20-04-2005, 16:05
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Re: Super Nanny........
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Hasn't that kid's dad heard of passwords?
I guess you didn't watch it willow.........it was good this time. Yes the father had a password but as the LITTLE DARLING gloated on t.v ''I found out my daddy's password and I bid on ebay, the last thing I bided on was a toy train''.
I would sooooooooooo kill my kids for that lmao, little ******. He was 8 years old and spoke like a 58 year old, I blame the parents because the father said right at the beginning, '' I make my children be independant and adult about things''. Yes thats fine but there is a extent because it is just smacking the parents in the face. The children ruled that house. The youngest little girl WOULD NOT go to bed, she said ''I will go when you and dad go to bed''.
They had to lock themselves in the livingroom at night to get any peace because the children were up and down stairs all night until they went to bed around mid night, it was a night mare.
I think it will be on ITV2 soon willow if you want to watch it.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??
Miracles do happen!!