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17-06-2014, 15:05
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SCAMeron "be more British"
Be more British Cameron tells UK Muslims: PM issues powerful new pledge to combat extremism | Mail Online
While I think the message is quite simple (Come to England because you want to live in England with English folk and adopt the culture as opposed to coming to England to recreate the laws/culture etc that one left behind)
Perhaps SCAMeron could 'be more British himself' and work for the British people 
Of course, everyone should abide by the law  , but trying to force people to eat fish and chips or a "Full English" is just stupid IMO.Can you imagine the outcry of anti-Semitism if SCAMeron said 'be more British to UK Jews'?
"He plans to use 800th anniversary of Magna Carta to reassert British values" (maybe Westminster would be a good starting point then) 
He must of had a change of heart
Last edited by Accyexplorer; 17-06-2014 at 15:10.
17-06-2014, 16:26
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Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
Originally Posted by Accyexplorer
'be more British to UK Jews'? :
Probably 'cause it ain't necessary ... don't hear of too many Jews blowing up the tube or the buses ... or hacking British soldiers to death in the middle of the street ... or mad Rabbis preaching hate for Western values. And they have a sense of humour about life, the universe, and everything. And a good look at what is going on in the Middle East shows, if it shows anything, that your (and our) only true and trustworthy ally in that region, the only country which has respect for democracy and civilized values, is Israel.
17-06-2014, 17:03
Beacon of light
Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
I don't think he is trying to make anyone eat fish and chips.
He just wants people who come here to be more tolerant.
Over the years the British people have been tolerant of those who come to add to the way of life here.
But recently the change has been forced upon us and with a rapidity that has never been seen before(and I think that has to be the crux of the matter - all done for the cause of social engineering).......and lots of people have come here...not necessarily to enrich the fabric of British life...but because they can come here and take from a pot that they have never contributed to....they can even send money back to their homeland(which benefits their economy rather than ours).
I have no qualms about accepting those who come her and can live alongside us without want us to change to their ways. I do not mind anyone maintaining their religion, keeping their culture(as the Jews have done)....I do not ask them to celebrate Christmas, I do not want to celebrate Eid.
I do not want to fear those who made this their home, but then blow up the people they came to live amongst.
I do not wish to hear that children in their schools are being brainwashed with ideas that white women are prostitutes....and that they need to wage a jihad against those who do not follow the tenets of Islam.
Because I do not make a huge show of my faith is no reason to imagine I have none.
Their intolerance of us has made us intolerant of them
If you come and live in a western country then you must be prepared to tolerate the things that you find here....well, either that or leave for somewhwere that is more to your taste...and make sure the door doesn't hit you on the behind on your way out.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
17-06-2014, 17:08
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Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
Originally Posted by Eric
Probably 'cause it ain't necessary ... don't hear of too many Jews blowing up the tube or the buses ... or hacking British soldiers to death in the middle of the street ... or mad Rabbis preaching hate for Western values. .
Yup Eric they have come a long way since the days of the Stern Gang and Irgun haven't they?
AccyX have a google if you need to know more. 
17-06-2014, 17:52
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Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
Originally Posted by Eric
Probably 'cause it ain't necessary ... don't hear of too many Jews blowing up the tube or the buses ... or hacking British soldiers to death in the middle of the street ... or mad Rabbis preaching hate for Western values. And they have a sense of humour about life, the universe, and everything. And a good look at what is going on in the Middle East shows, if it shows anything, that your (and our) only true and trustworthy ally in that region, the only country which has respect for democracy and civilized values, is Israel.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I don't think he is trying to make anyone eat fish and chips.
He just wants people who come here to be more tolerant.
Over the years the British people have been tolerant of those who come to add to the way of life here.
But recently the change has been forced upon us and with a rapidity that has never been seen before(and I think that has to be the crux of the matter - all done for the cause of social engineering).......and lots of people have come here...not necessarily to enrich the fabric of British life...but because they can come here and take from a pot that they have never contributed to....they can even send money back to their homeland(which benefits their economy rather than ours).
I have no qualms about accepting those who come her and can live alongside us without want us to change to their ways. I do not mind anyone maintaining their religion, keeping their culture(as the Jews have done)....I do not ask them to celebrate Christmas, I do not want to celebrate Eid.
I do not want to fear those who made this their home, but then blow up the people they came to live amongst.
I do not wish to hear that children in their schools are being brainwashed with ideas that white women are prostitutes....and that they need to wage a jihad against those who do not follow the tenets of Islam.
Because I do not make a huge show of my faith is no reason to imagine I have none.
Their intolerance of us has made us intolerant of them
If you come and live in a western country then you must be prepared to tolerate the things that you find here....well, either that or leave for somewhwere that is more to your taste...and make sure the door doesn't hit you on the behind on your way out.
I agree (to a point), Just pointing out that it seems a tad racist,he's a twit (for a choice of better words) as he's singled out Muslims from other religions.
Go to one of our Jewish North London towns and see how 'integrated' they are. HELL, they've encircled entire British towns with poles and wire and declared them as Jewish and nobody gives a flying. They don't work on Saturdays as it's 'special to their religion'  . Muslims haven't done anything 'like that' yet are being asked to be more British 
17-06-2014, 18:27
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
He probably highlighted those of Muslim faith because they appear to be those less inclined to assimilate. Within the UK there are numerous faiths & races many with attitudes & cultures which are completely alien to the majority of us "Brits", still regardless of their funny ways & customs we are prepared to accept & accommodate these folk to a point & being Brits we expect the same in return.
Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be happening & as a result we're getting a tad miffed with these people. Politicoes, being the leeches they are are scenting an opportunity & as usual are shamelessly using it to garner advantage, case in point, this appeal from Cameron! Well, for as long as it suits then it'll be onto the next little earner. Being British isn't something that can be learnt, it is & always will be, a state of being that you're born & raised too.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
17-06-2014, 18:45
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Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
The Koran is the problem ... it establishes a non-negotiable brick wall (come to think of it all brick walls are non-negotiable, unless you have the skill to build a door or use a ladder ... or tie a bunch of explosives to your body and lean on it  ), a bottom line, a point at which all rational argument fails. It's kinda like the US Constitution, an eighteenth century good idea most of which has had its day ... ok, I know the Koran's seventh century, give or take; but I hope you get what I mean. For most Christians (let's leave out the American Bible Belt)  , the Bible is, let's say "negotiable" ... a decent set of guidelines. As long as Muslims act as if the Koran is the final word, in fact the WORD of GOD, they ain't gonna fit into a society like Britain's.
17-06-2014, 19:30
Beacon of light
Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
No, I don't think he is being racist at all.
If Muslims want to perpetrate acts of terror on the country they have adopted.....the country they chose to come to....possibly because they have the freedom of speech and expression.....and of course the opportunity.
And ok, not all Muslims are the same....and yet even the moderate Muslims do not speak out against their brothers who choose to do these things.
Islam is supposed to be a faith that espouses peace. Yet their are Muslims in Iraq and Syria that are beheading their Muslim brothers, men who also worship the same god.....and showing off their conquests, disrespecting the bodies of their fellow Muslims......all because they are a different sect.
You are probably going to highlight that this is similar to what happened in Northern Ireland.
To some degree you would be right, but the levels of barbarity are subtly different.
The terrorists in this case just happen to be Muslim. The situation in the schools in Birmingham just happen to be engineered by Muslims, who are inculcating children with extreme beliefs which may radicalise them....and it certainly will not lead to these children integrating successfully.
I don't think British values can be taught....and the problem is that many of these people see themselves as Muslim first and British last
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
17-06-2014, 19:40
Beacon of light
Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
Where are these places that the Jews have surrounded with poles and wire and declared as Jewish?
So Jews observe the sabbath on a Saturday....so what? How much does it impinge on your life?
They integrate a darn sight better than many Muslims.
Jewish people do tend to congregate in areas, but I have never yet heard anyone complain that they could not travel freely through those areas without threat.
Someone I know was accosted by a group of men in Nelson and told in threatening terms that he was not welcome in a Muslim area.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
17-06-2014, 20:38
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
SCAMeron "be more British"
Why do we never hear about the Chinese?
They have a monopoly on chippys these days, they don't intergrate they just work hard and get on with making the odd penny or two.
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17-06-2014, 21:28
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Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
Originally Posted by Less
Why do we never hear about the Chinese?
they don't intergrate
But no doubt their kids do. As they do over here:
Sweet, not to mention amazing, 16 | The Kingston Whig-Standard
17-06-2014, 21:36
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Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
somebody who has destroyed more of britain than anybody else . the institutions of royal mail , bt, nhs , the utilities, british gas, etc yes lets be more british  we had it all and we sold it off for a quick buck to the tory spivs who then sold it off to overseas governments.
17-06-2014, 21:52
Beacon of light
Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
Yes, somebody did do a lot of damage to the fabric of Britain.
He did this by not listening to the very real concerns of the electorate.
Now, let me think.....what was he called?
Oh, I know....it was Tony Blair.
He wanted multiculturalism.....but he got far more than he bargained for.....and he was/is too pig headed and arrogant to EVER admit that what he and new labour did to this country was WRONG.
It isn't something that can ever be put right.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
17-06-2014, 23:30
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Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
well i think whoever was in government tories or labour this would have happened as the money men believe in the adam smith philosophy of increasing the population to make more money, has immigration lessened under the tories ? nope its actually increased. just the other day they they made it easier for the chinese to enter the uk  multi culturalism started under the tories in the 1950s and i think when i find the figures immigration from the sub continent dropped during the 2000s.
18-06-2014, 01:00
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Re: SCAMeron "be more British"
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Where are these places that the Jews have surrounded with poles and wire and declared as Jewish?
National Secular Society - Controversial eruv given go-ahead by local authorities
So Jews observe the sabbath on a Saturday....so what? How much does it impinge on your life? Fair play
They integrate a darn sight better than many Muslims.
Jewish people do tend to congregate in areas, but I have never yet heard anyone complain that they could not travel freely through those areas without threat.
Someone I know was accosted by a group of men in Nelson and told in threatening terms that he was not welcome in a Muslim area.
I'm not (really) against immigration, countries like the U.K, Canada etc, have reaped benefits from using/exploiting the resources of less developed countries.Whether it's extracting resources (cheap labour), or political manipulation. So (IMO) it's only natural that 'some of' them folk from those countries are able to reap some of the benefits from this 'relationship'.
Maybe cameron wants them to grow a moustache (or get a clip on joke shop version), drink tea and talk about the weather (with a stiff upper lip) while eating scones 
Calling for people to 'be more British' is just some hocus pocus doublespeak to make that twit sound like he actually gives a flying about immigration.
If he gave a rats backside, he would offer free English lessons to immigrants to help ruddy integration (it'd be a good starting point).
Anyway, I'm heavily medicated so it's goodnight from me 
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