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16-10-2013, 17:42
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Re: Susie123.
Originally Posted by Restless
Some members of my extended family I might say I care less for than I do for some members of the online world 
That's cos we're a happy bunch here at "The hundred Accy wood". 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
16-10-2013, 22:02
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Re: Susie123.
Well - "unfortunately" Sue is back on the Accyweb quiz as from today -that's for us poor mortals who all slip back a place  Welcome back Sue  xx
“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” ~ D. H. Lawrence
17-10-2013, 07:08
Beacon of light
Re: Susie123.
Hoooray, even though she is not back on the main forum...that is really good news....though perhaps not for you quiz folks...sorry about that 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
18-10-2013, 10:38
Resting In Peace
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Re: Susie123.
Well here I am back again and I must say I am touched by your concern and gobsmacked by the efforts made to find me (even in the obits!). I think Sherlock must be Margaret R's middle name and we'd better move that camper before anyone moves it for us!
Thank you for all the pms and emails which I haven't answered, also for this thread. And Mrs P how lovely (apart from my literally having just reached for a sick bowl with one hand while picking up the phone with the other) to hear your voice - my first real contact with an Accywebber!
As to where I've been for the last few weeks... some of you may remember that I was in hospital for most of May with something called septic arthritis in my knee and wrist and elbow, caused by bacteria in the blood, which was treated with large doses of antibiotics once they had worked out what the problem was. I spent most of June recovering from the after effects of the antibiotics and then we had a great time in July. I felt as though someone had flicked a switch and made me feel myself again. We went on a few trips and had a few days in the camper at Ravenglass on the Cumbrian coast, a very peaceful place with a good campsite and more important, a pub serving good cheap grub and real ale That was the last time I had a beer.
Anyway in August the problem recurred, this time in my other knee. It comes on over a few days till the pain becomes so excruciating you cannot walk or even stand and something has to be done. My GP came to see me and arranged a trip to hospital and an emergency ambulance to get me there. So I had little chance to let people know what was happening. No computer in hospital but would you believe it they installed wifi on the day I left!
I was in hospital for eight weeks as the infection was a lot worse than before and still hasn't cleared up. I also have an abscess somewhere inside which is draining into my leg though it has subsided somewhat. Also the physios made me get up and try to walk even though my knee was so swollen and I tried to tell them it was too soon but they wouldn't listen. So now I can't put my foot down to bear my weight let alone walk.
The problem with our house is stairs as we have a long steep staircase from front door to bedroom and ten steps outside to front door so the ambulance men had to carry me down as there was no question of me walking down. Then they had to carry me up again when I came home which wasn't such an easy task. In fact the powers that be wouldn't discharge me till an assessment was done to see if it was safe.
They asked me if I wanted to go to a hospice but that is just not me so here I am at home in a proper hospital style bed, with carers and district nurse plus a partner who is getting grumpier by the day. He told me that at one point they didn't think I would make it as the drugs I was taking were causing problems but I don't remember much about it. I did however find it rather suspicious that several members of my family plus Richard's sister from France and a couple of neighbours turned up to see me. Mind you they all had other valid reasons for being around.
I am now a course of antibiotics which make me feel a bit gruesome, I still have a painful knee and a swollen leg and no prospect of getting down the stairs and out of the house. Oh well it could be worse - Accyweb could have ceased to exist while I've been away!
Thanks for persevering with my ramblings and once again, I'm touched by your concern. It's good to be back among friends. I've been home ten days but my computer had problems so couldn't get in touch any sooner. Think it was sympathising with me being sick!
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
18-10-2013, 11:41
Beacon of light
Re: Susie123.
Susie, I cannot tell you how pleased I am to see this post.
You have had a rough old trot...and still are not completely over it. I send you my best wishes for the carers to give you kind care, the district nurses to have gentle hands......the antibiotics to be fierce against the bugs, but kind to you(I know that won't happen any time soon) and that Richard can feel less grumpy.
If I am being kind, I would have to say it is just as hard to watch someone you care about getting sicker by the day and not knowing how to help...or not being able to help in a practical way.
It was lovely speaking to you too....I was afraid I had spooked you or aggravated you...I know from my own recent experinecs that when you are sick you don't always have the patience to talk.......and if you had told me to 'bu88er off'......I would happily have done so, as my mission was complete.......I could report back and say I had spoken to you. 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
18-10-2013, 12:03
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Re: Susie123.
