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Old 05-02-2008, 12:09   #1
☆ V.I.P Member ☆
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Angry sick sick sick

Microwave Murder Case: China Arnold Accused Of Cooking Baby |Sky News|World News

Mum Cooked Baby After Partner Cheated
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Old 05-02-2008, 12:19   #2
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Re: sick sick sick

I think its sick that they question the ethics of the lethal injection but still give such sentences regardless of how many mistakes they make with capital punishment mistakes they make every year.

She is innocent until proven guilty I guess. They say they aren't sure how she died although she gave hints about the microwave? Dont CATS explode in the microwave? Or is that a myth? Wouldn't a baby do the same thing?
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Old 05-02-2008, 12:20   #3
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Re: sick sick sick

OH MY GOD!!! that sick bitch wants shooting
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Old 05-02-2008, 12:22   #4
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Re: sick sick sick

She hasn't had a full trial yet! She could still be proven innocent!

I actually worry about how effective jury service is when someone can read a single news paper report and come to the conclusion someone is guilty and needs shooting. No wonder there are injustices!
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Old 05-02-2008, 12:23   #5
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Re: sick sick sick

but that can also work the other way too blazey, she could be guilty and let off
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Old 05-02-2008, 12:29   #6
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Re: sick sick sick

Originally Posted by flashytart View Post
but that can also work the other way too blazey, she could be guilty and let off
In a state that has the death penalty they dont normally 'do' leniency. She's going to get convicted whether she is guilty or not, and the question will simply be whether she does get the death penalty or not. And if Ohio is anthing like Texas and the likes she might as well say her last confessions now.
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Old 05-02-2008, 17:55   #7
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Re: sick sick sick

This was a few years ago, i think its been mentioned on here before. This sick woman should never be allowed out, and should face the death penalty, the only problem is she probably never will, she will go on and on on death row appeal after appeal and never actually be put to death, she should be tortured just like she inflicted onto the poor baby,
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Old 05-02-2008, 18:56   #8
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Re: sick sick sick

I dont think sick people should be put to death. Normally when we use that word it implies there is something abnormal, normally with mentality in this context, and in our country 'sick' people are treated and rehabilitated.

I believe these kind of people have some sort of defect and although they may not be 'curable', they may also not be able to control their behaviour too.

We live in a society of conflict and some people advocate certain types of death whilst others do not. Whilst the ratio's vary, I believe some situations that are beyond the majoritys level of comprehension is actually no different, however controversial, than the other ways we justify and advocate death.
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Old 06-02-2008, 10:48   #9
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Re: sick sick sick

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
I dont think sick people should be put to death. Normally when we use that word it implies there is something abnormal, normally with mentality in this context, and in our country 'sick' people are treated and rehabilitated.

I believe these kind of people have some sort of defect and although they may not be 'curable', they may also not be able to control their behaviour too.

We live in a society of conflict and some people advocate certain types of death whilst others do not. Whilst the ratio's vary, I believe some situations that are beyond the majoritys level of comprehension is actually no different, however controversial, than the other ways we justify and advocate death.
Just depends what you call sick blazey, were Bradey and Hindley sick were Fred and Rose West sick, it seems that they all try the mental illness get-out-clause when it comes to these atrocities
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Old 06-02-2008, 19:57   #10
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Re: sick sick sick

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Just depends what you call sick blazey, were Bradey and Hindley sick were Fred and Rose West sick, it seems that they all try the mental illness get-out-clause when it comes to these atrocities
Its not a get out clause though. You find a very very small percentage claim insanity as a defence because of the unpredictable time you will end up spending in an institution. Many people who ARE insane prefer to just plead guilty to murder and get a set sentence, same goes for child sex offenders and rapists. A paedophile could please insanity but he'd be in hospital for a lot longer than a prison sentence, why? Because there is no cure for paedophilia, its pretty much a preference, not an illness, like being homosexual.

think its something like 3% of murderers plead insanity or something like that. Not very high, I know that much.
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Old 06-02-2008, 20:11   #11
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Re: sick sick sick

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Its not a get out clause though. You find a very very small percentage claim insanity as a defence because of the unpredictable time you will end up spending in an institution. Many people who ARE insane prefer to just plead guilty to murder and get a set sentence, same goes for child sex offenders and rapists. A paedophile could please insanity but he'd be in hospital for a lot longer than a prison sentence, why? Because there is no cure for paedophilia, its pretty much a preference, not an illness, like being homosexual.

think its something like 3% of murderers plead insanity or something like that. Not very high, I know that much.
When did homosexuality become classed as an illness ?
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Old 06-02-2008, 20:15   #12
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Re: sick sick sick

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
When did homosexuality become classed as an illness ?
It was classed as an illness at one point, not now, but I said it was a PREFERENCE, like paedophilia and there is no such thing as a cure for it.
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Old 07-02-2008, 06:00   #13
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Re: sick sick sick

It is a fact that in some places in America you will live longer on death row than you would on the streets
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Old 07-02-2008, 09:55   #14
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Re: sick sick sick

It says she's been accused. It doesn't say she has been found guilty. She says she doesn't know what happened. Maybe she IS guilty of being too high as a kite to know how her baby died but look at cases where women have been found guilty of murdering their baby only later to have been proved that it was natural causes and the evidence was wrong.

I don't think we know enough about this case from the linked report to be able to make any kind of judgement.

All we can say is that IF any woman did microwave a baby as a method of revenge against her partner for walking out then there is something seriously wrong with that woman - but note the 'if'.

Would a baby even fit in a microwave? I'm puzzled even by the practicalities of this.

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Old 07-02-2008, 10:11   #15
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Re: sick sick sick

The main thing is is HOW this baby died and WHO is responsible if the baby was murdered!

wouldnt the baby have started cooking from the inside, if she had put the poor thing in the microwave, and if so wouldnt they have known this during the postmortem?
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