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Old 01-09-2014, 14:45   #31
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Re: T T T Tourette's

Originally Posted by Less View Post
No risk, more of an inevitability.
Here, have a winky smiley just to show I mean no harm.

Oops sorry I'm new at this.
Don't pull your punches for me Less, I'm sure you meant this one
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Old 01-09-2014, 14:51   #32
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Re: T T T Tourette's

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Don't pull your punches for me Less, I'm sure you meant this one
Not at all, I wouldn't waste a finger on you, I don't know were you've been and as your posts always prove, you are hard to follow so I'll never know where your going.

By the way, you don't deserve a long bacon so don't expect one from me.
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Old 01-09-2014, 15:09   #33
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Re: T T T Tourette's

I do have some empathy when it comes to disabilities and comedy and some comedians do take it too far (even for a heartless troll like myself).
Maybe it is wrong for me to laugh,same as it's probably wrong to laugh when I see someone slip or fall....I know I shouldn't laugh...but......I suppose I've just got bad taste when it comes to comedy.
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Old 01-09-2014, 15:14   #34
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Re: T T T Tourette's

I have very bad taste when it comes to laughing at stuff, but also try to have the sense to know when to exercise it.
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Old 01-09-2014, 15:33   #35
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Re: T T T Tourette's

Laughing at scousers, or the Irish is different.....they probably make jokes at the expense of other nationalities......and laughing at people slipping on a banana skin is different too.

If you find something funny, then you find it funny....but it might be worthwhile keeping it to,yourself......and to post something because it is a provocative subject is not the way to go.
It might work on Facebook, but not on here.
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Old 01-09-2014, 16:09   #36
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Re: T T T Tourette's

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
So you were just trolling by posting something crass(sorry, provocative).
Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Yes, I guess so
If you want to do some really good trolling start a thread called 'Margaret Thatcher deserves a Sainthood'.
That should get a lively response!
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Old 01-09-2014, 16:28   #37
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Re: T T T Tourette's

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
I have very bad taste when it comes to laughing at stuff, but also try to have the sense to know when to exercise it.
That's a lesson I still need to learn, I'd give your comment a like but I'd only get accused of trying to gain "friendship/brownie points"

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
If you find something funny, then you find it funny....but it might be worthwhile keeping it to,yourself......and to post something because it is a provocative subject is not the way to go.
It might work on Facebook, but not on here.
I don't use Facebook M, It does nothing for me (in far too opinionated)...

... Or are you suggesting I start using it instead of posting my "crap" on here

I hope you know,I didn't start this thread so I could say unpleasant,offensive or poke fun at, folk with disabilities under the guise of it being called humour
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Old 01-09-2014, 16:29   #38
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Re: T T T Tourette's

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
If you want to do some really good trolling start a thread called 'Margaret Thatcher deserves a Sainthood'.
That should get a lively response!
Are you suggesting she doesn't G?
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Old 01-09-2014, 16:50   #39
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Re: T T T Tourette's

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post

I don't use Facebook M, It does nothing for me (in far too opinionated)...

... Or are you suggesting I start using it instead of posting my "crap" on here
Nope....I wasn't suggesting anything like that at all and you should know by now if that is what I meant......I would have come out and said it.
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Old 01-09-2014, 16:53   #40
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Re: T T T Tourette's

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Laughing at scousers, or the Irish is different.....they probably make jokes at the expense of other nationalities......and laughing at people slipping on a banana skin is different too
If one laughs at Irish/Liverpudlian man jokes where national or racial stereotypes are played on then (imo) surely one can't really take exception to disability jokes (as long as they are not derogatory).

After the comments I've already received, I am quite ready to get rocks thrown at me if you disagree
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Old 01-09-2014, 17:33   #41
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Re: T T T Tourette's

I don't throw rocks at you as I believe that you are entitled to your opinion.

I have already said that humour is a personal thing....what makes some people laugh goes right over my head.......many of today's comedians are just not funny.
In fact, many of them make me feel that my funny bone has been removed.

