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Old 19-10-2006, 23:11   #1
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Proud parent!!

What happened in your childs life that made you so proud??

Mine was 2 weeks ago when my eldest son came home from school and said he had been selected to represent his school in the Lancashire School of dance Festival. 15 children were selected out of the entire school.

Although my son ( aged 9) was very NON-PLUSED about this, I thought it was wonderful and was very proud, so off he went today to Preston Guild Hall to represent his school.

He arrived back at 22:30pm tonight with lots of stories about his day. He said " I fell over though mum and I was embarrassed" and I just said " that's my lad, make everyone remember you CHICK"

I am sooooo proud of him. He is a great little mover......and has a lot of natural Rhythem..........god love him

Well done babe!!!!
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 19-10-2006, 23:15   #2
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Re: Proud parent!!

Great parents, great kids.

Well done him, and you have every reason to be proud.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 19-10-2006, 23:18   #3
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Re: Proud parent!!

Originally Posted by garinda
Great parents, great kids.

Well done him, and you have every reason to be proud.
Thanks Rindy!! now shhhhh or my eyes will sweat again
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 19-10-2006, 23:18   #4
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Re: Proud parent!!

Mine has to be today when Tommo came home and said he had the highest maths score in the school. In his words "Mum it was a better score than that girl who always beats me"

Bless em, my biggest acomplishments at school were raising the most amount of laughter or being sent out of class the fastest!
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Old 20-10-2006, 00:14   #5
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Re: Proud parent!!

Well i have got two over the last 2 yrs .
First was when my daughter danced on stage at the grand theatre last year to an almost full house ...I was so proud of her just hope she makes it again this year , her last year in school ..

And my second were earlier this year just before my son left school ,now although not academically brilliant , when he went into his last year he had already directed a dvd in his forth year , but the last year he and a few friends made a further 2 dvd,s the last one being an introductory dvd for future newcomers to the school , which showed a natural and amusing side to all of the teachers, anyhow . in his last year he made senior prefect ,directed these dvd,s and won a trophy for a citezenship award , so what im trying to say is although he didnt do brilliant with his exams i was and AM so very proud of what achievments he managed to make.
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Old 20-10-2006, 20:31   #6
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Re: Proud parent!!

I've no kids but can i be proud of my nieces and nephews and my neighbours kids?

My eldest niece - when she graduated and became a teacher at a darwen primary school and when her 2 kids were born and especially when the youngest ended up having an operation the day after her grandma (my mum) died and in plaster for 5 months until after her 1st birthday.

next in line niece - when she was prefect at hollins. She did really well.

next in line niece - when she passed her exams and got into uni at salford for media studies.

next in line nephew - helping me find out how to use google - he found porn! And no i wasnt in the room at the time - i was making tea! He also found out how tough his aunty was - he had to tidy my garden up! He didnt realise i knew how to look at the history - no brains to clear it before he turned it off. I'm still getting all the spam emails from his trip round google!

next in line nephew - when he joined the cadets in hassy

next in line niece - when she got into brgs. My mum was so proud of her.

my neighbours son - he's the best - he's got adhd & aspergers and had problems with it. A year ago he went to a boarding school and today he came over to ask for a plaster - he gave me a hug when i opened the door and when he was going he asked me for another hug.

Last edited by shillelagh; 20-10-2006 at 20:34.
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Old 20-10-2006, 20:43   #7
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Re: Proud parent!!

well i cry at every event my kids do the last time was on wednesday when my 3 kids were in the harvest festival all had a roll to play and all did very well and my daughter who just started school in september had to sing a song, i could hardly see her through my tears
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Old 20-10-2006, 21:18   #8
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Re: Proud parent!!

I wont put how proud i am of my jc-not enough space on Accyweb and not enough time,you would all get bored.obviously being only 16 months old he hasn't achieved what older children have but he is my pride and joy.

Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling,Edna Ferber.

check out our wedding pictures taken by the lovely gareth at studio25....
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Old 20-10-2006, 21:24   #9
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Re: Proud parent!!

Originally Posted by misskitty
I wont put how proud i am of my jc-not enough space on Accyweb and not enough time,you would all get bored.obviously being only 16 months old he hasn't achieved what older children have but he is my pride and joy.
I know what you mean, I feel the same about Siobhan.

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Old 20-10-2006, 22:20   #10
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Re: Proud parent!!

Originally Posted by jackyalex
i could hardly see her through my tears
Awww, that one reminds me of my youngest going to the dentist last month. She needed a couple of teeth extracting. She had to have the injection in her gums, God she really was so brave!! Eventually though, it all got to much for her as the root on the furthest back tooth was still solidly embedded so they had to send her to the hospital to have it took out whilst she was asleep ...... that was another weeping session for Mummy
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Old 20-10-2006, 22:27   #11
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Re: Proud parent!!

It's hard to pick out a single event. With Mimi it's probably got to be the way she was determined to fight back after her accident and seeing her walk again for the first time as she tottered unsteadily towards me.
With Em I'll go for the day she had an opinion on something in her Sunday School class and wouldn't let people leave until she had told them what she wanted to say. She had thought it all out so well and she was only about 5 at the time.

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Old 28-10-2006, 00:13   #12
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Re: Proud parent!!

Sorry for the length, but thanks for the opportunity to share with you guys!

Our son Joshua (fishandchips to you guys) made us so proud yesterday. He's only 13 (8th grade) but has been running on the High School Cross Country Team (they run 5k meets). For the past 2 months he has been the only 8th grader to stick out the gruelling practices and races. Last month, he had his first meet at "home." He finished last by almost 2 minutes (28 minutes and 30 seconds). We were proud just that he continued running though so far behind.

In the next races around the state, his best time was 26 min and 30 secs.. At the home course, he couldn't finish in less then 27 minutes though he really worked hard to.

Yesterday our high school hosted the "District Meet." There were 6 teams competing. Joshua was nervous (to the point of crying) for the first time. I told him he had worked hard enough to break 26 minutes. He said he just wanted to break under 27 minutes.

This shy, little, skinny kid ran so well. We knew he was gonna have a good time. Coming down the home stretch he was running top speed and beat another kid right at the finish! FINAL TIME 24 MINUTES AND 47 SECONDS!!!

It was SO cool!

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Old 28-10-2006, 00:25   #13
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Re: Proud parent!!

This thread is so heart warming.

Real lump in your throat stuff.

If anyone would like to have my babies, after a suitable courtship, please pm me.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 28-10-2006, 00:43   #14
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Re: Proud parent!!

Originally Posted by garinda
If anyone would like to have my babies, after a suitable courtship, please pm me.
Then pm me for a Rindy reference ..... with picures ......
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Old 28-10-2006, 09:27   #15
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Re: Proud parent!!

Very proud of both of mine last week when they both came home with Headmaster's awards after both (independently) were put into the golden book and presented with stickers at the assembly.

Continually amazed by how clever Maddie is as she has just learnt how to do Sudoku puzzles - she just showed me the sudoku extreme puzzle that she'd just completed all by herself last night. Admittedly for children but she's only 7 and the book is for 7 to 10 year olds.

Proud of Zack last week when he scored a goal in his soccer tots class. I was very proud of him a few months ago when he went to his first taster session at school and he very politely pushed his chair back in after leaving the table. Also, when he told the teacher the answer to a sum and it was clear that she wasn't expecting a four year old to know the answer without using his fingers.

Actually, proud of them every day.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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