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Old 20-04-2005, 15:48   #1
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Super Nanny........

Has anyone watched that programme 'The super Nanny'??.

Some of the things that she says I think ''mmmmmm wonder if she has any children of her own''. Sometimes I think these people have no kids then try to teach others how to bring there kids up.
Some of the THINGS she uses to try and teach the kids between RIGHT and WRONG I dont agree with.
I watched it last night and in this one household was 4 children (very unruley) ones at that.
The eldest boy was 8 and he used to go on his dads computer and BID on ebay for things with his dads credit cards. Sometimes I watch this programme just to remind me (om my bad days with the kids) that mine are really quite good kids lol.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 20-04-2005, 15:50   #2
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Re: Super Nanny........

Hasn't that kid's dad heard of passwords?

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Old 20-04-2005, 16:05   #3
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Re: Super Nanny........

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Hasn't that kid's dad heard of passwords?
I guess you didn't watch it was good this time. Yes the father had a password but as the LITTLE DARLING gloated on t.v ''I found out my daddy's password and I bid on ebay, the last thing I bided on was a toy train''.
I would sooooooooooo kill my kids for that lmao, little ******. He was 8 years old and spoke like a 58 year old, I blame the parents because the father said right at the beginning, '' I make my children be independant and adult about things''. Yes thats fine but there is a extent because it is just smacking the parents in the face. The children ruled that house. The youngest little girl WOULD NOT go to bed, she said ''I will go when you and dad go to bed''.
They had to lock themselves in the livingroom at night to get any peace because the children were up and down stairs all night until they went to bed around mid night, it was a night mare.
I think it will be on ITV2 soon willow if you want to watch it.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 20-04-2005, 16:20   #4
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Re: Super Nanny........

I watch it so that my own kids don't look so bad. Thing is with kids is that they need and understand discipline. All these parents who bang on about teaching them independence from a young age are idiots. Kids need boundarys and rules so that they can make sense of the world.

I don't always agree with Super Nanny's ideas but she's trying to tame children who've already gone past the stage of reasonable ideas.

One thing I have noticed about all these families on this programme is that if the Mother was counselled they'd find that in most cases they are depressed. A depressed Mother can change the dynamics in a house totally.
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Old 20-04-2005, 16:22   #5
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Re: Super Nanny........

Originally Posted by PurpleLass

One thing I have noticed about all these families on this programme is that if the Mother was counselled they'd find that in most cases they are depressed. A depressed Mother can change the dynamics in a house totally.
I agree with you there
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 20-04-2005, 19:45   #6
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Re: Super Nanny........

Super Nanny was on Loose Women today.......and guess what.... she has no kids!
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Old 20-04-2005, 19:53   #7
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Re: Super Nanny........

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Super Nanny was on Loose Women today.......and guess what.... she has no kids!

Yep i knew it margaret see my point???????? people with no kids dont know how they would deal with........disciplining them.......when your motherly instinct tells you that you have to protect them too. Who said parenting was easy??
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 20-04-2005, 19:56   #8
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Re: Super Nanny........

No it definitely isn't fact I think it is getting harder.
Children don't come with a user manual.
You never really know if what you are doing is the right can only go on gut instinct and hope for the best.
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Old 20-04-2005, 19:59   #9
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Re: Super Nanny........

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
No it definitely isn't fact I think it is getting harder.
Children don't come with a user manual.
You never really know if what you are doing is the right can only go on gut instinct and hope for the best.
That is soooo true margaret, you worry if you dont do anything, you worry if you do....basically you cant win which ever way, like you said you have to work on basic instinct.
Oh (off thread) but thanks for playing with munch haven't had time to feed him yet. He is very well now though thankyou.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 20-04-2005, 20:05   #10
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Re: Super Nanny........

You are very welcome thread again.

Back to the the kids seem to have much higher expectations, and parents are under pressure. The kids will tell you...'but, everyone has one ' or another favourite......'my friends mum says it is alright'.......and they form their own ideas so young these days. What clothes to wear........wanting named gear.

I'm so glad I have left those days behind me.
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Old 20-04-2005, 20:08   #11
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Re: Super Nanny........

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
You are very welcome thread again.

Back to the the kids seem to have much higher expectations, and parents are under pressure. The kids will tell you...'but, everyone has one ' or another favourite......'my friends mum says it is alright'.......and they form their own ideas so young these days. What clothes to wear........wanting named gear.

I'm so glad I have left those days behind me.
That is so true margaret. Only yesterday I bought my kids a pair of trainers that are very similar to nike shocks (the in thing at the moment) they liked them but informed me that ''mum they look like nikies but they aint''. At 7&6 i am damned if i am going to buy them nike shocks at £60 a pair for them to go on there bikes and use them as breaks!!!!!
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 20-04-2005, 20:17   #12
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Re: Super Nanny........

The power of advertising eh!
I really think that Childrens TV should have NO adverts.
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Old 21-04-2005, 17:06   #13
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Re: Super Nanny........

Super Nanny is a great show..............just goes to show that not everyone is perfect.......i think some of her methods are good and i have tried the naughty step with my youngest as she was getting a little swine,and it does actually work.

Some of the ideas you will not agree with as we all bring our kids up differently, but you have just got to sit back and watch the kids change for the better most of the time,you can't put her down for making parents stand up to the brats for once,and changing the way they live.

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Old 21-04-2005, 17:38   #14
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Re: Super Nanny........

I haven't watched Super Nanny yet but I love watching those kinda of programs! What day/time/channel is it on Slinky? Did anyone watch the series DRIVING MUM & DAD CRAZY? That was a similar kind of program. I don't have any kids so I know I can't really understand fully but I just don't know how it gets to the point that children under 5 are the ones who rule the house!
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Old 21-04-2005, 21:24   #15
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Re: Super Nanny........

Originally Posted by ShortStuff
I haven't watched Super Nanny yet but I love watching those kinda of programs! What day/time/channel is it on Slinky? Did anyone watch the series DRIVING MUM & DAD CRAZY? That was a similar kind of program. I don't have any kids so I know I can't really understand fully but I just don't know how it gets to the point that children under 5 are the ones who rule the house!
It is on teusday nights shorty........not sure of the time but I think it is about 9pm on ITV. It is quite interesting just dont think I agree with what she does, but the again I used the old fashioned way with my kids and in my opinion these are always the best. No pussy footing around with them, if I have said dont do it.........I MEAN DONT DO IT.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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