Jason, you have already said that you posted this thread purely to get a have had a response.
Now stop digging, you are in deep enough as it is.
This will be my last post to this thread as I feel it has run it's course. If you haven't got it by now then it is unlikely that you ever will.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 01-09-2014, 22:28   #42
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Re: T T T Tourette's

Accyexplorer – Like Margaret I also think that this has run its course. Your responses as you try to justify your comments, making ridiculous comparisons between those who can help themselves and are able-bodied and those who for no fault of their own have been saddled with a debilitating disability, are deplorable.

Rather than being ‘provocative’ – I’d rather use the word ‘crass’ as Gordon B did – I find you have now become very boring as you try to defend the way you think, and the pathetic reasons you put forward as to why you started this thread.

You have, of course, the choice to think and act whatever way you wish to – unlike the people who have the syndrome you enjoy making fun of.
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Old 02-09-2014, 01:09   #43
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Re: T T T Tourette's

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I don't throw rocks at you as I believe that you are entitled to your opinion.

I have already said that humour is a personal thing....what makes some people laugh goes right over my head.......many of today's comedians are just not funny.
In fact, many of them make me feel that my funny bone has been removed.

Jason, you have already said that you posted this thread purely to get a have had a response.
Now stop digging, you are in deep enough as it is.
This will be my last post to this thread as I feel it has run it's course. If you haven't got it by now then it is unlikely that you ever will.
It wasn't "purely" to get a reaction M , I did want to have a little debate about a controversial subject without folk taking the moral high ground (not that that is what you're doing) I'll stop digging now ...

..... Perhaps, I should/could be a little more sensitive and choose my words a bit more wisely in future ....See you in the parking thread (Or other) if you don't want to comment on this thread

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
Accyexplorer – Like Margaret I also think that this has run its course. Your responses as you try to justify your comments, making ridiculous comparisons between those who can help themselves and are able-bodied and those who for no fault of their own have been saddled with a debilitating disability, are deplorable.

Rather than being ‘provocative’ – I’d rather use the word ‘crass’ as Gordon B did – I find you have now become very boring as you try to defend the way you think, and the pathetic reasons you put forward as to why you started this thread.

You have, of course, the choice to think and act whatever way you wish to – unlike the people who have the syndrome you enjoy making fun of.
If folk 'question' my comments its only right that I (try) justify them dotti.....however, on this occasion I feel the need to because (imo) some folk need to pull themselves together, lighten up and stop the faux outrage at every little comment I make....SO:-

I didn't start the thread pointing my finger and making fun of folk who suffer from Tourette's. Like I've said, It's more the inappropriate swearing and noises they make that I find amusing (it adds a little more character I think).I know it may seem distasteful to most but I've a dry (very dry) sense of humour.
Sorry if I offended you folks but, I won't walk on eggshells.

If you don't want to debate the subject dotti, thats fine, just ignore it
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Last edited by Accyexplorer; 02-09-2014 at 01:11.
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Old 02-09-2014, 06:11   #44
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Re: T T T Tourette's

Accyexplorer – yes, you did make fun of people with Tourettes when you started this thread. The swearing and noises they make are part of the syndrome so if you find this amusing then you are still poking fun at them.

By the way, I am not ‘debating’ this subject with you – debating means arguing the fact in a formal way of making a resolution. There is no argument here and there will be no resolution while we are of such differing opinions as to what is the right way to show compassion and understanding, when the need arises, to a fellow man (or woman).

I would call your so-called sense of humour a warped one rather than dry and as for your expression ‘faux outrage’ – believe you me there is nothing false about my outrage.
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Old 02-09-2014, 11:02   #45
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Re: T T T Tourette's

Originally Posted by dotti34 View Post
By the way, I am not ‘debating’ this subject with you – debating means arguing the fact in a formal way of making a resolution. There is no argument here and there will be no resolution while we are of such differing opinions as to what is the right way to show compassion and understanding, when the need arises, to a fellow man (or woman).
At least we're in agreement about something dotti,the very basics of having an open discussion or 'debate' involves bringing proper arguments backed up by facts and making refutations with counter-arguments.....none of which really seems to have been done nor do I see it happening with our "differing opinions".

Maybe,I could've had a bit more compassion etc when commenting and starting the thread but "hindsight is always 20/20" and with that I bid you good day
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Last edited by Accyexplorer; 02-09-2014 at 11:07.
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