Nice to see you back on here Sue.
18-10-2013, 12:26
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Re: Susie123.
Nice to see you back Susie, I wonder if your friend from the "Friends of the Cemetery" told you I had been enquiring after you. She told me you were home but not well but didn't elaborate. I traced you from the the article you wrote for the "friends of the Cemetery" which also had phone number on it.
Take your time lass, do what you can when you can now we know what's what.
Gremlin R.T.
18-10-2013, 12:35
Beacon of light
Re: Susie123.
Russell, that is really good advice. Go to the top of the class and you can give out the pencils and the rubbers. 
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
18-10-2013, 12:39
Beacon of light
Re: Susie123.
I do wish that there were still the old convalescent homes...like the one I used to send my ladies to in Southport.
There they got sea air, good food and were looked after for 3 weeks.
I know it is going to take longer than 3 weeks to get better Sue, but 3 weeks in a non hospital environment...but with care like you had in the hsopital would give Richard a break, and you too would not have to worry about meals, laundry and all the other things that make life harder than it needs to be.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
18-10-2013, 14:47
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Re: Susie123.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Russell, that is really good advice. Go to the top of the class and you can give out the pencils and the rubbers. 
Thank you Margaret, that advice was given to June by our good friend Dr Ravi Singh after he had diagnosed her heart failure and I heed it myself now.
May I mix the blue ink powder and water and top up the ink wells on the desk instead of giving out the pencils and rubbers?
I used to love that job at Walsden primary school, just so I could get the powder all over my fingers and pretend I had some mysterious disease.
Gremlin R.T.
18-10-2013, 14:53
Resting In Peace
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Re: Susie123.
Originally Posted by Gremlin
I used to be in regular contact with Sue, both emails and PM's but her replies suddenly stopped.
I tried to find her phone number but she must be ex directory.
I hope she returns to our screens before too long.
She was a great comfort to me after I lost my wife,as were a few other forum members.
Originally Posted by Restless
Guess the Ex-Directory thing wasn't setup for her correctly then.
Thanks for those kind words Russell. I'm not actually ex-d but the phone line is in Richard's name.
Originally Posted by davemac
My contacts with her through the PM system were open and honest about her condition, I would have thought, if she was able, she would have let us know if she was going to be absent for a long period.
She certainly would have!
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
I PM'd her last week- no response. If she is switched on but not accessing Accyweb she'd still see the PMs on her emails, wouldn't she?
Very worrying.
No Gordon, I switched off the function where I get an email with each pm - I'm on Accyweb often enough to know when a pm comes.
Originally Posted by Eric
I was wondering if any accywebbers get over Morecambe way, or knows someone who lives there ... maybe someone could check up on her ... I browsed thru the local rags, "The Lancaster and Morecambe Citizen" and the "Westmorland Gazette" and found nothing. Maybe she still has fairly close relatives in Accy area.
Yes, my brother John Creasey lives at Belthorn near Blackburn, top of the hill opposite the Dog Inn.
Originally Posted by Eric
Yeah ... I checked the obits too ... keeping my fingers crossed ... found nothing. There are those of us who live in the far flung reaches of the Empah who don't have personal contact with anyone over there. I'm going to make sure that my obit in the "Kingston Whig-Standard" includes a fond goodbye to AccyWeb. I'm not leaping to any worse-case-scenario conclusions here; just thinking that there are ways to avoid worrying speculations.
What a good idea Eric, must remember that one!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Not everyone has their obit put into the local paper...I know my Ma has specifically forbidden such a thing when she shufles off this mortal coil.
Sounds just like your Ma!
Originally Posted by Gremlin
If I knew her address Eric I would ask friend who lives in Morecambe to visit her, I may even have a drive over there as I have lots of time to spare nowadays. I have tried unsuccessfully to find a phone number for her.
I'd love to see you here Russell, anytime you fancy dropping by.
Originally Posted by Retlaw
Does any one who know her full name, then a call to Blackpool or Preston Hospital, might throw some light on the problem, her full name should also find her address in the electoral rolls.
Wouldn't have worked, Retlaw, as I was in RLI Lancaster, but thanks for the thought.
