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Anything Goes Anything goes.....well, you'll get away with more here than anywhere else on Accyweb! But remember, we are a child friendly forum!

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Old 17-08-2006, 11:50   #1
Senior Member
talentedbutslow's Avatar



        • I worked years for someone else
          So that I could retire.
          I dreamed of sleeping late
          And sitting by the fire.

          I dreamed of long vacations,
          Enjoying stage and song.
          But, let me set you straight on that concept,
          It is simply wrong.

          I did junk my safety glasses
          And the work boots that cramped my toes.
          But, the rest of it had a mind of it's own
          And this is how it goes.

          My wife had been thinking of retirement
          And had plans of her own.
          She had spent much time with the kids
          But, now they are grown and gone.

          We sold our cattle and horses
          So we wouldn't have that chore.
          I poured concrete over my alarm clock
          But, I still wake up at four.

          I get my eyes checked on Monday.
          Maggie gets hers checked the next day.
          I go for a colon check on Wednesday
          And pass my wife going the other way.

          I have a dental appointment on Thursday.
          Ann goes for a test on her heart.
          Friday we go get prescriptions filled
          And browse a while at Wal-mart.

          Saturdays we just stay home
          And try to get the paper work right.
          We can't take any overnight trips
          'Cause we can't see to drive at night.

          Restroom confusion keeps us out of church on Sunday
          And we really do hate that.
          There's nothing wrong with the restrooms,
          We just can't remember where they're at.

          We don't need to plan next week,
          Just make sure we can drive.
          And not forget where the hospitals and clinics are.
          We'll need them to survive.

          So, don't build your castles too high, my friend,
          While strolling through the clover.
          This is a typical week in retirement
          And on Monday we start all over!
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