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Post By Less
Post By landhusweg
Post By dotti34
Post By dotti34
Post By Less
28-07-2022, 16:36
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Spider, Spider, On The Wall...
I moved into this house back in 2007, I thought I was living alone.
After a short while I realised I was sharing the premises with a wolf spider living just under the skirting board of the bathroom.
Didn't give it much thought carried on with life and over the years it would seem to come and go.
It has re-appeared after an absence of a couple of years, at first I thought a different spider, but being curious I googled, and it seems they can live for up to 25 years so it could be the same one.
I decided I would get a web cam to watch it, after all it would just sit still if it knew I had walked in.
£30 spent hoping that I could maybe capture it's life when I wasn't around and maybe share it with others.
I was about to set it up when the thought struck me, a web cam in the bathroom? Now I don't get many female visitors but even with the lens pointing away from the toilet it has to be a no, no, I'd better leave the spider to it's privacy rather than be accused of voyeurism
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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28-07-2022, 16:52
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Re: Spider, Spider, On The Wall...
Over the years my wife has made friends with a couple of spiders (Daddy Long Legs). They come and go and like Less’s they hang about in the bathroom. The love it when she showers and the steam rises upwards near their “nest”.
A couple of times the female (must be) came and showed her the new young ones, very cute really.
29-07-2022, 05:00
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Re: Spider, Spider, On The Wall...
Good thinking, Less, because you know that no-one would have believed your story about the spider being the reason for the web cam being there. Would you have believed it if it had been anyone else's story.....
Last edited by dotti34; 29-07-2022 at 05:03.
29-07-2022, 05:04
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Re: Spider, Spider, On The Wall...
We used to have a Huntsman Spider that lived in the house for ages. Didn’t move far and we called it Sebastian.
05-08-2022, 05:40
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Re: Spider, Spider, On The Wall...
This should probably be in the blog section but as, in my opinion at least, it’s a step up from a spider in the bathroom I thought I’d include it here.
Had a different sort of visitor late the other night. I was fast asleep when there was a huge clatter from the fireplace, woke me up good and proper. It sounded like the chimney was falling in, that was until I saw an animal in the room. Looked like an overgrown rat – bigger even than a cat, but when I saw the bushy tail I realised that a possum had fallen down the chimney. I do not want any ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ because although possums have been written up as lovely little creatures in children’s books, they are pests. They carry disease, they scratch and bite, they can be vicious, and they leave deposits everywhere.
I chased it with a broom and it went into the bathroom, so I promptly closed the door on it. After a sleepless night, me that is - not the possum, followed by a friend’s unsuccessful attempt to get it out and a number of phone calls, a man came to remove it at 5 o’clock the next day. Thankfully my loo is not in the bathroom. otherwise I would have been up the proverbial creek without a paddle. Originally having climbed behind some pipes under the sink, it was now asleep on a towel it had pulled from the rack. The man wore overalls, goggles, a hat – don’t know what that was for, a mask, and some very long strong gloves.
The possum was uncooperative, and by the time it had been sent on its way outside, the bathroom looked like a battle had been fought in there. Definitely a lot of deposits on the floor, so a thorough cleaning had to take place, being extremely careful because it’s mainly the faeces that carry disease. The man was breathing heavy, had broken a spin mop that doesn’t spin anymore, and used three bath towels.
As I have already had a bird down the chimney and now a possum I’m getting it blocked up. Father Christmas will have to find another way down. Oh! the joys of living in Australia….and Less, I’d rather have your spider any day, with or without a web cam.
Last edited by dotti34; 05-08-2022 at 05:46.
05-08-2022, 07:09
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Spider, Spider, On The Wall...
If you had only said, I've got a spare web cam from a non starting project, you could have turned the possum into a star...
Ah, no, same problem can't put camera in the bathroom.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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05-08-2022, 07:43
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Re: Spider, Spider, On The Wall...
Less, that picture is hilarious, it has made me laugh so much that it has been almost (though I do mean only 'almost') worth having had the possum experience. It's a gem.
05-08-2022, 09:02
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Spider, Spider, On The Wall...
Originally Posted by dotti34
Less, that picture is hilarious, it has made me laugh so much that it has been almost (though I do mean only 'almost') worth having had the possum experience. It's a gem.
These things are only a click away, out there on the www, do you know? There are even a few piccys of peoples cats that can be googled.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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