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  • 1 Post By Less
  • 2 Post By DaveinGermany
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Old 23-06-2022, 18:36   #1
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Something Evil About Karaoke

At least there was in the pub I've just called in to avoid the rain.
Normally we have people that can't sing hoping the audience is tone deaf and actually thought their rendition of 'I did it my way' didn't make them sound like Tiny Tim singing 'Tip toe through the tulips', sadly they are almost always wrong.
One of the things the DJ often does is replay their singing so they can hear what it was actually like.
The guy in charge on this occasion, evil, evil, evil!
Not only does the performer and audience have a re-play of the off tone out of sync version, but to add to their misery, he also plays the original version by the top of the range singist afterwards.
I have never before witnessed such cruelty, why not cut out the middle man? Just play the record?.
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Old 24-06-2022, 15:13   #2
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Something Evil About Karaoke

Ah, "Gary Oakey, that bane of the boozer, you amble in with a couple of mates to have a scoop or three, bit of a chat & maybe some background interference from the "Jukie" all within bounds, only to find "Gary Oakey" has turned up, dumped his gear in the corner & the tone deaf & disasterous of the local estate are in full swing!

Now if you had the misfortune to have ordered between "Artists", you sink your pint & swiftly move on to more genteel surroundings, but if you catch the caterwauling as you walk through the door, lucky you, a nippy 180 & off to somewhere more appealing.

Aye, Karaoke, making mugs out of the public since the 80's.
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Old 17-07-2022, 11:41   #3
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Something Evil About Karaoke

i have always hated karaoke it gets fools who think they can sing its terrible. when i could drink i went in one once to see and regretted it,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 17-07-2022, 13:13   #4
Beacon of light

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Re: Something Evil About Karaoke

I hate it too…but only because I cannot join in.
I cannot carry a tune in a bucket.
Do you remember Les Dawson playing piano out of tune….well I could probably sing to that!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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