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Thank you Margaret.
Do you think it is wise to phone? Would it be seen as an invasion of their privacy.
You obviously think I have the skills needed to do this....I will have to think carefully how to approach this.
Originally Posted by Restless
If their number is in the phonebook then in a sense it isn't an invasion of privacy. But I agree its touchy to ring... But we all care and hope she is well.
Originally Posted by Less
Wouldn't it be a lack of sensitivity if we didn't bother to find out?
We all know she wasn't well, we all wish her the best, however, far better to enquire so that if it is the worse news relatives know we cared?

Originally Posted by Less
If no-one else will, send me the number and I'll ask.
Shucks - I've missed out on an opportunity to speak to the Grand Wizard! But Margaret's phone call was really welcome - and spookily came as I was just about to go back on Accyweb!
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I have just spent about half an hour on the phone to Sue......she is very touched that we have been thinking(and worrying about her)and took the trouble to find out how to contact her......she is hoping to be back on line very soon and will be catching up with what has gone on while she has been away.
She won't go into the details of her absence, other than to say that she has been laid up in hospital. Thanks must also go to the sleuth that is MargaretR...after all, it was she who found the number(I failed, miserably)...and it was she who nominated me to contact Sue.
MargaretR...thanks for your confidence in me 
Hear hear!
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Reading through it's been a proper (cyber) community effort turned real, well done all involved. 
Hear hear again.
Originally Posted by Restless
Most certainly.  We don't always agree on everything and this forum is a good platform for debate... Things can get heated but what good debate never did. Some members of my extended family I might say I care less for than I do for some members of the online world  and yes that might even extend to Less too 
That sums it up nicely Rob.
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
18-10-2013, 15:22
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Re: Susie123.
Great to see you back on Sue.
18-10-2013, 15:29
Resting In Peace
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Re: Susie123.
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Susie, I cannot tell you how pleased I am to see this post.
You have had a rough old trot...and still are not completely over it. I send you my best wishes for the carers to give you kind care, the district nurses to have gentle hands......the antibiotics to be fierce against the bugs, but kind to you(I know that won't happen any time soon) and that Richard can feel less grumpy.
If I am being kind, I would have to say it is just as hard to watch someone you care about getting sicker by the day and not knowing how to help...or not being able to help in a practical way.
It was lovely speaking to you too....I was afraid I had spooked you or aggravated you...I know from my own recent experinecs that when you are sick you don't always have the patience to talk.......and if you had told me to 'bu88er off'......I would happily have done so, as my mission was complete.......I could report back and say I had spoken to you. 
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
I do wish that there were still the old convalescent homes...like the one I used to send my ladies to in Southport.
There they got sea air, good food and were looked after for 3 weeks.
I know it is going to take longer than 3 weeks to get better Sue, but 3 weeks in a non hospital environment...but with care like you had in the hsopital would give Richard a break, and you too would not have to worry about meals, laundry and all the other things that make life harder than it needs to be.
Maybe I should have gone to the hospice and given Richard a proper break but I think it's the sparring and the grumpiness that keeps up going. I couldn't envisage being on my own and he would still have to visit as he did in hospital. Anyway I like planning our meals even if I can't cook them any more and he can't cook for toffee (did somebody mention toffee? Treacle please as it's nearly Bonfire Night.)
I know that it's frustrating for him not to be able to help and you've had long experience of this sort of thing both in your job and more recently with your family. We'll get through it... Three weeks in Southport sounds lovely though...
Once again thanks for getting in touch and I wish you and your family well in their difficulties.
BTW I wonder where you got the idea from that Richard was not computer literate as you mentioned in a previous post, or were you joking?
He spends all his time at work looking after ancient computers and then comes home and starts on his own projects. He would do it 24/7 if he could and says it's his way of relaxing but I do wish he'd find something else as well. He does however come in useful when my computer needs fixing!
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
18-10-2013, 15:32
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Re: Susie123.
I wish I had a computer guru at times
18-10-2013, 15:50
Beacon of light
Re: Susie123.
Sue, I was confusing him with my old man...he isn't computer literate at all, but I also felt that if you were really poorly (or worse) then the last thing that he would be wanting to be doing would be coming on here to a barrage of questions.
My apologies for getting that one wrong.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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