years. 
True Lilly, but I never fealt this way, just enjoyed every minute of their development, don't remember getting any longings when my daughter reached 2>3 years, but your theory makes bioligical sense to entrap you into the furtherment of humanity  (took me 17 years)
06-10-2007, 21:11
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Re: Proud but sad :(
I only began to enjoy motherhood when my son began to talk - at about 18 months - before that he just ate slept and sh*t  (prefer toddlers to babies any day)
06-10-2007, 22:11
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Re: Proud but sad :(
It is so easy to 'chase teh next step'. you know, from baby to smiling to crawling to walking to talking to toilet trained etc.
Siobhan is pretty much there as a little girl rather than a baby or even toddler. its been quite an eye opener just how fast its happened. I was told by a wise guy I worked with to not 'chase' teh next step and he turned out quite right in lots of things.
Kitty, enjoty your triup and if your like us, take as many pictures as possible
<Geeky note> most of us now use digital photos to store our memories. If you only have a copy on yor 1 computer or on CD in your house you are quite likely to lost them all. PM/email me if you want to know how to protect those pictures quite cheaply for ever.(THIS IS A NON COMMERCIAL POST I.E. i MAKE NOWT FROM IT)
06-10-2007, 22:28
white rabbits
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Re: Proud but sad :(
Oooh my baby will be 36 in december ,it only seems like yesterday when i brought him home from hospital on xmas eve,,,,Treasure every moment,you will soon wonder where the time went...My eldest will be 45 in November,,,,cor..that makes me feel old...  and not to make him feel left out ,my middle son was 42 in august,,,, 
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